Boards Reconciliation God, bring him back to me please…

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  • #12863
    • Total Posts: 2

    Yeah @sarai I still feel like you shouldn’t respond. If anything him reaching out shows that the NC is working. What if you respond, and then the conversation stops? You’ll be so angry with yourself for saying something.

    It’s incredibly hard and not everyone gets through it without making any sort of contact, but to get something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done!

    • Total Posts: 8

    Hey guys! Wanted to update you on my situation…
    So i did reply to his text about 11 hours later. I said I was good thanks, he said: “Good to hear…How are things at the house?” I said different but good. Then he asked me if I was watching our fave tv show? I didnt reply to that…not ready for that small talk like nothing is happening. He has not text me or contacted me since then. Its going on 3 weeks now of NC and Im getting antsy. He just finished a fitness race that he has been training for, so now is when he is going to start to let loose and go out to bars and stuff. Im concerned cause obviously here is the opportunity to meet other girls and completely forget about me. Im going to continue with NC and Im working on myself as well, but the thought of this not working is eating me up. What you guys think?

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