Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #29214
    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Do you feel ready to talk?
    Doesn’t sound like it.
    If course its him reaching out. Read the message and see what it’s about.

    If it’s very important, I doubt it is, then reply politely and say you need some space and time

    • Total Posts: 242

    I think the message on Facebook is the same message he has sent twice on mye phone. That he has tried to call, it wasn’t anything important and that he will call another day. Why call several times if it wasn’t anything important? He is a person that gets frustrated when people don’t respond. So I am a bit scared that he will suddenly show up. Clearly he wants me to respond when he sends the same message three times saying the same thing. He could just have sent that once.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I know how to control myself talking to him. I know he has had some check up this week at the hospital, but I doubt that’s why he’s calling.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    If he calls over act cool. If it was important he could say that in the message. I think you need to let him run a little bit.
    How long is up to you.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Kevin writes in on of the emails that if they contact you during no contact it’s okay to talk to them, but you should be cool like Fronzie. Not getting personal and treating them like an acquaintance. If he calls again I will respond, but be not engage in long conversation.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I just opened the message on Facebook, and it said: “I tried to call you, but it wasn’t important. I will call you again when I have delivered my son”. I know it’s he’s weekend to have his son, but he usually doesn’t pick up until tomorrow and drops him off at he’s exes house on Sunday. He also have him one day a week, and I know he was over there watching he’s son yesterday, so he’s free tonight. Should I respond anything? Is this him really trying to reach out and test the “waters” or is he trying to be friendly? Worst case scenario he wants to tell me that he has meet someone else.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    He is reaching out. If it’s to do with the son then you can answer but don’t talk about the relationship.
    I’m out now for the evening

    • Total Posts: 242

    He called again. He apparently saw that I had seen his message. I made up some lame excuse that I was out cross country skiing and that I hadn’t brought my phone with me, that I had just got home and had just seen his messages and missed calls. He sounded in a very happy mood. And he was talking about what he had done today and yesterday, something about his sons computer and so on. Then he made some comments about a nex boxer he had bought that felt amazing on. And I just couldn’t help myself from laughing a bit. I mean, what’s the deal about mentioning a new boxer that feels amazing on and what colour it is? That’s kinda weird? I didn’t talk about us at all, I never do when I talk to him, cause that is a recipe for disaster. So I act friendly, and polite. He was very curious to whom I had been out cross country skiing with and where. I just said that I was alone and where usually people do ski-training, and that there was some other people there and that I didn’t know who that was. He thought I had been up skiing in the tracks up in this woods area, and that he didn’t like the idea of me being alone up there in the dark without my phone. So he was reliefed that I had been at the workout ski-tracks. He then said he was just getting home and that he was going to bed early today since he was tierd and was picking up his son tomorrow, so he was going to lay on the coach watching super-G. And he said he would call me again over the weekend. This can’t just be him trying to be friends? That would be weird. I acted cool like Fronzie at least.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I don’t know what to think.

    • Total Posts: 242

    It’s all very confusing.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    You did well. It’s not friends. He is thinking. Do not smother him.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am not going to contact him. But I felt I had to answer when he called again yesterday. Are you sure that this not him trying to be friends? It would be strange if it was though. I am just going to keep up the work I am doing and giving him the space.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Would you act like that with a friend? I know it’s hard to understand or believe. I am the same. I don’t know what is going on in my case. But I am giving her space. She is contacting me often.
    You are doing well. I bet you feel a bit better and stronger already?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Yeah I feel better, but at the same time I’m confused and I don’t want to read to much into it even though I do. No I would not act like that if I wanted to be “friends”. And there is no way we could be great friends after everything we had together, he knows we can’t be friends. He has not invited me back on his Facebook yet though. His actions lately is not what you do to a friend, but I do get confused, cause he is confusing. He’s gotta want something doesn’t he? Some of my friends says I need to confront him and ask what he wants, in or out. But that is a recipe of disaster. I would not do that. That will push him away again. Do you think he wants to get back together with me? And that he doesn’t have another girl in line?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    I can’t tell you what he wants. I don’t know him. All I can say is that he is not acting like a normal friend. I suspect that he wants something to Change and then he will be back.
    You are doing well. Keep strong. Don’t worry about him as much. Actually, Forget about him. Look at the stress you are under. Do you deserve that? No you don’t. So start enjoying life for you. By you having fun and moving on, he will see what he is missing and he will come chasing back. But sitting around thinking of him and waiting for him will get you nowhere.

    Don’t confront him yet. You are still too emotional. You have to be calm when you do that.

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