Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #70356
    • Total Posts: 115

    I just read on a smiliar get your ex back site:

    Here is your main problem. Right now, you aren’t willing to walk away to get him back.

    John, we need to get this mind set! Seriously, we have to be willing to walk away to get them back. I’m not there yet either. Together we can do it, I’m sure.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Hey since she told me she was stressed last time we texted should I say something like this next week.

    “Hey, hope you aren’t still overwhelmed. I found a show that I love, I think you’d really like it, maybe it’ll give you a break lol.”

    Should I say that? Again it’s not asking a question and doesn’t require a response. I feel kinda bad she’s overwhelmed, I shouldn’t cuz she could have lied lol.

    What do you think?

    I think it’s nice, to the point, she doesn’t need to answer and it also leaves her wondering what show I’m talking about.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Don’t think about the text yet that you will write in a few days. You are not ready yet for another contact yet. Go and distract yourself and work on things and don’t think about your ex please!

    Don’t say “hope you aren’t still overwhelmed” and also probably don’t put lol into your sentences (I know you like to say that a lot πŸ˜‰ ) but it makes the sentence to look less serious. Better send a smiley πŸ™‚ Try out to stay without contact until next Wednesday at least. I know it’s hard right now and not what you want, but it is what you need, trust me.

    Then drop her a simple:

    Hey I’ve been watching that show lately that I think you would love. It is a bit similar to (name of a show she loves), do you remember when we watched that one episode in which…? Anyway, gotta go see a friend, enjoy your day.

    Or wait till she answers and then say the last sentence.
    Something like that. πŸ™‚

    But first: Go do things for yourself! She is out having fun and you are sitting around at home thinking about her when it should be the other way around!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    We didn’t really talk about it no, I asked once about 5 months ago if she saw a future with me. She said yes and I asked what was in the future, she wanted 2 – 3 kids and a medium size house, she wanTed us to be happy.

    She didn’t want to get married tho… she hates the idea of anyone getting married, she thinks it’s just a piece of paper that costs lots of money. She said if we were to get married it would need to be when we were in our 40s lol

    Most people my age don’t like the idea of getting good married… it’s just a phase they go through. Buy yeah long story short she did see a future with me.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    It’s so hard not to message her… I know she’s just sitting in her room watching netflix or on her phone, it’s all she does.

    But I cant message her… I known she would answer and if I asked to talk I know she would say yes. She would even say yes if I wanted to meet up on the weekend… but I can’t look needy or desperate, plus we need time, mostly her, she needs time to think about me and miss me lol

    Its just like you said, you sent that email to your ex for comfort and to get stuff off your chest. I wanna talk to her for the same reason but I can’t because I’m doing well so far (I think)

    Ugh… I just love her so much and I wanna be with her, she makes me happy.

    Atm she’s making me pretty sad and angry lol!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay I’ll send a text like the one you said. We haven’t watched the show I’m talking about, I don’t think she’s ever seen it.

    I don’t know about the last part… if I say I’m having out with a friend she’ll probably think I’m saying it to make her jealous.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Since she doesn’t reply emediatly if she takes like an hour to reply saying:

    “Oh really what show?”

    I could just say:

    “Sorry, I’m out with some friends, I can text you about it after I get home if you’d like.”

    I like this because I say sorry so it’s not like I’m being rude or trying to make her jealous, also I say if you’d like at the end, which causes her to think about if she wants to text later. I also didn’t ask a question but she can respond if she wants to further the conversation, I’m not being clingy or needy just stating if she wants to know later I’m available to tell her.

    I think it’s brilliant lol πŸ™‚

    PS. I’ll stop saying lol


    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay i know it’s bad to look but her snapchat number is going up like crazy… she’s snapchatting so many photos like WTF whoo is she snapchatting… don’t yell at me for looking lol I’ll stop now. But seriously it was 8,460 (around) now it’s 8,528 that’s 68 photos sent and received!

    I’m aware I’m making it worse by looking…

    Ps. Don’t think I’m constantly doing this, I cleaned watched TV and youtube and then looked just to see.

    Oh and please read my message above πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 115

    Good Morning,

    ” I know she’s just sitting in her room watching netflix or on her phone, it’s all she does.” No you don’t πŸ™‚ Maybe she is out having the time of her life! It could be, do the same. It will help you. You seem like a guy who has many friends haven’t you? Make a plan to go to the movies or hang out at a friends place at two evenings this week. If you want to: Take pictures on Snapchat or post them on FB, show your ex you are having fun without her!

    Yeah it was similar to my ex tho he didn’t know if he wanted to have any children. He wanted to marry tho. But he wasn’t someone who was mature enough to talk about those things either even if we are 5 years older than you guys.

    Yeah do πŸ™‚ With the other show I meant a show that you’ve watched together and is similar to the show you want to tell her about. so you create memories you had together in that messages at the same time as telling her something she would like πŸ™‚ Like: “I found this new series that I think you would love. It’s similar to Shameless which we used to watch together, remember the episode in which they throw Frank into the river? We had so much fun that evening eating popcorn and talking about the show”.

    I don’t know, it’s only a suggestion πŸ™‚ so instead of Shameless any show that you guys used to watch will do, create your own memory that she will like to look back at, too.

    And yes, read the message when she answers “what show?” but don’t answer for at least 30-60 minutes!! She will have you on her mind that way πŸ™‚ Then answer: Oh sorry I’m out with friend, ill check later and tell you. like you said. Don’t add the “if you like” because it gives her the option to say no, by that time she already asked for the name so she wants to know it πŸ™‚

    What do the numbers on snapchat mean? My phone is too old to have the newest version of snapchat so one day it decided to just not let me open snapchat anymore so I deleted it.

    She probably knows you are looking at it and she wants to see those high numbers. Just don’t check it, I know it’s hard! I creep my ex’s twitter at least 2 times a day which is bad…

    haha don’t stop saying lol, but for the first messages you send her leave it out πŸ™‚

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    She wasn’t out having the time of her life I garentee it lol

    It’s not really important at this point but, she stays off her phone when she goes out. I still have her netflix account… I know she was home cuz she was on her phone lol

    Not trying to prove you wrong or anything, just trying to make myself feel better, she wasn’t having the time of her life πŸ™‚ well… maybe but she was doing it by binge watching a show and snapchatting lol

    Okay I’ll leave out the “If you want”
    You’re right, I just wanted it in so I get another response. But she’ll obviously want the name later still.

    Oh and no I don’t have many friends I have like 3 close ones my best friend moved like 2h away so we can’t hang out without planning like a week early, my other friends… yeah I could probably chill with them. I don’t make friends with many people because I find most people 17-21 are insanely immature, they are still immature after 21 but… not as crazy.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I just liked her photo…

    I’m such a goddamn idiot… ugh.
    It’s 4:24 and I scrolled through her profile and my phone glitched out I clicked it once and it like studdered and acted like I clicked it twice…. fuck!

    It’s the one she posted of her with short hair. I guess that’s not so bad because in the last text it was mentioned.

    Since it’s 4:28 I posted a snapchat on my story saying “when you take a nap and then wake up at 4:00am” I did this to make it seem like I wasn’t up at 4:30 crying over her while looking through her profile.

    Still since it was an older picture I needed to go onto her profile to like it, she’ll know that I went onto her profile looked at it and liked it on purpose…

    Ps I wasn’t up crying over her I actually did wake up at like 4:00

    Help me pweez

    Still Fuck!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I kinda unliked it lol, it removes the notification off the instagram app, she’d never know. The only problem is she may see the home screen notification…

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I’m overreacting… I can’t calm down tho, what if she still thinks I’m needy!


    Whence you get the chance please give me some advice lol

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay sorry for the mixed feelings lol.

    I decided to like the photo, she won’t get another notification but, I don’t want her to see that I unliked it so I decided on like it.

    If she looked at the notification and saw that I liked then unliked it… I’m fucked. However if she looks and sees that I like it she’ll either think I’m needy…. or that I just like her new hair.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Okay it’s been an hour nowith I realise I kinda overreacted lol

    All I did was like a photo, it’s also a photo that has am impact on her.

    – We talked about her hair.

    – I always liked her photos I stopped after the two week break so it’s not that strange.

    – I said I woke up early in my snapchat story so it’s not like I was stalking her or up crying thinking about her. (I wasn’t)

    So for these reasons I think it doesn’t really matter.

    What do you think?

    Ps. I know I wrote a lot in the last feweeeee hours but could you read it and respond to all of them? I know it’s a lot but yeah… thanks!

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