Boards Reconciliation Desperatly need some advice and help!

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  • #29080
    • Total Posts: 242

    Yeah I find it more stressful listening to my friends, so I don’t talk to them much about this. They are probably as you say, fed up as well. I hope me disappearing will shock him, if it’s even possible that he will react to that. I am a little scared that he would think that I have forgotten about him and moved on as he don’t hear anything from me, and that he will start moving on as well. 30 days or more is a long time. But it’s strange to me that he sounded so glad to talk to me on Monday. That can’t just be friendly. He knows we can’t be friends.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Of course he doesn’t want to be just friends. He still loves you. That’s plain to see. But something went wrong. He is trying to figure that out to. Or rather, he is hoping that you figure that out and sort it out.
    He is trying to give to I space too. But making a bad job of it.
    He will not forget. If you carried an apple around in your pocket for years and then it wasn’t there you wouldn’t forget about that in a month. So he won’t forget you.
    So stop thinking that.

    Why did you break up? We’re you too much for him. ? Smothering him? Relying on him? You have to chill out. You really do.
    I know that the first days are scary but you have to keep busy. Did you try the meditation? Movies? Anything to stop the obsession. Continually thinking about it won’t help. Occupy your mind

    • Total Posts: 242

    It just feels like he has moved on. And are not interested in getting back together with me. I have never been a nag or anything like that. I know I have to chill out, but it´s hard. And I saw on his Facebook today that he had added some new people and there was especially one girl he had added that lives close by and he has some mutual friends with, and he has even liked one of her pictures already. It was a picture from a few weeks ago that she had put up. So it seems like he has something going on with this girl and is trying to move on.

    I just feel so hopeless. Why would he else use the time to check out her profile to like a picture she put up a few weeks ago. By viewing her profile she seems like a person who goes out drinking all the time, that was my impression, and she looked pretty. Is there any point of me continuing this? We´re not friends on Facebook either, like he is trying to forget me. Now I definitely feel that his actions was him just trying to be friends.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Jaysus will you stop. It’s Facebook. People are Nosy. She is a friend. I have about 4 new female friends this week because I joined something new and met new people. And guess what? ? I haven’t had Sex with any of them. Not even once.
    You have a child? Are you doing things with the child these days or just crying about him. Play with the child.

    You should hang out with friends. Male friends. And then you can see that males and females can actually talk to each other without having Sex. Or just have Sex with somebody yourself. You wont feel jealous then.
    Chill out woman

    • Total Posts: 242

    It just was something about this girl, they have several mutual friends, I have some mutual friends with her as well, she is even friends with his uncle for some reason. That just weirded me out. But I guess she has come to know my exés uncle through some of her friends that know him. It´s not a big town, but it just made me think that my ex has something going with this girl since he liked an old picture of her. I know it´s just facebook, but many people uses facebook to connect with others and flirt.

    It was a wave of panic flooding over me when I saw this, I know it´s stupid, but it just pushed some buttons. And I got this feeling that he was seeing her.

    I am at school or work almost every day, my child is in kindergarden. I do things with her, and to be honest I haven´t cried a lot either, just been feeling numb and down. I cried now when I saw this.

    I went to this friend who is a male on friday night. It was nice. He invited me over for coffee, so we sat there and talked and laughed. We did fool around a few years back, but we have never slept together.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    How would he feel if he knew you were at the friends house. Considering you fooled around years ago?

    Bedtime here. Chill

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    How would he feel if he knew you were at the friends house. Considering you fooled around years ago?

    Bedtime here. Chill

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    How would he feel if he knew you were at the friends house. Considering you fooled around years ago?

    Bedtime here. Chill

    • Total Posts: 242

    It was just a one time thing and some texts back then. I don’t know if my ex knows that we did that back then. It was before him and I got together. He probably wouldn’t like it very much. He knows this person as well, not like they are good friends, they are just acquaintances. It just freaked me out that he added this girl and that she is friends with a person in his family. I started to think about where he’s meet this girl and stuff like that.And that he might be seeing her or something. It made me sad. Just afraid he’s gone forever. I felt the rush at that moment to call him and ask about this girl, but I would never do that, that’s just crazy. Thanks for listening to me.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    That would be crazy. What’s also crazy is being so obsessive and jealous. So looking at his Facebook. That’s not doing no contact. You have to start again if you keep doing that.
    No contact means no contact.

    • Total Posts: 242

    I am trying not to, but we have so many mutual friends that it´s hard to ignore sometimes. So I just looked and saw that he had become friends with this girl. It´s stupid, but I couldn´t help myself.

    Just freaked out a bit that he´s seeing this girl or something. I know it´s just Facebook, but still. I just don´t want him to find someone else. I know there is nothing I could do, I just have to stay put, but it´s still sad.

    I have never been jealous before. I think the feeling is not jealousy, some of them are, but I think it´s mostly that I am afraid that he will start seeing someone else and that he will forget about me, that I will be replaced. And that there is no chance for us to get back together.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Hi! Need some advice!!! He has called me twice today. I haven’t had my phone with me when I went to the store. I got home and saw there was two missed calls from him. He had even sent a text saying: Oh it wasen’t anything important, I’ll call you another day:) . He has sent that text twice since I haven’t replied. What do I do?????

    • Total Posts: 242


    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Do nothing. He is reaching out. You have to show him that you are strong. Ignore the calls. He is starting to chase you. Can you see that now?
    He hasn’t forgotten you. So give him more time to think about things. He has to realise that you might not always be there.

    Have you changed things about yourself?

    • Total Posts: 242

    He has even sent me a message on Facebook. I haven’t read it, because then he will see that I have read it. Since we’re not friends on Facebook he can’t see when I’m online or not so that’s quite handy right now. I saw the first line and it was something about him calling and it was… I can’t open to see. It’s quite strange to call a couple of times and then to send several messages that there was nothing important? Is this really him reaching out? This Mark Ong guy says that ignoring them completely could backfire. But I don’t know.

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