Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #30106
    • Total Posts: 242

    Had to go for a walk to clear my head. It’s so hard!

    • Total Posts: 242

    Will it ever be normal and good again 😛

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Of course life will be good again. Work on yourself. On your own progress. Never mind what he is doing.

    • Total Posts: 242

    He says he wants to be with me. He says he has missed me a lot. That he has been sad. That he can’t find the kind of connection we have with anyone else. It’s just so hard that he has been with that girl. It upsets me. How can I block it out?

    • Total Posts: 242

    I don’t know what to think. He seems to be really into me. Calling and texting. He’s still quite sick. Today he has been coughing up blood. He seemed a bit better yesterday, but today he’s worse again. He called me around noon today, told me about the coughing blood and stuf like that. Then this evening I see some stuff on Facebook, some of his friends are playing some games or something tonight. I saw him liking this Update, and I immidiately got the feeling he was lying to me and that he maybe was going to his mates house. So I called him, I made up some other excuse to why I called. He was caughing a lot and he said he was laying on the coach watching tv. He said he thought he most likely will be sick all the weekend as well. I tried to be nice and make him feel better, but he seemed a bit out or irritated. It just felt wrong for me to call him. Like he didn’t like it. He then said we would talk later or something. I don’t know what to think. I don’t want to screw things up. But it’s hard to deal with that he has been with someone else. Did I screw things up by calling him? I was just trying to check in with him.

    • Total Posts: 242

    So scared that it will never work out again and that he will change his mind again.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Give him time. Give yourself time. And so panicking and jumping to conclusions.
    All will be fine. But you have to let yourself be more relaxed

    • Total Posts: 242

    He seems very interested. It seems he wants it to be us. Today he has called me three times. He’s still sick and are going to the doctor tomorrow. We haven’t been able to meet each other yet, so I don’t know what expect. He calls and text a lot. I find that calming but at the same time I am terrified. I am afraid that he will change his mind and that things will go downhill again. I am afraid to get my hopes up and for it to be crushed again. I really love this man, and I can’t picture my life without him in it. I really want this to work. Hopefully he will get better in a few days so we can meet. I am very scared of losing him again. What should I do when we meet?

    • Total Posts: 242

    How do I make him chase me more?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    He is chasing. He is ringing often. Don’t get greedy. You are lucky he is calling at all.

    Be a bit more hard to get and he will chase more. Don’t always answer the phone and so on.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Hey, thanks for the advice. There has been good communication and he sends me nice texts and calls. He is still sick, he has been to the doctors today and got some antibiotics so he can get better. We talked until late last night by text and then he called. He called me today in the middle of the day, I didn´t answer and called back a few hours later. He said he was really out of it because of the antibiotics shot so he said he would call later. He sent me a text an hour later saying he was so tierd an needed to sleep and that we would talk later, I answered and said that was okay. He called me an hour ago and told me that this antibiotics shot really made him feel weird and extremely tierd. He said that his son was coming tomorrow, and because it´s winter break he´s going to have him until next friday. He then said that his mother had said that she could watch after her grandchild one night when he felt better so he could visit me. I said that would be great, and then I said that I have time off my daughter next weekend so if that is more suitable for him as we don´t know when he will be feeling better, we could always use friday or saturday evening to catch up. I just felt that when I said that I had time off my daughter that weekend and all the other things, he seemed a bit weird, as if he had plans already that weekend or wasen´t interested in seeing me then. I don´t know if this was just something I felt since I have worried in the back of my mind that he will change his mind about us or go back to that girl he has been hooking up with when we wore broken up, or if it´s just the fact that he doesn´t feel good. He said that he would call me again tomorrow. I got this panic feeling after we hung up that I had screwed up or been to forward or something. Don´t know what came over me. So I called him back, which I hardly ever do , and said that I didn´t mean to come in between his plans if he had something planned that weekend and bla bla bla. He said that there was nothing to be sorry about, that he was looking forward to seeing me, that he didn´t have anything planned and wanted this. He seemed very nice and happy, he laughed a little. He then said when we was hanging up that he would call again tomorrow.

    What do you think? I just feel like a complete lunatic. Like som insecure crazy woman or something. I really don´t want to loose him again. I want things to be really good now, like it was before and better. Do you think I blew it? So scared that he will change his mind and back off. What do I do? I am totally freaking out!

    • Total Posts: 242

    Okay, so he contacted me again last night. He ended up coming to my house. We talked and had a good time. He is getting his son today since it’s winter break and will have him for a week. We agreed to meet again next Saturday. I think I did something really stupid today. I am totally freaking out, I think I just ruined everything! We talked on the phone earlier and he was saying we’ll speak during the weekend or something. I thought that was a very strange thing to say since he has called and texted every day for a long time now. I got this bad feeling. Especially since I had sent him a friend request on Facebook. I don’t know why I did that. And I regret it so I took it back. I spoke to him on the phone and said that I had been scrolling around on Facebook with my phone and accidentally pushed add friend. He probably think I am a lunatic for sending a request and then canceling it. I just didn’t want to sit around wondering if he would say yes to the request or not. He was the one deleting me back then, and I just don’t see why we can’t be friends there since we talk a lot on Facebook chat anyway, And the fact that he says he wants to be with me. Now we are suddenly in his mind not going to speak for days as he said we’ll talk during the weekend and wish me a good weekend. Have I totally ruined it now? What should I do? I just can’t stop crying. I am so scared that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I have kind of got used to him calling and texting me every day and sometimes several times a day. He has shown affections and there has been good communication and stuff like that. When he was here last night we kissed and stuff. I just can’t stand the thought of not hearing from him for days or recieveing text with hearts and stuff like that. What should I do? How do I fix this?

    • Total Posts: 242


    • Total Posts: 242

    Help, what should I do?

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am totally freaking out. It just feels like something has changed. I am so scared. Don’t know what to do? Or what I should think? I really do love this man, I see my future with him. I don’t want to screw this up. Help… How do I make reattract him more?

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