Boards No Contact Rule Ex slept with new girl

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  • #61421
    • Total Posts: 134

    yeah Im a guy..girls please boys arent so smart to plan something like thath to have power over the situation.. He just want to see you to know if he still got any chance with you. If I was in your situaction I would go there and show him my best edition and act hard to get.

    • Total Posts: 188

    Thats true too. He may just simply wanna see me. Im still deciding. So ill let you guys know when the day comes. Thanks so much for all the help guys!

    • Total Posts: 134

    keep updating news 😀 np you also helped me alot 🙂

    • Total Posts: 188


    I ran into him on campus today and it was great! I used to see him on tuesdays in passing, but havent in the past couple of weeks. He usually just smiles and walks by. Today he stoped and asked me how I was and we talked for a little bit. He was so smiley and I made him laugh. Makes me wanna see him again on Thursday.

    • Total Posts: 134

    oh that are great news, Im so happy for you..maybe NC worked for you two

    • Total Posts: 188

    I think it way to early, but hopefully we get o good terms again and when he moves close to me in July we can start again

    • Total Posts: 134

    yeah its early to tell but you two are on good way 🙂

    • Total Posts: 85

    Sounds pretty positive to me. Did you guys talk about meeting on Thursday? How did he react?

    • Total Posts: 188

    We didn’t talk about Thursday because I had to cut him off because my bus pulled up.. I was like “ohh theres my busI got to go, bye!” and he was like “see ya later” So I think thats a good sign.

    • Total Posts: 85

    fingers x on Thursday then. Keep us posted 🙂

    • Total Posts: 188

    He canceled. So I’m done forever. I put myself out there when he asked to hangout… this makes me realize he isnt changing.

    • Total Posts: 188

    Im gonna paste this here, so Laura can see it and give feed back as well…

    I asked him to go bowling tonight to make it fun. and He said he’d “Love to, but hes headed (4 hours away) to look at an apt, and it was the only time that fit in his schedule for 2 weeks” than he said he made the decision last night and was gonna ask to hang last night, but he didnt get done with this paper until 11pm. He also said hes been wanting to do something like that for a while now. He wont be back until sunday.. and I move Saturday. So.. We had a nice texting convo after that. And he said hed keep in touch, but he probably wouldn’t come down to my city until he drives through on the 4th of july and he moves to my city july 15th. I guess I just hope he keeps in contact like he said he would.

    • Total Posts: 85

    Hey Ann,

    I feel a little confused – not sure what to believe. What’s your take on this?

    I reckon he knew this was the only chance for you to meet before mid-July, yet he had other commitments, that too short notice.

    On the one hand, you can give him the benefit of doubt, stay positive and see what happens in July.

    On the other hand, I find it hard to understand his last minute cancellation (I read that this only happened once you had initiated the bowling thing – ). Could it be that he got cold feet? Or he basically just wants to be friends with you and after all, he did not really care about the effect this rushed cancellation might have on you?
    Any thoughts?

    I was looking forward to more positive updates from you so it’s a bit disappointing. You must be hurting a lot but I think you have the strength to get over this and move forward.

    • Total Posts: 188

    Im not sure what to make of it either. Im really hurt he backed out. On one side, he seems really positive with his conversation and when I saw him the other day it went great. I was thinking.. maybe he just didn’t wanna disappoint me again.

    But on another side, why didn’t he tell me last night when he made the decision.He basically waited till I initiated contact about tonight to say anything. He said he made the decision so soon and that its been a hectic week that he didn’t have time to tell me.

    But he did think about hanging out last night if it wasn’t so late for him.. Im very conflicted right now.

    I know ill get through it, because Monday I start a new full time job for the summer so it will keep me very occupied.

    • Total Posts: 85

    That’s right – a few things are conflicting in his story. Time will show, I guess.
    The full time job is good news and a great distraction. If I were you, I would even consider dating other people and have some fun over the summer.

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