Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #27692
    • Total Posts: 411

    Of course he will be thinking of you when you don’t contact, he will be wondering what happened to you.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Do you think there really was something in what he did? Showing up and texting? Yeah, I really hope that he´s wondering about me as well. It just feels like we have been broken up for a long time, but it´s only two weeks today. I just hope he dosn´t think I have forgotten about him and don´t love him anymore since I´m not staying in touch. That he would become interested in someone else because he think so?

    • Total Posts: 411

    Yes there is, why would he just text and show up?

    How could he forget about you in 2 weeks!

    I don’t think he will move on that quick.

    You need to stop over analysing every little detail it’s not helping you.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I know, it´s just so hard not to. I get so carried away. I just want him back so badly. I haven´t heard anything from him since tuesday, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I really do hope is not moving on that quickly. Or that he is already caught up in another girl.

    • Total Posts: 411

    I want my ex back badly but I have to give him space and time to see what he really wants and the NC is helping me get my head together.

    Nobody said it was going to be easy but if it’s meant to be it will.

    He will not move on that quick! He’s not in a good place to move on

    • Total Posts: 242

    I will try to be strong and not contact him. It just feels like forever since I saw him. When he showed up here on sunday evening, I was glad that I wasen´t home because I´d like to get some heads up before he choose to come here. I don´t want to look miserable and stuff like that. And at the same time I am a bit sad that I wasen´t home, because I would like to see him, and it would be nice to know what he really wanted. I guess I am putting to much into it, it´s just my head is spinning out of control.

    • Total Posts: 411

    I haven’t seen my ex in 3 weeks and it has helped not seeing him!

    You need to relax and not worry so much about him.

    He is still keeping in contact but he needs time and space to figure out what he really wants

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am just afraid that he has made up his mind for good. I am thinking about the text I got where he wishes me the best bla bla bla. That it might have been the end for him?

    • Total Posts: 242

    I know it´s stupid, but I am from time to time wondering where he is, who his with and if he`s texting some other girl. I just can´t help myself. I would be devastated if he is already checking someone else out.

    • Total Posts: 411

    He hasn’t made his mind up yet if he’s text you and showed up.

    My ex text me the same thing after we just broke up and he came back and wants to try but it didn’t work because of all the negativity that surrounded us.

    You need to start improving on you

    • Total Posts: 242

    It just felt that he had made up his mind. And then suddenly he was here and texted. But I haven’t heard anything since then texting on Tuesday. Is that a bad sign? I am trying to improve. I have the time off my daughter this weekend. I really want to go out with friends, but there is hardly anyone available and I am scared of running into my ex since it’s a small town and just three places to go out. And I keep wondering what he is up to or who he’s seeing. I know it’s stupid but I just can’t help it.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Ok Look your not taking the advice we are all giving.

    Your so obsessed with what he’s doing and driving yourself crazy! STOP

    their is nothing you can do if he is.

    If you keep going the way you are you will lose him forever

    • Total Posts: 242

    I will work on me. I am trying to focus on other things.

    OKAY, so here is the latest update.

    I went to a friends house this evening, it´s a guy friend, he has been interested in me before, he asked me over for coffee. I thought to my self, what the heck and went over. After an hour another guy friend of his showed up, this other friend of his is married, but I know him a bit from some years back. It was so much fun hanging out with this guys talking and talking and drinking coffee. Time fled by and four hours later I went home. I got a text from my neighbour saying my ex had been at my place again! He had come by around 10.30 pm. He haven´t called me or texted me about that, so I wonder what he was up to. I didn´t get home until 01.00 am. My neighbour is convinced that he´s checking up on me. This is really strange to me, he has never done that before. And now, he has showed up twice unannounced. I haven´t been home when he has been here. I got a little bit irritated and flattered if it´s actually true that he is checking up on me. So I broke the no contact and texted him, wondering if he had been here. He said yes, he had been to his friend house and went by my house afterwards. I asked why he didn´t call or text me, he said he was out of power (really?). And then we got into this kind of akward text conversation. Nothing big, just asking each other what our plans are for the weekend. He was a bit curious to what I was doing, and I asked him a bit as well. I tried to be a little lay back and polite on the texts. He was some flirty and some not. I was al little flattered that he might be checking up on me, so I was kind of in a flattered mood if you know what I mean, so I kind a feel that I maybe gave a bit to much away in one of the text I sent back at him. I´m not sure. I was trying to end the conversation several times. with have fun tomorrow, oh there are always somebody that is driving, sounds fun – enjoy, but he kept answering. So I sent a simple smiley in the last text, and since then I haven´t heard anything.

    So what do you think of this? What does this mean? Did I ruined it? I should probably not have contacted him, but I could not just overlook that he is showing up unannounced several times. I don´t find that okay, even though I am a bit flattered. I am so confused. What´s the meaning and purpose of this? And is he putting me in the friend zone?

    • Total Posts: 242

    What is going on with him?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Anyone have any idea?

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