Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #69945
    • Total Posts: 115

    Write those memories down! Then they get out of your mind and you can even show your ex at some point how nice your relationship was once you start meeting up again.

    • Total Posts: 115

    And I don’t think it’s too much you write on here, in the end we are or were all in the same position and for my part it’s really helpful to read through other stories, get or give advices. It gives you a different point of view especially in the beginning of NC. I agree with Patricia though that in the end of NC you shouldn’t have a needy, desperate behaviour anymore (ideally). And if you feel like you still feel that way maybe wait a bit longer to contact her.

    I have a question, like I mean I know I should distract myself and stuff and I’m currently working in uni a lot because I’m doing my final project which is a great project but like at the moment it’s either snowing or raining a lot and there are moments in which not only sadness hits me but also a lot of disappointment and anger. And in those moments I really have to hold back to not write my ex and ask him why he treated me the way he treated me, why he had to pull me down with him so my anxiety grows. I know it’s not rational thinking and I know he knows he has treated me badly and probably (hopefully) regrets it. But do you have moments like that as well? And what do you do in them? I really try to distract myself with uni stuff but sometimes it just doesn’t work and I get so frustrated with everything :/

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol, I go through the exact same emotions you do. Usually in those moments I listen to music or talk to someone, it’s hard for me to focus on anything let alone school work when I am going through a grieving process.

    Btw… I do write these memories down lol, one of my favourite memories was our first kiss lol. She is my first real girlfriend and the first girl I kissed so… what happened was, she came over we hung out for a couple hours. She was lying on my bed and I was leaning over her, I had my arms beside her, I noticed she was studying my face so… I started studying her face. I then thought to myself “wait… people do this when they kiss”, after that I just closed my eyes and went for it lol. The kiss was great, after we kissed I looked at her and said “That was so weird… can we do it again.” We both died laughing and continued to kiss lol.

    That is one of my favourite memories, I look back on it and it makes me cry lol

    • Total Posts: 115

    But do you also get the feeling, your friends are already sick of hearing those things? For me I hold back a lot because I usually don’t want to bother anyone.

    It’s good that you are writing them down, continue that πŸ™‚ those are nice memories that you deserve to keep in mind as positive experiences in your life.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol my friends are all tired of hearing me talk about Maddie, I do it anyways lol

    They have just made jokes out of the things I say πŸ™‚

    I also like talking on these forums, I meet kind people who I can endlessly talk to about my problems lol. Thanks for listening πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 115

    That’s so true πŸ™‚ A big thanks to you too because it really helps me a lot to get to know other opinions.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Good! If you ever want to know something or just want someone to talk to, reply.

    I get an email and I usually respond pretty fast lol

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Hey… my two week no contact period is half over. If she doesn’t contact me, which I don’t think she will, what should I say in the text? I done want to sound generic or needy… so what should I say?

    • Total Posts: 115

    hmmm good question. Do you want to send her a handwritten letter or a text?
    I’d say write her something like that you’d love to hear how she’s doing and apologize for the neediness and the mistakes you made and tell her how you saw the break up as a great opportunity to work on yourself. And make wanting to know more about what’s going on in your life atm (good news you have about moving for example) but say you want to tell her in person at some point.

    I think that’s propably a good start and way to see if she is still being cold and needs more time! If she still acts cold I would stay calm and give her another 2 weeks of NC probably cause it means she needs more space to get back her positive feelings towards you.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Oh fuck… throughout the relationship she has been bisexual, she told me when we first started dating, she said she likes guys more tho.

    I just looked on her profile… she cut her hair soo short. I understand it’s her hair and she can do whatever with it and it may mean nothing but… God I hope she still likes men.

    Sorry if any of this came off as rude lol wansent my intention.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Well… she always said she wanted to cut it all off and try through short look. She knows I like long hair tho so I think she didn’t want to try it.

    I think now that I’m gone she thought she’d give it a shot lol, honestly I really do like long hair…

    Her hair doesn’t look that bad tho, it actually looks quite good, it’s just a lot to get used to.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Okay so first of all: Short/long hair on a girl or guy doesn’t have anything to do with being hetero-, bi- or homosexual! That’s very sexist to say. I get your worries, but don’t act like this about a normal haircut. she wanted to do it for a while now, so what? She obviously wants a change in her life and let her have her space and do those things if she feels better in her body afterwards.

    You should concentrate on yourself! As mean as this might sound now: I don’t think you are ready to contact her next week. You are still obsessing about her and what she is doing in her life like it’s the first week of NC. πŸ™ I know it’s hard but really it’s only an advice that I really think you should follow: expand NC for another one or two weeks, don’t use social media so you don’t get tempted to obsess over her and do things for yourself! I only try to open your eyes here so you have the best shot to get her back once you contact her again.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Not really obsessing, her hair caught me by surprise because she has always had super long hair.

    I also said how I didn’t mean to sound sexist, she has always been open about her sexual preferences. It’s not really obsessing as much as shock lol plus I already made a different post saying why I think she changed her hair πŸ™‚

    I’m not going to do no contact for two more weekso because that would totally screw up my schedule lol I’m moving by that time so I’ll be busy plus all my school projects are due then.

    Sorry if I seemed like I’m obsessing lol I’m not, I just write everything on this website to let you guys know and also for future documentation πŸ™‚

    Sorry if I offended you in any way Anni that wasn’t my intention πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 115

    But look at your post, it really sounds rude and like you are obsessing πŸ˜€ I get you don’t mean it that way. Just let her do whatever she is doing to make herself happy πŸ™‚ Don’t overthink! And do the same for yourself, maybe even go get a new haircut too or get new cool clothes for when you meet her the first time again. But until then, try harder to not overthink things, you only have one week left if you really want to contact her then, try to work even harder on you in this week and try not to think of her πŸ™‚ I know it’s hard but you can always write about other stuff in this forum too that keeps you distracted.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Don’t worry, I’m not offended! Hope you aren’t either by my advice πŸ˜€
    I know it would mess up your schedule so as I said, just keep working and concentrating on yourself. You came so far already and are making good progress!

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