Boards Reconciliation He says he would like to get back but…

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  • #35994
    • Total Posts: 711

    Ok, so … I had a huge breakdown. Due to me seeing other people getting ahead and me being still in the same place. But I don’t want to think about it anymore. I will find a way to get to where I want. I started writting. With no intention in sending him this. But now I think I might have a draft of a letter.

    Now I am going to enjoy myself a bit, get to where I need to go to get my studies going and then sweat it all in the gym.

    I hope all of you are having a great day and that you are shinning and surrounding yourself with nothing but light and positiveness πŸ™‚ thank you for all your support you have been great to me

    • Total Posts: 711

    Ok, so … I had a huge breakdown. Due to me seeing other people getting ahead and me being still in the same place. But I don’t want to think about it anymore. I will find a way to get to where I want. I started writting. With no intention in sending him this. But now I think I might have a draft of a letter.

    Now I am going to enjoy myself a bit, get to where I need to go to get my studies going and then sweat it all in the gym.

    I hope all of you are having a great day and that you are shinning and surrounding yourself with nothing but light and positiveness πŸ™‚ thank you for all your support you have been great to me

    • Total Posts: 44

    Ahh don’t compare yourself to others! You’ll find your feet soon…you’re still young my dear.

    You’re doing great with the job interviews etc. you’re heading in the right direction and that’s all that matters.

    Yes take some time out and do things that make you happy! πŸ™‚

    Keep smiling!

    • Total Posts: 711

    It’s so hard… for some reason I have been feeling really connected to him in a way. I don’t know if this is me going nuts or what. It probably is.

    Also I am afraid I will have to delay me going to college for another year. It sucks…

    What about you? When are you meeting him again? I don’t think you said which day specifically. Just that it would be over the weekend.

    • Total Posts: 44

    Ahh no how come? A year isn’t that long though. You’re planning to go that’s the main thing.

    I am meeting him on Sunday. Really don’t know what to expect! To be honest. Excited but nervous. Just want him back.

    I just thought have you ever heard of kik app? It’s an app you can download on your phone where you can chat to people. All you need is to give your username. You mentioned wanting to chat-maybe we could on there. That way we wouldn’t be giving out any personal info on here just a username?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Bah. My mind is going nuts. With thinking this makes no sense. I just to get back already. Argh.
    It must feel great for you knowing you have a chance of it happening soon to you πŸ™‚ You did say you were making a mistake and he agreed to meet. But try not to go full of expectations either. It will be great, you will see!

    Well I have heard but didn’t use it. I just created an account. It’s kailak19 πŸ™‚
    If anyone else wants to add, feel free

    • Total Posts: 711

    When I see situations where people want to get back to an ex that is unstable and doesn’t seem to want to change I think it’s not the right time for them to get back. And then I start thinking… well I as unstable with my ex. I do want to change though and I told him that. That is talked about. But the day we broke up he said there were things that worried him about the future but we ended up not talking about them he didnt wanted to. And he never talked about it again ever. Maybe those things are still holding him back. Maybe he thinks well… i like her, would like to work it out… but she did this and this… she says she has changed… ok maybe… but what about this and this and this? I don’t think she is the person for me.

    I really regret not asking more questions. You don’t feel ready? Why? Is there anything else holding you back? You say you changed things about yourself that you wish you didn’t? What were they? That would make us talk about things, about the base of the relationship. I talked about a lot of stuff but none about those important issues. The time to do it was then. Now I don’t know if I willl ever have the oportunity to discuss them. And the fact I didn’t ask specifically what he didnt wanted to have changed about himself, etc etc might have sent the message that I dont care

    • Total Posts: 11

    @kaila Thank you for replying to my post! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I finally had a chance to get caught up on where you are at. I really think you still have a great chance at getting back with him. You just need to keep doing what you’re doing and give it time. I also think you should keep your mind open to meeting new people. Sometimes just the thought of an ex starting a relationship with somebody else is enough to make somebody realize that they made a huge mistake. So even if you just go on a few dates (nothing serious), it could help things. You sound like the kind of girl that doesn’t jump from relationship to relationship, which is a good thing, but it is backfiring on you right now. Some girls will go from relationship to relationship even if the guy isn’t 100% what they are looking for. Then they try to change the guy into what they want him to be. You are the opposite. You look for the kind of guy that you want, and when you find him you end up falling head over heals. When you fall head over heals in love it can make you do crazy things and sometimes you end up pushing the guy away that you love so much. In my opinion I would rather be with a girl like you then a girl that tries to change who I am. I’m sure your ex is the same way, he just needs time to realize that. It’s hard to figure girls out sometimes. Anyway, feel free to send me a message on KIK (tmg0907)! Hope all is well!

    • Total Posts: 711

    Hi michael thank you for your feedback! No problem in taking some time πŸ™‚ Thank you for not forgeting to do so.

    You are right. I don’t jump from relationship to relationship. Mainly now, after my other ex of two years, I realized I needed someone that would fit with what I wanted in life and all that. And my ex didn’t. He was too lazy and afraid of life. So from that point on I started being more picky. Also I really truly wanted to be single and not have anything holding me back if I wanted to move to other country or something. Until me and this guy started dating. Even then I was in conflict with myself over this, you know?

    Also, unfortunately I would get angry with him a lot and I made him change things about him :/ but now I think diferently, I want a long relationship with him. And that can only work if he is himself 100% and me as well. I really want to know if we can work now that I see things so diferently and I am not afraid of commiting myself and going on this journey with him. I just really hope he will give us that chance to try it out and see if we can work :/

    He has almost everything really. He is such a great person. I would not put 3 years of being single and being able to do and go whatever I wanted for anyone. I just didnt know better at the time and how to not stress the small things, how to let myself just be vulnerable and not feel bad or over analyze everything :/

    But I am really confident I do now. And that I know how to keep a long term relationship.(the 2 year one was long distance so not really the same)

    The only thing is I am more lively than he is. I am really goofy and playful, he isnt as much. Also he has more trouble comunicating. But we were getting there. He made efforts to meet me halfway in both of those issues πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 60

    kaila.. i wanted to thank you for that youtube video u posted on a chat. If me and my ex get back together i am definitely gonna show her it (we’ve been NC for 3 weeks so far). i wish you all the best with your situation.. i know how tough it is. Hang in there!

    • Total Posts: 711

    I am glad @Phonis πŸ™‚ if you have any advice for me let me know

    • Total Posts: 711

    A little update. He untagged him from a photo he put up with me when we were together. Didn’t erase it though. Maybe he is slowly untagging and will erase it after so that I don’t suposedly notice so easily? For a month and a half he didnt do anything to any photo, so why now? I am going on 2 weeks of no contact, is this making him move further away from me? Last time he did something to the photos he untagged himself from pics I put up where we were really close hugging kissing etc, and it was just before our month date that went really well that he even grabbed my hand and where he said for the first time he had hopes we could work it out.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Hi kaila.

    You asked me to read your story. I’ll try tomorrow afternoon. I’m on European time so night time here.

    I just glanced at the comments above here whilst scrolling down the page.

    Some quick advice. Over thinking and over analyzing every move a person makes is pointless. Stop it. Stop looking at his Facebook. That’s important too.

    It sounds like you are still too caught up in everything. You will only get him back by letting him go. That sounds strange but it’s true. Let him do whatever he wants. You do whatever you want. By being so into him you might freak him out and it doesn’t allow yourself to make the changes for you. Start thinking differently. Do things. Always remember that if you want something then you can never obsess about it.

    P.s. Interesting you mentioned feeling connected to him. It’s because you may very well be. And if you feel those things then Trust them. If you feel like you know the end result then Trust in that. And let it be. Let it flow.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Thank you so much patrick and of course take your time and come back whenever you have some πŸ™‚

    Patrick… I feel in my heart this is so right. I doubt myself a lot probably for low self esteem reasons. But he loved me so much. He tried to change for me so much, did so much effort… I just think if those issues didnt exist… then it would be awesome. I know he is right for me. I am afraid he doesnt think the same about me. So… I do feel things would work. I do feel it’s only right we give it a chance. If I feel we will get back… i don’t know.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Kaila, I feel the same way. I know in my heart we’re so perfect together and he’s right for me. But I don’t think he feels the same. He shut me out emotionally and never let me show him how I had changed. He even said I know you’ve changed but the resentment I have towards you isn’t letting me appreciate you. It’s the most frustrating feeling in the world.

    Just don’t force yourself onto him. It’ll happen when he’s ready to see how good you are for him. Men are so stubborn (as are women sometimes). Maybe try social media to subtly show him how you’ve changed or why you’re so good for him?

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