Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #27537
    • Total Posts: 242

    I know. I am just so miserable. I feel so empty, I haven’t cried much, I just feel so powerless, so distant from the world. Hard to describe. I want to improve myself, and I try my best everyday, but I don’t feel I am getting any further. I really hope he doesn’t move on and not that quickly. He got to feel something as well. Him showing up and texted me the other day might have been a coinsidence, I don’t know. It just felt like a little sign. Why would he do that if he didn’t mean anything by it? I haven’t heard from him since. I can’t stop worrying about what he’s doing this weekend. He said that him and his guy friends would have poker night on Saturday, that’s all I know. Can’t stand the thought of him seeing another girl this weekend… Do you think he might be thinking that I have moved on because I don’t stay in touch?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Sometimes I feel the need to drive by his house to see if his home, but I never do it. How can I shake this feeling of him being with someone else off?

    • Total Posts: 411

    He won’t move on that quickly if he does it will be a rebound as he will be just trying to fill a void.

    You really have to start picking yourself up and moving forward, it’s difficult but you need to be happy & positive

    • Total Posts: 411

    You need to stop being so paranoid and scared.

    You have to let him go in order to get him back.

    You have to accept the break up and start by healing.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am really trying, it’s just so hard. I really want to drive by his house, call him, text him, just everything today. My mind is going crazy. I won’t do it, but the ache inside me is just twisting by the idea of him being with someone else. And that he might be at this very moment. Yes I know I am freaking out. What if he thinks that I have moved on since I don’t stay in touch? Am I hoping for something that won’t be fixable?

    • Total Posts: 242

    You are absolutely right, I just don’t now how to let him go. I miss him so much, he is very important person to me. I really thought I was that for him to after everything we have been through. I don’t have parents, I am 26, but I have a daughter which is 3,5 and I am teacher and part time student. So my ex has become so much more than a boyfriend to me, I consider him family since I have none and he’s my best friend. It’s hard to let go.

    • Total Posts: 411

    He needs to think you have moved on to make him realise.

    I understand the hurt, I went through exactly the same with my ex with his cancer I thought it bonded us for life but he became more selfish.

    What purpose are you serving yourself by driving yourself crazy thinking he’s with someone else? Nothing because you cannot do anything if he is.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I know, I don’t now why I do it. I think it’s because I think that if he is or will he will forget about me and that there is no hope for us. I know it sounds silly, it’s just how I feel. I really thought we have a special bond after going through this together. And maybe we have, but he is struggling with his depression and fear of getting sick again. We have been each other’s rock throughout this, I have been there for him day and night. I will keep on working on me. Do you think there is a chance he is considering getting back together due to the way he’s been acting lately?

    • Total Posts: 411

    You will feel that way, I do from time to time but I know I have to give him space instead of being needy and desperate, I was his rock through everything but he still choose to walk away.

    Have you forgot about him?? No! So he won’t be able to do to the same.

    There is always a chance but you need to step back and breathe

    • Total Posts: 242

    I’m so sorry to hear your ex-boyfriend changed so much and choose to walk away. Is this a long time ago? Do you stay in touch? I will keep up the no contact. I am not contacting him and I will try my best to ignore him. It just doesn’t feel hopeful at the moment. I felt a hope on Sunday when he called and said he had been to my house, and I felt an even higher hope on Tuesday when texted me out of the blue. But it seems like I’m putting to much into it. Do you think?

    • Total Posts: 411

    We were together 3.5 years had a lovely relationship apart from when I drank (I’ll let read my topics) basically he walked away in August 2014, I went back to my family in Ireland, he then got in touch at the end of sept 2014 saying he was madly in love with me, so we flew back and forth and then he said in December that he wasn’t in love with me he still cares but it’s done and all water under the bridge, so I started NC 16 days ago.

    It is good that hes been around and text, always have hope!

    You have to do this for you…you need him to see he can’t emotionally use you

    • Total Posts: 242

    Im so sad to hear that. I will read your topics. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my posts and helping me. Yeah I know I have to do this for me. And I am working on it. I just want him to care. I get a bit worked up when stuff like him showing up and the texting out of the blue, and I truly believe that it will workout. But then all the thoughts, all my paranoia thinking about him and other women, missing him and so on – I lose all hope.

    • Total Posts: 242

    He still has his t-shirt here and he still owes me. But I can’t contact him.

    • Total Posts: 411

    So you can see that we are all in the same heartbroken boat, I’m on Day 16 and feeling better and doing things for me for once. Thank you if you read them.

    Always remember he does care, he’s showing up and texting because he wants you around but hasn’t faced his own demons yet but hopefully with his counselling her will.

    Don’t ever lose hope it is a lovely emotion to have.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I will try not to lose hope, but it’s hard. I really took these incidents that occurred as a sign from him. I was trying not to put to much into it, but I sort of did anyway. I must have meant something? I just really want him back. Well I haven’t spoken to him since he sent those text on Tuesday night. It’s Friday today, I guess I just have to stay put. But it’s hard. I’m wondering what he’s thinking and who is with – if he have found someone else and so on. I know these thoughts is making me crazy but they keep sneaking in anyway. Do you think I will hear from him again? I am wondering if he thinks of me when he’s not hearing from me. Just hope he doesn’t think I am over him when I don’t stay in touch.

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