Boards Reconciliation Going through some things. Would like some advice

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  • #65113
    • Total Posts: 149

    Do you have a way to take a vacation? Do you have some friends that can join you even if it’s a day roadtrip? A vacation, roadtrip unfortunately is not going to make things a lot better but it can definitely help. I would get out as much as possible so you can experience the world and what it has to offer. Go hiking or jet skiing (which is one of my favorite things to do when I’m very depressed)….see if you can find a float tank. Have you ever heard of a float tank that allows you to just lay in a tank of water and relax? You can’t do it though if you’re claustrophobic. Basically, you fall asleep on top of water in this enclosed tank and it really calms your anxiety and helps so well with depression. If you can fall asleep, you sleep for an hour or hour and a half and once you wake up, you really feel refreshed….or at least most people do.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Is that like a sensory deprivation chamber? I had planned to do that with her when she was going to visit. I think I might feel weird doing it alone.

    I don’t think any of my friends have the time or money to put into a road trip. I could ask, but I don’t expect much. I had looked at a map to see how long it would take to drive anywhere I want to go… about 10 hours in any direction.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yeah, it’s a sensory deprivation chamber type. House did it on an episode of House…if you ever watched that show. Well, the tank is small, you would do 1 person at a time.

    So, you’re talking about going on a trip alone? Well, I’ve done that several times just to get away to think, but without people and I always think more of my ex since I always think she would like it here. I’m not sure what your mind frame would be if you do that. Anything you can do to alleviate your symptoms, I say to do it.

    • Total Posts: 76

    It would probably make things worse. I’d probably just make myself feel more alone and make her absence more prominent in my mind. It’s just that I feel like I’m going crazy being stuck at home. I guess the problem isn’t my location. It’s just me.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yeah, you have to get out of the house……like I said before, staying in isolation will just get your further and further into depression. Do you like to run or jog? Do you have a dog or pets?

    • Total Posts: 76

    I do like to run and I started skateboarding during the month when I was pushing my comfort zone a lot and have kept with it pretty regularly. I sprained my ankle recently while skateboarding so I’ve not been very mobile the past couple weeks. It’s been frustrating. I have two small dogs.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Do they have dog parks where you live or even just some parks you could take your dogs walking? I have a dachshund wiener dog named Sammy and he loves to go walking. To see him happy and wagging his tail always seems to cheer me up when I’m down.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Yeah we have parks around here. I think there’s a dog park nearby but I’m not sure where it is. I could try to find it.

    I dunno how much that’ll help but I guess if I’m going crazy in the house and need to go somewhere it’s not a bad idea.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yeah, exactly! See….that’s what I’m thinking since you said you were going crazy just being in the house. It’s the cheapest way to just get out of the house with your 2 dogs and just enjoy being away from the house and the sun provides you with natural vitamin D which greatly helps with depression.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Maybe I’ll try it sometime. It’s been extremely hot lately, unusually so. Hopefully it’ll cool off a bit soon or maybe I can try going in the evenings. I dunno. I’ll see. I really wish I had some idea of what to do with her. I keep going around in my head wondering what I could do. Would it be bad to send her something? The next time we talk should I ask if it’d be okay for me to visit sometime? I don’t know. Doing nothing but waiting for her to call every 2 weeks or however long it takes feels like drowning.

    • Total Posts: 149

    I’m in San Antonio, where in the country are you? The heat high is strong in the mid section of the country causing record heat. I would go in the evenings after it cools off before nighttime. That way you and the dogs will enjoy it. Send her something like what? I would wait before you talk about going to see her. She might think it’s weird since you’re just talking….although not as much as you want.

    • Total Posts: 76

    I’m in boise idaho.

    I really don’t know. I feel like I need to do something. Maybe I’m just being crazy… I woke up this morning feeling like a complete wreck. The dreams are getting to be too much. Every day that goes by that she doesn’t say anything, I feel more and more despair. I don’t have any sort of plan or idea of what I should do. I want so much to be with her again and the thought of losing her forever feels like I’m ripping my heart out. I haven’t said anything to her since thursday, which is the day after she was sending me snapchats. tomorrow will be two weeks since we last talked on the phone. I hope she’ll call again soon. I’m trying to hold out and not do anything stupid or regretful.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yes, what ever you do, don’t do anything you’ll regret later. Just make yourself get out in the evening when it cools down with your dogs and try to enjoy the sunset or the nighttime sky. If anything, she’s probably just doing the usual of being overwhelmed with school and everything. Try not to take her not talking to you too personal because I don’t really think she’s trying to purposely not contact you. I think she probably just gets so overwhelmed and then it gets late and she gets exhausted, maybe in a bad mood and then just doesn’t feel like talking. Besides, you said she needed to get a new phone so she probably will when she does.

    • Total Posts: 149

    By the way, I went through Mountain home and Boise years ago when I met a girl off the Internet up there. She was the weirdest girl I’ve ever met and she took me to her dad’s farm and kissed one of the cows named Betsie on the nose. She ate cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will never forget that experience.

    • Total Posts: 76

    You’re probably right. I’m sure that’s all it is… I hope so.

    Wow. Yeah… sounds like weird Idaho people. Lol. Im from Las Vegas so i definitely have an outsider perspective on this place too. Boise is practically normal compared to East Idaho. I spent around 8 or 9 years pretty much isolated stuck over by Pocatello. Really wish that didn’t happen… but it did. At least I’m not there now.

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