Boards Reconciliation He says he would like to get back but…

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  • #35647
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    I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life until about a month ago!! You might as well take the time out to work that out first than just do anything for the sake of it and in a few years time think this isn’t what I want to do. The business idea sounds great. You sound like you know which direction you want to go in…this is a start!!!

    Also don’t think that he doesn’t care because he doesn’t contact you. My ex has never contacted me in the time we have broke up and we are meeting this weekend. It means nothing! Guys tend to go quiet when things are too much girls on the other hand tend to be more vocal! I initiated contact on all occasions with my ex and sometimes he didn’t reply to my texts. So don’t think that!

    • Total Posts: 146

    @Jen8720: Ya I do think it is best if u dont bring up the relationship u had, and ya also if he will start to talk about it, then i think you should have short, and clear answers abut it, not in a negative way but a positive outlook and such… I think you will do great ! πŸ™‚ honestly the first meet up is prbably going to be a bit weird and such but the first minutes are always like that. And you need to look ur best ! and feel confident urself. if u shine out confidet and sexy energy he will be amazed probably =)
    i wanted to ask him on friday if he wants to hang out or do smthn together.. for fun and such.. but he has plans with friends, but i still want to try to see if he does care enough to spend some time with me somewhere else than my room and his car…
    well we broke up in december on our anniversary, and well it was cause i didnt behave better when i was mad(i didnt yell AT HIM, but i was annoyed whole day or i was like oh this shit and this fuck and bla bla all day…). and also I was putting him throught stressful relationship and .. i think he was at his limit and couldnt take that anymore..and everyone knew (especially me and him) we loved each other a great great deal, but he is a person that is better off alone than with peopl, he is a loner and he needed his alone time and i didnt gave it to him πŸ™ also our biggest problem was drugs. we did drugs together and everytime we did there was something wrong for 2-3 days cause we were brainwashed of 3days doing cocaine and speed and such.. and no sleep… so ya now we both r clean. i think if it werent for drugs we’d still be together cause we had one fight sober. the other things were just his assumptions while high…

    : oh well my ex also was thinking more the bad stuff than good. so ya it is really esential for you to get balanced ad centered! I had to do that too. i suggest every morning 10 minutes of medtiation , cause it makes u positiver and more balaced throught the whole day. and when u reach out to him be improved and changed for the better. be urself but improved yourself. Hmm and be positive at all cost πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 44

    Oh wow tami420 the drugs would definitely not have helped you both!! Well done for being clean though..I think you needed to get drugs out your lives as they can cloud everything!
    Yeh I plan to look great! Haha I have a knew hair cut and haircolour so hopefully this will work! I’m a little scared things will feel too weird but I guess that is normal. Feel like we are strangers now…bit sad but hopefully I can get things back in track and if not then it’s time to move on I think. I can’t chase someone forever!

    • Total Posts: 711


    I think he will probably be so happy to see you and will see how changed you are and be interested on what you have been up to πŸ™‚

    Also my ultimate dream would be to have a few of my own businesses, that would be healthy, good for the environment and animals. In the beauty area and healthy food πŸ˜› but I love so many things, I have always been passionate about decor for example and I want to take some course one day. Maybe it could be a second career πŸ˜› I lack no ideas or interests to have many careers. But I only have one short life and can’t do it all. Also financially it’s difficult. How much do you pay for a year at a college there? Maybe we should create a thread just to chit chat? πŸ˜›

    It seems our guys pushed us to go forward with our life. At the end we are winning also πŸ™‚

    I was just skyping with a friend and he questioned me about doing no contact for a month. If I think it would really be a good idea, that he doesn’t want me to regret it. I did regret doing no contact for two weeks before. But it was at the time after our really good “date”. Now it’s a different time, but I am nervous now :/
    It makes me really happy that he wore the t-shirt for the whole weekend. And I know he wore it because it’s about his motorcycle, but I also hope he wore it so that a bit of me was with him there and because he likes me…

    • Total Posts: 711

    Tami, I have seen a few shows about this. And please if you guys get back nd you get back to drugs, just break up… it’s not worth it. Other than that, yes, meet at a place outside and have a date like meet up, you don’t want it to start being about sex.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Why when I am feeling good about things there is always someone that has to turn the few positive things about this situation into something bad and be cold and harsh with me? I was feeling good but there had to be someone coming up to me to ask me about the situation and just because I said I was happy he wore the shirt so much and hoped it made him remember me the whole time and all they think it’s a good idea to say “it’s just a shirt!” -.-‘ oh thanks! just what I needed to hear! very f****** useful

    • Total Posts: 44

    Well she doesn’t sound very nice to be honest so I wouldn’t care what she thinks!! It’s a good thing when someone wears something you bought them-it makes you feel like you’ve done good! I would avoid chatting to this person in future. She doesn’t really understand does she? Don’t get worked up over it though or let it get you down!

    • Total Posts: 711

    She was one of the most positive people in the beginning. She used to say that we love each other, that we will get back for sure. But then she stopped smoking and at around that time I had really bad days and she said I was starting to get obsessed. From that point on she never encouraged me as much or anything. And she never used to talk to me like that.

    Have you seen my previous post? I am asking because I asked how much you pay for a year of college there so maybe you haven’t seen it : x

    How are you today?

    • Total Posts: 44

    Ahh it just sounds like maybe she is a bit tired of hearing you talk about him. We all obsess a bit but talking about it helps I think so we tend to talk and talk and tLk about it. I talked to my sister loads about my ex and in the end I could see was getting tired of talking about it. Which I can understand! Haha well It depends what you are studying really. If you decide to study at university for an overseas student you will probs pay about Β£6,000 a year!! That would be if you were doing a degree. For college course these will be far less!

    I am ok today. Seriously stressed with work etc but ok. How did the job hunting go?

    • Total Posts: 94

    You really do need to do NC for a solid month. Your relationship wasn’t long but if you let him think about what hes lost maybe he will reconsider. Don’t be available to him at all. Maybe he should be the one reaching out. Just focus on yourself and forget him for now.

    • Total Posts: 146

    Any updates @kaila? or @Jen8720?

    me and my ex had a great time yesterday tho, he came over to my place and we had fun and talked about good memories we had and we were like cuddling and we even hugged and omg it was amazing.. sex also HAH XDDD we also talked about the drugs and we both said; lets hope we never do them again lol. but we both are decided at least notfor a year and after a year passes an0ther year no drugs :p and when he went home we also texted a little god i am really happy πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    good tami πŸ™‚ i think you are back x)

    no updates. I am between feeling somewhat good and strong and breaking down at any time. I dream about him every night now. Today we were basically back together and were talking about kids! Lol! He was like, yeah let’s do them when we are out of here (we were at some gathering with friends). Oh my…

    I don’t know. She was the one to come to me and ask. I think it’s the smoking to be honest. She has been rude since she stopped.
    That doesn’t seem like much for someone from there. Here we pay 1000 euros a year x)
    The job hunting… Well no news for now. I just want to start working already

    yes, I guess… but I am so affraid. That he moves on, gets more distant. I am always thinking if I should send him a letter or something… I think I will go two more weeks no contact (its been 1) or maybe even three, and then I will try to arrange something πŸ™‚ I want to ask me to get apiece of hardware for my pc at his work so I think I will think of something like that and try to go somewhere nice with him.
    It actually makes me rreally happy and proud he still goes out with me and says he would like to get back even after two months of us being apart

    • Total Posts: 35


    You just need to rid yourself of your insecurities and get your priorities in order. Excuse me for saying this in a manner as such, but at your age you should at least have a GED, a car, a job, and be living on your own. I am very aware that some people move at a slower pace, but love should be the last thing on your mind at the moment. Focus on yourself for the time being. Become a stable, self-fulfilling, woman. When you become strong enough to rely on yourself, you will no longer need another person’s acceptance. That’s all this man’s love is at the moment, acceptance. You feel that since he left you, you are not good enough. It’s up to you to prove yourself wrong.

    • Total Posts: 711

    @TJ that might be the case in other places. Here maybe 10% of people my age live on their own. That isn’t common at lot. It’s a cultural thing. Even my guy doesn’t live on his own. It’s gonna take me a few years to get there as I am will still go to college. Only after that I can move out unless we get back, he moves out, and I go live with him.

    And yeah, when me and him got together I thought I was cheating life in terms of the rule of “if you want a certain type of person you need to be that person”. But that isn’t why I feel bad about it. I know he loved and believed me enough to be with me no matter my life at this time. I truly value him as a person. But yes, all of this makes me want to surpass myself. Be myself but version 2.0 πŸ™‚ This is my personal growth plan name πŸ˜‰ Kaila 2.0

    • Total Posts: 711

    I’ve got another interview tomorrow uhuh πŸ˜€

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