Boards Reconciliation Ex is scared

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  • #58887
    • Total Posts: 31

    Your right. I have been just asking stuff and hoping you’ll tell me what to do. Yeah I’ll take care of this and make it happen I mean I got her to go out with me before right? I can do it again. Thanks agains hopefully I will make one more post about how that day goes and take care of everything after that on my own.

    Had a nice very small text chat with were today. When we met last weekend she asked me how to download a game she really liked when we were together and I told her how to get it. I texted her today to see if she got it. She texted back saying not yet and had trouble getting it. I replied asking her what she tried and she replied saying she was at the doctor and would talk to me later and I said bye. Later I thought doctors visits are never fun so I sent her one text saying “I thought you could use a smile” and sent her a funny cat picture I saw. And she texted me one last time with “:)”. Felt good that the pic I sent made her smile. Going to plan Valentine’s Day this weekend. Wish me luck.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Exactly! Heres the thing. I plan out everything, it’s me who she falls in love with. Get the hang of it and you feel even better.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Guess we won’t be going out this weekend. I texted her earlier today about wanting to go to church together this weekend and she replied with

    “Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I do wanna see you and talk to you. But idk how or when is good. Let me think about it and I’ll text you to see when is convenient. I’ll ttyl. Goodnight.”

    I texted back saying “take the time you need” and texted me back “thanks”. It sucks but it’s okay. I’ll take care of myself for the time being.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Good answer tho. No pressure is good. You should require her 🙂

    • Total Posts: 127

    Something like. Come on it will be fun. Or something. “It’s just church”

    • Total Posts: 31

    Sorry I’m a little confused. You say it good I didn’t put pressure on her and then say I should be like its just church. Like should I be saying that to her now or just later when she contacts me back?

    • Total Posts: 127

    Its not pressure if you are not forcing her.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Positive reinforcement.

    • Total Posts: 31

    I see what you mean. I’ll try to tell her something tomorrow and see how it goes. I assume if she still asks for space to give it to her and leave her alone. I’ll update on how it goes when I try it tomorrow.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Well I tried and looks like we’re not going out tomorrow. This is the conversation we had. I sent this text around 1pm

    “Hey *****. I am glad you contacted me back the other day. I know your still thinking but I am also glad to see you taking care of yourself. I do hope we can still go to church tomorrow since you know, it’s just church and I think it will be fun going together.”

    At about 9pm she sent me these two

    “I’m at my sisters place right now so idk if I can go to church with you.”
    “And it’s might be a long drive to the Methodist church that you go to”

    And I replied about 10 minutes later with these two.

    “If your spending night there tonight then that’s okay we can go to church next weekend. I don’t mind making the drive to your church and I could pick you up too if my church is too far.”
    “I don’t want to keep you up. Thanks for letting me know and think about maybe going to church together next weekend. Hope you and your sister are having fun together and tell her I said hi. Ttyl.”

    Tried my best to not put pressure on her. Hopefully we can go to church next weekend and try the plans I had for tomorrow then.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Does this mean she is trying to friend zone me? She sent me this text today and I don’t know if I should be worried that she is calling me her best friend.

    “J*****. I hope you are doing well. I have not found the time and energy to meet up yet. I just want to say that I really pray for both of us to find our self and our values and life plans that God intended for us. I really appreciate you as my best friend and a friend that I know you will be there for me. I truly care about you and even tho I don’t know what the future has for us but I always want you as my best friend and I hope you find happiness in what you do. I have been praying for both of us. Take care and goodnight.”

    I sent a text back and trying the positive renforcment from Relationship Rewind and said

    “You take care too. I’m glad we’re still friends too. You have a goodnight and like I said take the time you need.”

    Was that the wrong thing to say. A little nervous now but glad she sent me something today.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Don’t accept that friendship. Never say. “Im glad we are still friends.” Never agree. This will become a standard for her. This just means one thing. You are too available as a friend now. If she invites you out don’t accept immediately.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Crap I knew it right when I saw “best friend”. I’m freaking out now. I’m doing my best to stay calm. If I shouldn’t say “glad we’re still friends” what should I say. Should I try to hint that I want us to be more than friends again? I can do the not accept immediately but crap. I’m mad at myself now for saying that.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Sorry for the freak out. After getting a night of sleep I’ve calm down now. I know it’s not the end I just need to be careful with what I say and challenge the friendship to go further. I know I’ve made it obvious here that I want more than a friendship and I need to speak that through my actions. I do hope we can go to church together soon so I can do my plans that I had for us for valentines. Your right that I don’t need to be saying I glad we’re friends, I just need to figure out subtle hints on us being a couple again or figure something else out and I know I will figure it out.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Nope you shouldn’t regret. Just be you. Don’t yse the friendship to ge closer. Use love and emotions.

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