Boards Reconciliation Do I have hope???

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  • #62390
    • Total Posts: 3

    Hey there everyone. My ex and I broke up just over a month ago. She and I have kids together and I want to win her back. I had this issue of talking to other women while we were together. I have been going to Counceling for my issues and I am working on changing for the better. It’s hard to have no contact because we swap kids basically everyday or I see her everyday because of it. I sent her a heartfelt apology last week and the next day we were texting. She snap chats me so I’m confused here no I get radio silence. She said she is happy with the decision she has made but I see it differently when we meet up for the kids. How can I start to show her I’m changing for the better, for me and for my family with out her barely talking to me? I’m trying not to push things but I feel if I wait to long it may be over!! Thanks to everyone for reading

    • Total Posts: 12

    During the N/C Beside counceling(which you are working on the issue ) .
    What have u changed ?
    Do u really think u have changed ?
    $he is barely talking to you cuz she is sensing u . (And she sees through it )
    U see her everyday as well ;
    U have to change man

    • Total Posts: 3

    Yes I have completely changed. And yes I have really changed I want to be a better man and partner for her. So update…… I talked to her on Memorial Day and had a long discussion about everything that went wrong and everything that went right in the relationship. I basically told her that I’m working on my issues for ME and no one else and that I want her to see the issues I’m working on, and the way she can see them is if I have my foot in the door. She said she would think about it and that she missed and still loved me. Yesterday and today we have been talking a lot through text which is awesome she hardly did that even when we were together. I think I might have hope here but I also don’t want to push that I want to be home. I told her let’s start fresh which she thought would be a good idea. So cross your fingers for me haha thanks for reading my post and replying

    • Total Posts: 2868

    I understand why she would be reluctant to reconnect. If you were emotionally cheating by texting other women, it’s almost as bad as physically cheating and it hurts very much. You were unfaithful to your commitment to her and the kids. You took them for granted and strayed away. Even if you’ve changed your thinking patterns, it will take a long time for her to be able to trust you again. You have to prove it to her, not by words alone, but by knowing in your heart you don’t ever want to hurt her again, that you love and appreciate her, and most importantly .. never ever being unfaithful while you are in an exclusive relationship.
    Good luck and wishing the best for all of you.

    • Total Posts: 3

    No no I completely agree with you. No doubt about that. I seriously learned my lesson and I can promise it will never happen again. I know I have a ton to prove to her and I’m willing to goto the ends of the earth to do so because she is that important to me. Along with our amazing kids

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