Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #71033
    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Hey, sad to say it didn’t work out, she’s changed to a cold bitch… I wanted closure and she spat in my face and blocked me on everything.

    Time to begin the not so long road to recovery, I hope all of your relationships work out.

    Who know in 2 – 5 years she’ll look back and realize she made a mistake, she’ll reach out to me and I’ll spit back.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Well I hope I have the strength to spit back because I’m still in love and still destroyed by this, having suicidal thoughts all the time but… I’ll get through it.

    Just remember guys you aren’t alone in this, you may feel like you are different from anyone and your partner is different.. It’s just simply not true, they are all the same, genaric as fuck. They thing the grass is greener on the other side, it’s not… You’re all better then them and just know that time heals all wounds, the road will be hard and it’ll destroy you but that’s when it’s time to pick yourself up because you are stronger then them.

    • Total Posts: 1

    Hello, Im new here. Just wondering how youve been since your last post. I feel for you and hope you are out and about and experiencing better times.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166


    Hello ?

    I’m way better, it’s a sad story… but it’s the same thing everyone goes through. I still creep a photo from time to time and think about the good times but… I now understand that we’re both so young, 18 years old… It was pretty stupid for me to have hopes of being with her for the rest of our lives, I would have been happy taking care of her and treating her wonderfully but… That’s not the same thoughts she was having I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

    You’re new here so… All I can say is that if you think you had something special try to hold on. With that being said, think… Are they worth it? Did they really put as much effort into the relationship as you? Did they make you feel amazing? Not just good… I mean, did they give you that warm feeling inside. You need to know when you need to let go.

    I don’t know what happened to you but if it’s anything like what happened to me, you need to stay strong, I was right in my last post… Time heals all wounds, I’m still hurt and I still want her to come back and say sorry but… I don’t think I would take her back, she’s not the type of person I wanna be with, at least not in her current state… She’s entitled and thinks she’s as good as it gets when honestly, she’s not.

    I’m texting another girl right now, she makes me feel amazing, I haven’t even met her in person, she talks to my friends and I’ve had her added on Facebook forever because she goes to my old school but… I never reached out.

    Anyways, we like the same things, she is nice from what I’ve heard and read (from friends and just general discussion). Bottom line is, there are more people out their, better people.

    *i typed this quick lol because I’m talking to friends and oddly enough texting that girl!*

    I do hope everything works out, more than anything I hope you stay strong and have the courage to move on if it’s time. (probably not what you wanna hear… But trust me)

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