Boards No Contact Rule Co worker Ex. How do I know which phone call is an emergency ! Please help.

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    • Total Posts: 15

    My ex and I work in bang opposite laboratories, and professionally he is a superior in position. He told me he wanted to be just friends with me as he needed to work on his career and didn’t want anything serious. He just wanted casual flings with other women. I cried and pleaded like an idiot. Then ultimately I told him I have deiced to accept the break up and agree that we should be just friends as two weak people cannot build something strong. Now I am very friendly with one of his colleagues and often visit this second guy. We hang out a lot. New guy has sort of taken me under his wings.
    I have initiated no contact with my ex but it is difficult not to take his calls as the calls maybe completely professional. He has called me once every 24 hours. I have had to take calls but they were just to ask what I am doing etc. I didn’t encourage conversation. The calls ended in less than a minute. Yesterday I was going out shopping with this new guy and another friend when he started calling. He called once to know where I was going and told me he had dinner plans too. I said have a nice time. He then called back a few minutes later to ask who I was going with, and to say he had cancelled his plans. I said he could join us if he wanted to. He refused and I left it at that. I had later dropped him that message to inform him my mother was released though is in a delicate state, as earlier I had told him she was admitted. No reply came for that.

    Please let me know how to interpret this. Or if I am doing anything wrong.

    • Total Posts: 11

    I think he’s not thrilled that you could be moving on, particularly with another co-worker.
    Ok I am in a similar situation with my ex as we work together as well. I think if I were in your shoes I might tell him that I need some space and not to call. I’d tell him If there is something work related that we need to discuss then we can discuss it at work. I don’t know your work situation or what kind of emergencies could arise but maybe it’s possible that he could have someone else inform you of those kinds of things rather than doing it himself. I think that’s what I would do with my ex if something comes up after hours that he needs to know about (I’m in a supervisor role).

    • Total Posts: 15

    Dear Litredfrog, thanks for replying. 🙂
    Now he has stopped calling me as well. Guess my being just polite put him off and now he thinks I am dating the new guy or something. Actually this guy has introduced me to most of his friends who like me a lot as well, so we hang out a lot. Frankly I am enjoying what I share with this crowd. They are humble, funny and friendly just like my ex used to be when we met. His new career rise changed him. I am hoping that arrogance phase is temporary, and he finds his way back to where we were. At the end of the day, I have lost my closest friend…’the one’. I don’t know if I meant as much to him any more, as he said I did before.
    When he broke up with me, he said he didn’t want anything serious right now so he wanted to see other people casually..A part of me is scared he is simply starting to forget me, that he is finally having the time of his life with the casual flings he said he wanted to have.

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