Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #70319
    • Total Posts: 115

    Hahaha damn, when I saw the first sentence I almost began jumping up from the couch because I was happy and then I read the end.

    You handled the situation well but as I thought, she is not ready yet πŸ™ I think her response was normal. I’d wait another week or two but as I know you by now you probably don’t want to wait that long right? Don’t contact her before the weekend for sure. She needs to process things now. Give her some time and more space.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Yea I agree 100% I’ll wait till Sunday probably, I don’t want to wait till Tuesday again because I don’t want a pattern to form.

    Good advice thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 115

    Well you could wait till Thursday next week for example, too hehe but I guess that’s too far away for you. I think she will think about you this week. If she is ready she will start talking to you anyway πŸ™‚

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    The only reason I don’t want to wait another two weeks is because I told her I didn’t want to talk for two weeks, nw of I do it again it seems kinda weird.

    She told me she likes the hair and that she was overwhelmed, I acted not clingy and said that I hope everything’s fine and I like the hair then that was it.

    It was a short but nice, she wasn’t rude or cold in any way and that’s what I was looking for πŸ™‚ so I’ll wait 5 – 6 days.

    • Total Posts: 115

    No it wouldn’t be weird, because she would wonder. And what makes her wonder is good because she will keep thinking about you πŸ™‚ Like my ex did when he wrote me by himself. He was wondering why I didn’t check in with him when that wasn’t even the plan anymore.

    It’s good how you replied for sure and it’s good that you didn’t act clingy. Keep up the good work πŸ™‚

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Lol thanks!

    Didn’t your ex reach out to you a couple times tho? Mine hasent once since the breakup. That leads me to belive she won’t make the first move.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Well only with liking pictures before. I think he was wondering how I was able to be without contact. I think he won’t contact me anymore from now on. I wrote him an E-Mail earlier in which I explained why I want no Contact which maybe was wrong but I don’t care, I went wrong already this morning by talking to him. And I wanted to get those thoughts off my chest. Because he told me he is less sad without me and I explained him in the E-Mail that of course he feels like this because he got involved with me and we shared our emotions together, bad and good ones. That’s always more weight on your shoulders because you have to worry, be happy and care for two. So of course it’s less when you break up with someone and erase him or her out of your life. I only think many people chose this way because it’s “easier”. To let something fall than work on the problems to gain something great. But well. I wrote him the E-Mail to think of these words the following weeks, I also told him I’d prefer if he doesn’t answer to it for now and let it be my goodbye words for now.

    If I did things wrong now or not, I feel better by writing that to him. I won’t contact him now for the next 20 days or even more until it’s his birthday and wanted to send him a little present, nothing emotional, it’s a card game we used to play and that I bought before the break up and a card. Do you think 24 days are enough space inbetween?

    Maybe she waits for you to make the first move, maybe she isn’t ready. You will see her reaction on Sunday πŸ™‚ If she is still overwhelmed I think she will tell you if she doesn’t want you to talk to her or if she does.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Yes I think 24days should be enough, that seems like it will give you guys the necessary space.

    I think she wants to talk, she is probably doing work. She procrastinates all the time, Tuesdays are her days off, maybe she wanted to catch up on all her work on her day off. She seems like she wants to talk because she said “she can’t talk RIGHT NOW” which implies that she will talk later so…

    I dunno maybe.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Could be, she will definitely think about it for the next days I think πŸ™‚ And then she might even write you!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I can’t stop wanting to write her! I want to talk to her so bad…

    I understand not talking is good because she’s probably thinking about me, I posted 2 snapchats on my story after the text and she looked at them both, she was the first one to look at the second snap… that could have just been timing tho. She’s always looked at them, sometimes she missed one but not often.

    I just can’t stop thinking, “what if she’s not thinking about me?” It’s so hard to take that in. I want to be in a happy relationship with her so much…

    I don’t want some dick to come along and like… use her for sex, she probably wouldn’t say yes but still it worries me.

    • Total Posts: 115

    I know. But see what’s happening? You are going back to day 1 after the break up. Stay calm. Work more on yourself, become an even better version. That thinking isn’t helping you in any kind of way. And writing wouldn’t be either. If she was thinking of you and if she wanted contact she would write you.

    At the moment she is not, she is not ready. If she is having sex with another guy I bet it’s not against her will. The Snapchat Pictures don’t have to be a sign. Instead of waiting around for her to write you go out, have fun, maybe even start dating another girl so she gets jealous. Be not the needy you that you were right after the break up, be the strong and confident you and show her that you don’t need her (even if you want her). You need to make her believe you don’t care anymore so she really feels like she has lost you and starts missing you so deeply she comes running back to you.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I know you’re right.

    But what if she doesn’t come running back or contact me… arrrrggggg… I’ll die.

    But I know me contacting her won’t make a difference it’ll probably make things worse actually.

    It’s weird because our brains force us to think:”if I just call her and explain, everything will be okay.” It’s literally the exact opposite… so annoying.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Let me tell you one thing: You won’t Die!!

    Life goes on, with or without her and that’s what you should have learned during NC!! I know you want her back but you also need to see the future in which you don’t get her back (which is more painful obviously) BUT you will get over it. Don’t say it will kill you or you will die. Of course you have feelings like this but those feelings are just in your way to improve yourself and grow to your best version. Stop thinking like this please and move on (ithout moving on) but concentrate on yourself! This is your chance!

    Yeah it’s true. I always think: What if I just explain this to him, then he will finally understand and comes back to me! No he won’t. Because he has to find those things on his own and that needs time. Maybe the won’t find those things out but pffft then it’s their loss you know. You cannot change them or their feelings atm but you can change yours and yourself. So do work on yourself more πŸ™‚ Don’t get weak. You will be okay!

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Me saying I’ll die was a joke πŸ™‚

    Yea I agree thanks! I just want her back… I can tell myself that it’s her loss but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. I can focus on improving myself but still that doesn’t make it hurt any less. I want to feel better but I want to feel better by being with her, because I’m more happy when she’s around.

    She is young and probably doesn’t want to settle down. I’m also young buy I want to have a happy relationship and settle down in 6-7 years, I’m different than most 18yr olds.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Yeah but you said something like that before and since I had a bf with depression I’m always careful when I hear things like that πŸ˜€

    But I can totally relate to how you feel, trust me. I think we all feel like we don’t know what to do if we don’t get our ex back.

    It will hurt less, there will always be days that are worse or better than other days but the better days will get more and more until the bad days disappear slowly. Concentrating on yourself is the best medicine πŸ™‚

    I know you want to be better by being around her. That part will be the cherry on the cake tho. For being in a happy relationship you need to be happy first! And I mean totally happy, otherwise the relationship will fail again and that’s not what you want I suppose because you sound like a serious guy with settling down in a few days and I trust you. Your partner cannot make you happy, you have to be the one who makes you happy first and then you can join the happiness of the two of you and you will have something great πŸ™‚

    Is she as serious as you with knowing that she wants to settle down in 6/7 years, too? Have you talked about that topic?

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