Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #69523
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Do I ignore it? I didn’t click it so it doesn’t say “seen” should I wait till next week to respond? Or tomorrow? O should I keep it light and cut it off asap

    I’m being crazy… I need to calm down… *breath*

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I’ll wait till next week to text something else, I’ll let her wonder if I went or not.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @JohnCrane – This would “seem” like a good time to communicate more, but it’s NOT because you have a history of being too needy and she even told you that is one of the reasons she broke up with you! I’m glad she replied to the furry message, but her words of “that’s always fun” does NOT need a response or text from you. So click on it and read it, but don’t reply at all. It was just her comment and it doesn’t why she saw it yesterday and then replied today. If you’re going to go no contact for awhile send her a text about it and do it tomorrow. Maybe include a link about the stages of a romantic relationship. If you call, you might say something you regret and sound even more desperate and needy. Try to be strong! Your break up was only 3 weeks ago and she’s feeling worn out from the whole thing! Don’t contact her next week about something else. Don’t tell her about your cousin’s furry party, if she wants to know about it, let her be the one to ask.. You really need to mellow out and focus on college studies, packing / moving, and other things. Let time heal the wounds of the past for both of you in order to get a better perspective about things.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I understand, I don’t think including a link would be helpful, wouldn’t that make it seem like I’m telling her she’s confused? Some may not like that, she also replied to my text relatively late, 10:45, she also did this after she already read the message… so she was thinking about it went back through her messages and replied. Im just terrified that if I cut off all communication she will move on.

    Should I send her a link on the stages of a romantic relationship? Or could that make her think I’m needy and really want to get back together?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    What text?? Did you send her another one today? You’re probably right about the link, it might make her think you’re trying to tell her she’s confused, lol, which I think she is, but best not to send it as you did mention it in a phone call and it she wanted to look it up for herself, she would. You must have more courage and not be terrified. If she wants to move on, she will anyway, whether you’re contacting her or not. Right now she thinks of you as a very needy guy and you have to prove to her you’re not. The only way to do that now is to stop texting so much!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I know I shouldn’t text lol, I didn’t text her today…

    Here’s what happened, when I texted her about the furry thing saying

    “wtf…my cousin evhan invited me to a furry party.”

    She looked at it an hour later but never replied.

    I ignored it and didn’t respond. Then today at 10:45pm she replied. I kinda over analyzed it lol… here’s what I came up with.

    She wakes up relatively early on Mondays, because of this she is usually sleeping anywhere from 9:30 – 12:00, she already looked at the message before, this means the notification is gone… there is no point in looking at the conversation. However she decided to go back onto Instagram, look through her messages, find my name, then reply to me… I think she may have been thinking about me because we usually talk around 10:00 – 11:00. Plus what I said wasn’t a question… it didn’t require a response, she responded anyway.

    When I got the notification I never clicked on the message, I waited an hour to make it not seem like I care that much to look at it. I clicked the message and didn’t respond, this way she’ll wonder if I went and she may ask me, I’m not replying to that message don’t worry 🙂

    My plan was to wait till next week to reply, maybe around Saturday, I could wait longer if you think that’s best… it’ll be hard tho. It’s just, why would she reply? She saw it didn’t respond, then thought of me so replied at 10:45…

    • Total Posts: 2868

    My gosh! You’re analyzing everything down to the minute. People these days are soooo impatient. You have no idea what’s going on with her and why she didn’t respond immediately. She could have homework, a friend or family member called, she might not be feeling well and on it goes. Again, you DON’T have to reply to her comment!!! It was just a comment. You are trying to drag it out and thereby show her that you’re still so needy and desperate. Just keep saying to yourself, “It’s ONLY been 3 weeks since the break up”. Send the no contact text and get on with your life. You’re going to be busy and that’s the truth..

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I’m really not going to be busy tho… when I want a task done it’s done well and quickly, and also I see where you are coming from with the “she may be busy thing”.

    I do however know her and… she’s on reading week, she is almost always on Instagram since we broke up, her family doesn’t call her often, she’s never sick and when she is she’s on her phone on Netflix, Instagram, youtube etc. Plus through the two years we were dating she would respond to my texts within an hour almost always, if she didn’t she would call later that day.

    I’m not really going crazy, I just like posting on this forum because you guys are helpful, and help me feel better. Why not get tips on this stuff right?

    I’ve been having a blast in my room singing lol and I’m going out with a friend tomorrow.

    And I never said I was going to reply to her comment lol, I said I would not reply! 🙂

    No contact for a month… your sure? She’s replying to my texts and answering my calls, if I start no contact won’t I need to start all this over again?

    Oh and if I start NCR again what do I do if she texts or calls me?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Okay, go no contact for 2 weeks. She responded more quickly when you were together, but you’re not together anymore. I thought you were going to text her that you were going to do no contact? She shouldn’t be contacting you after that if you let her know you won’t be responding to anything for 2 weeks. You if continue constant contact, you’re not showing her any improvement, nor are you giving her any hope that you could be any different other than the needy person she already knows and she doesn’t like that behavior. Maybe say the word “Needy” over and over, lol. Have fun with your friend tomorrow:)

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay… umm what should I text lol.

    “Hey Maddie, could we hold out on talking for the next couple weeks? I need to focus on myself, packing, school, driving and some other stuff, thanks!”

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Sounds okay. Be sure to make it a strict no contact.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    …okay it’s going to be hard, be ready to give me emotional support lol

    Wait… if she texts or calls ignore it? Or respond but cut it off?

    Ex. “Here’s my new number _____ ____ _____”

    Should I say “thanks” then thats it? Or not respond?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    You’re asking her for 2 weeks no contact and she should respect that. If she sends her new number in the meantime, don’t reply. Don’t reply to anything..

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay thanks! Here we go… no contact starts nooooooow!

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Good luck!

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