Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #29567
    • Total Posts: 242

    Well he hasn’t called me yet, and it’s almost 17.00pm in the afternoon. Starting to doubt this whole thing.

    • Total Posts: 242

    It’s just so hard to handle that he has been with this girl again. And even more frustrating that he can’t tell her right away since my ex has his son this weekend and they have his uncle and aunt in town staying with my ex and his family. And top it all he called me and said he had got the flu after sitting outside for almost an hour talking to me Friday night freezing. It’s so hurtful that he did this. How do I handle it? And how do I make sure he gives this girl notice? I said that he can’t have any contact with her if he wants to be with me. I don’t want to screw things up. It’s just my trust level is so low at the moment, and I feel my jealousy level is rising. I don’t want to loose him but I am not bothered to compete with someone else. Still I don’t want my jealousy towards this girl coming in the way at the same time I want him to know I’m serious about it.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    You were split up when he was with her. So you have to try to block it out.

    Ignore him now. Make him feel like shit for a while. He deserves it. Don’t reply to him or answer calls. He doesn’t have to wonder why.

    That’s how you deal with it. If he feels he is losing you then he might change. But at this stage forget him. He was contacting you whilst with her. Treat him like crap

    • Total Posts: 242

    This is keeping me up at night. I am trying to block it out, the vision of him with her. It’s just devastating and I really hope he understands that. I really want to talk to him in person, so as soon as he’s better from the flu we should probably meet. Do you think he’s sincere about wanting to be with me and that he doesn’t have any feelings for this girl?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Do you recommend staying in sort of no contact? He always calls me several times if I don’t answer right away. I guess I could at least make him sweat a bit, with not answer right away and stuff like that. We spoke again on the phone tonight, for about 20 minutes. He is still in bad shape of the flu. I told him that he should tell this other girl as soon as possible, he said he was going to do that as soon as he felt in good shape to go out of the house. The whole thing with this girl makes me so insecure. And I think the worst part is that he took her to his mates house, introducing her. I feel that is a big step! He says that didn’t mean anything, and that he has no romantic feelings for her. What should I believe? We talked about meeting up Tuesday evening, if he feels better. I do want to talk to him in person, I am just afraid I will loose my mind before that.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Don’t answer the phone. You should be angry. He is being a complete asshole. You deserve better.
    Don’t answer. And he should tell her that she is gone and then tell you. And then maybe still play him asking a bit. She needs to be gone completely. Delete her number. Blocked from Facebook. The whole lot.

    Harden up. Act tough. If he wants you then let him really show it. You don’t have to do anything

    • Total Posts: 242

    I don´t feel that much angry, I feel more hurt than angry. I don´t want to have much contact with him until he tells her that he doesn´t have feelings for her. My ex or whatever he is at the moment, has a really low immunity because of the cancer treatment, so when he gets the flu he become very sick. (it´s super frustrating, but there is not much to do about it). I understand that he needs to tell her in person, as everyone should do, regardless of seriousness or not, fooling around or in a long term relationship. He said he has been responding vaguely to some texts she has sent. And will go up there as soon as his feeling better. I said that it´s important that he does this as soon as possible, as this is not okay for either, and I can´t fully commit when she has a foot in the picture.

    It seems like he´s a bit stressed out that I am so straight forward. And I have told him I want to take it slow. I think that have made him quite curious. I use my time when he tries to reach me. As you may have notice, when he can´t reach me he calls several times and texts.

    We have always had this sweet thing where we would send each other good night texts and maybe chat a little over texts before we say goos night. Tonight when I went to bed I got a very sweet good night text from him. Not exactly like it used to be, but very similar. I haven´t seen that in quite some while. He has this cute nickname for me that he has had from the beginning of our relationship, he left that out and he used plain smileys, not hearts or kissing smileys and stuff like that. But otherwise it was pretty similar to what we used to send before. It´s a good thing, but at the same time I don´t want to put to much into it.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am little concerned that he will choose this other girl over me. Like change his mind and wants to be with her instead. What do you think?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    How are you now?

    Let him think that you are going. By hanging on you are still giving him an option. If he chooses her then he is a dickhead for leading you on and calling and texting. He wants everything. And has it the way you are acting.
    Considering he is sick then give him until he is better. If he doesnt get rid of her straight away then walk away.

    Tell him you are gone and you will find out what he really wants. Don’t let him treat you like that.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am a little insecure right now. Think I did something stupid. We had a nice conversation on the phone earlier tonight, and my stupid mind and insecurity and jealousy about the whole situation got the best of me and I started talking about the situation we´re in. That I´m not comfy being all flirty and loving when she is not completely out of the picture, that it´s a hard situation and I feel like he´s with both of us and so on.

    He said that he was not with the both of us, that he´s not flirty or anything like towards her, just answer vaguely if he answers her. He said as soon as his a little better he´s going to sit down with her.

    I felt like a complete jealous insecure nag tonight. I don´t know if he got irritated or not. He is in bad shape today and they have had some problems with his uncle going to a mental hospital today, so it probably wasn´t the best time to bring it up. I feel like I have screwed things up. I don´t want to loose him again, but I just couldn´t help myself tonight. I regret it so badly.

    What do I do? How can I make it right? How do I make him want me more? I feel like I have really messed it up. He said that he would call again tomorrow, but I don´t know.

    He said over and over again on friday night that I am the one he wants, and wants us to be together. That he has no feelings for this girl and only wants to be with me.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am freaking out!

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531


    Keep calm

    • Total Posts: 242

    Cause I feel like I screwed things up with the end of the conversation last night. I just felt like a jealous insecure nag. I am just scared that he has changed his mind about me and us now.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    How else would anyone behave? If you were completely calm then he would wonder what the hell was going on with you.

    All is fine

    • Total Posts: 242

    You think so? I don’t want this situation to ruin things. I haven’t said much about it. Tried to focus on us and not talked much about it. But last night I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t mad or anything like that, I talked calmly about it. And he assured me that he was going to talk to her as soon as possible. But I felt the conversation was so awkward, didn’t know if he got irritated or not. He wanted to go lay down on the coach and it was a weird ending to the conversation. He said he would call me again today, but I haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t want him to feel that I am jealous and can’t trust him. I am
    Scared he will change his mind about us. What should I do?

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