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  • #26705
    • Total Posts: 944

    have you been dating at all?

    • Total Posts: 562

    No. I just want to focus on myself. I have no interest in dating. Its not for any reason other than.. I have no extra time or energy for that at this point. Everything takes a backseat to school and the gym.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i feel you! I’m very into the gym as well and getting my masters is a ton of work. so much reading and writing. i go on dates if i have time during the week or if i meet someone very interesting but its not such a top priority for me right now. I’m learning how to be single and love myself and i feel like the right guy will come along when he’s supposed to! i don’t want anything serious right now and still trying to sort everything else out. i think its healthy to take some alone time after being out of such a serious relationship as well

    • Total Posts: 562

    I can agree with you that it’s healthy. I like the peace and not having to worry about others in that way.

    Just me in my own little world right now. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 944

    me too 🙂 i actually often feel better when I’m alone. no drama or confusion. I’m only 22 so not rushing anything. i feel like something will happen when its supposed to

    • Total Posts: 562

    Wow. My ex I guess told a mutual friend that her new guy snorts pills and she caught him. That he smokes weed and she doesn’t mind that he is a bit of a stoner (which is remarkable to me because we both smoked rarely and she said she wouldn’t be with anyone that was high all of the time) but she is a bit scared because she is really into him and she has to think about a possible future if their relationship continues to progress. And that she is okay with the weed and occasional drinking but she doesn’t want to be around if he is high on pills..and she certainly doesn’t want to witness him snorting pills. (her exact words)

    She said she doesn’t think negatively of him. In fact, she thinks he is amazing, smart, confident, real as fuck, super straight forward, sexy etc. (those are her exact words) and she didn’t mean to come off as “judgy” but if they’re life styles don’t match up, she’s believes that one of them will call it quits. (which will be my ex because she is very against drugs other than weed.) She doesn’t want either of them getting hurt.

    I don’t think he is a rebound. I think she is more serious with this guy than I thought. Because if it was just a rebound, she would’ve dropped him quick because of the pill thing.

    • Total Posts: 562

    plus all the other shit she said about him.

    I’m only a tad bit hurt because she stopped seeing those things in me.. mainly because I stopped portraying them.

    Other than that.. I am just stunned how much she is willing to put up with a drug user like that. And how much she can still be into him after witnessing it, and it’s only been a couple of months. A few days over two months.

    • Total Posts: 944

    wow, well i think that should make you feel a little better? i mean she really wants to be with a guy who snorts pills? i think from what you’ve said about her ex she has a serious fear of being alone. she’s probably not calling it quits yet because she has no backup option. if their lifestyles really don’t match up, it will never last

    • Total Posts: 562

    I don’t see how she could even try to stay with someone who snorts fucking pills. That screams loser to me.

    Im starting to fear that maybe I don’t know her at all.

    • Total Posts: 944

    it sounds like she’s going through some type of quarter life crisis. i agree, seems like she downgraded for a major loser. youre bettering yourself and she’s just spiraling downwards

    • Total Posts: 562

    She picked up a broken stray dog. I was just slightly broken and she stopped seeing me.

    I am sooooooo baffled. Idk what to think.

    • Total Posts: 944

    does that make you feel even a little better? i think it just shows she’s so incapable of being alone. i can’t imagine anything serious coming out of a relationship with someone who snorts pills!

    • Total Posts: 18

    i don’t think the fact that this guy snorts pills rules him out of the rebound zone. let’s think about this rationally… a guy who snorts drugs is not a long term keeper.

    in my opinion, she is just trying to avoid being alone. i actually think this is her desperately trying to not be alone. i think the fact that this guy is a loser reinforces the fact that she’s on the rebound. you should view this as her willing to take any dude that comes along just so she doesn’t have to be alone.

    reminder: you are not on the table for her, you can’t compare yourself to these fools.

    • Total Posts: 89

    She could’ve picked an especially broken one, because then she seems sane in comparison. With you, perhaps she felt like she deal with her own issues and maybe she wasn’t ready for that (clearly still isn’t), so the break up was running away from that. Maybe. It does sound like you might outgrow her, you’re doing well and she’s really not.. unless you have a bit of a mother hen conplex and are interesting in “fixing her”. Which I discourage, frankly.

    • Total Posts: 562

    It doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t necessarily make me feel worse. I am literally sitting here, thinking, “wtf”. lol

    I think it adds more clarity as to whether or not I should aim for someone who would aim for someone like this guy. If she stays with him, I will lose respect for her. And I don’t see this lasting if this guy doesn’t give up the pills, but idk.. wtf. lol

    I see what you’re saying Ms.N.U. But the fact she has expressed that she is scared because she’s digging this guy so much… and has to think about her future and where their relationship can go.. I think that comes off as something more than a rebound.

    And to you or me, no a pill popper or snorter would not be an ideal long-term match, but the way she speaks about this guy… like he’s a gem. I didn’t think she was that insecure, she’d be willing to compromise on this.

    And do I want someone that is so desperate not to be alone, that she’s willing to even talk it out with someone she’s only been with for two months when she finds out he snorts pills? I mean… when people start snorting.. it usually indicates they have a problem. lol again. i’m just like wtf.

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