Boards Reconciliation Ex contacted me…intentional or accident!? HELP.

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  • #14106
    • Total Posts: 23

    Wtf I got text from him “Hey I’m going to be late to the meeting, just left court”
    Did he actually mess up or was that intentional -.- Like it was clearly meant for someone at work…BUT
    I don’t think anyone he works with has my name and he hasn’t messed up like this ever before… and one time he immaturely said, “who is this?” to me…and this text today would DEF be something I would have reacted to 2 weeks ago! I would have blown him up and gone off…but now I’m maturing.. 🙂
    Is it possible he purposely sent me this and wanted me to respond for him to say “wrong person” or do you think it was 100% mistake???

    If you look at my other thread we had a bad fight right after the break up and now i’m on day 14 of NC..I haven’t heard from him since..until today…was this trying to bait me into a response??

    • Total Posts: 157

    Who knows why. Your best option is to ignore it regardless of why he sent it.

    • Total Posts: 18

    Yeah I agree, just ignore it.

    • Total Posts: 84

    I think ignore it too. It is really hard to tell if it were really an accident or an on purpose wrong text message. But I think silence sends the best message in this case.

    • Total Posts: 23

    Thanks everyone! Yes, I agree. I have continued my NC. I feel like silence is best as well. If it was a mistake, I’m showing I am not clingy and getting any little chance I get to talk to him! If it was intentional, I am showing that I am growing up .. (before I would have totally reacted saying “you did that on purpose” and would have proceeded to blow up his phone with texts.” Well…me not responding at all shows him that I am growing past that 🙂

    • Total Posts: 23

    So I ignored that text and haven’t heard anything else. I *do* want to contact him though :/ I’m on day 17 of NC and this is so hard. I know it’s helped me with me though, bc 2 weeks ago I would have blow up his phone saying “you totally knew this was me! you sent me that accidental text on purpose!”
    Given, this guy also said “who is this?” one time to me via text when he was I wouldn’t put the immature accidental text past him.
    I dont know if it was an accident or on purpose though…but I know that not responding showed him I am growing up 🙂
    I’m getting discouraged though bc I haven’t heard since…we did have a bad break up fight but I went NC shortly after my day of being needy…and I was needy in our rship. I know by not responding to that text (intentional or not) I showed him I’m not needy anymore BUT I’m so discouraged I haven’t heard anything else!

    Day 17 Nc. Any support/encouragement/advice would be great 🙂

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey, I think he sent that on purpose because if it was a mistake, he would have said something later when he found out that he sent it to you. Also like you said you had a fight after the break up, he didn’t want to contact you straight. Your silence is bothering him and the NC is helping you to mature. Keep doing that 🙂

    • Total Posts: 23

    Thanks @divjun
    Yeah, I’m leaning towards that option too… but he was the one who broke up with ME via text and I blew up his phone during that fight and then he threatened me with going to the police to open a case against me for stalking if I texted him more. I was calm by then and responded maturely and a day after apologized for blowing up &trying to force a convo. Then I went NC. But he knows I’m stubborn and was a text gnat before so he prob was expecting me to text a couple days later regardless. His threat was entirely empty bc I haven’t gotten in any trouble plus he wouldn’t have had a case. I blew up his phone one. day. after a break up smh.
    I’m working on me though and it feels great. But yeah, I can see how he prob feels bad about his anger/actions during that fight. I just don’t want my silence to mean he won’t text me an actual DIRECT text message!

    • Total Posts: 23

    This is stupid. Like if he wants to talk to me why doesn’t he do so directly…yes, he said something hurtful and I used to be the one to reach out but freaking STILL. -_-

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