Boards No Contact Rule Can't belive I'm back here again…

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  • #68007
    • Total Posts: 133

    Ok so i asked if she wanted to call and without hesitation as soon as she read it she called me. We talked for 58 minutes. We had a fun conversation didn’t go into relationship or feelings. She seemed down but keen to see what ive been doing how my family and i have been etc. She even told me to be careful at train stations and get my cough looked at. She also opened up about her grandfather’s passing last year saying her christmas this year was going to be weird. And i tried to comfort her.

    She also said she feels like she has no one now cause her bestfriend is always with her boyfriend. I said i felt kind of the same way.

    Does this show she only misses me cause she has no one? Or does she genuinely miss me?

    We had a few laughs especially during the end of the call where i said i was going for dinner we said good bye and she waited on the phone cause normally she makes me hang up. And that’s what she did. She just waited and we both burst out laughing. I asked her ” do you want me to hang up ” and she said yeah. So we said goodbye again and it happened again we laughed i called her a fag (i use to call her that as a joke) she laughed and i hung up.

    she definitely seems more talkative but didn’t show any signs that she wanted me back however. She asked me alot of questions. I asked her what she was doing for her birthday and she said she was just going out with her friend louise for a night out. I said i would talk to her later or whenever at the very end.

    I still don’t think she wants me back. After she said she has no one else it almost felt like she was using me as a comfort blanket. Is this what i am to her?

    • Total Posts: 51

    Dude you are thinking too much of it, this is great moment and enjoy it! I wish my ex would reach out and I could have those moments. But play it cool, as if this is a whole new relationship. The past is the past and live the moment now. She misses you, she wanted to contact you otherwise she would talk to her girlfriends. Girls will always have time to help their girlfriends as it’s a simple call away. Great to see some positive vibes. Much progress has been made today for you.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you so much pingping. I’m only overthinking in order to not make any stupid mistakes. It’s like i over analyse everything.

    She just messaged me saying ” I’m glad we spoke I’m happy you like uni and that and i have really missed you by the way”

    I guess that’s a good sign? I’m about to have dinner so I’ll reply to her after as I’ve litteraly got home had a phone call now having my dinner and I’ll need to sleep soon lol.

    P.s I hope if this is positive progress this motivates all of you to keep going.

    • Total Posts: 51

    Definitely a good sign. You must be grinning ear to ear lol I’m damn happy for you as it gives me hope that this could happen for us also. What a day you had. Keep us updated, as we need positive vibes in this board

    • Total Posts: 133

    I am you are right hahaha! What do i even reply to that though without being too forward ? Do i just say “I’m glad we spoke too and you obviously know i miss you. We’ll speak tomorrow night” ? Or ” I’m glad we spoke too. It was nice hearing your voice again.” ? Or what lol any advice in what i can reply to that? I think she’s currently gone to sleep so I’ve missed the chance for her to see if before she sleeps.

    • Total Posts: 51

    Just got home from work, couldnt message earlier but it seems you two and on the right path right now. maybe say the “I’m glad we spoke too. It was nice hearing from you” as i am afraid if you speak again tomrrow, you two wont have as much material to talk with? and the conversation may get boring? As i rmr in my relationship before id be on the phone with her and eventually we would have nothing to talk about LOL. fell asleep on the phone together, etc. But maybe others on the board can give you more ideas. sorry if i wasnt much help lol

    • Total Posts: 114

    I wasn’t getting any notifications on my email, now I am wayyy behind. It’s gonna take me an entire night to catch up. Lol

    I got a gist of it and Ironblood seems to be on track. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 114

    Fishingthesky: yes, it is very uncomfortable feeling. I thought that too that our exes won’t ask how we are because they don’t want to know what’s going on or if we are dating someone.

    I unfriended my ex the night he broke up with me/ as soon as he left my house… I can’t forget that night ever. He came by, kissed me and was holding my hand. We watched tv for an hour but he did not sit next to me. I knew what was gonna happen. When he was about to leave, his last words to me were “if you have any questions or want to say anything, just text or call me. Please don’t hate me forever….” And i closed the door on him without saying a word of looking at him. It has been 8 weeks. I have not seen him since. And i have only sent 1 text message in the last 7 weeks.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Pingpong:I don’t think I have any suggestions for Ironblood right now. He has more progress than any of us here! Lol!!! I just say to stop over thinking and just continue with casual talk. If she does not reply, leave it to be because obviously she will text eventually.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Ok so i replied ” I’m glad we spoke too It was nice hearing from you , have a good day at work “.

    Trying to keep is casual with no emotions invovled so she chases? I think you are right. If we have another phone call it might get boring quick… hopefully not. I just hope she’s not just saying she misses me cause she has no one else and she genuinely misses me.

    I’m sorry to hear that MrsWb. 8 weeks must have been a killer. However if you have pretty much done nc during this time, would you say you have improved yourself? Even though it was your ex who should be doing the improvement. If so why don’t you focus on maybe contacting him soon? Unless you want to wait it out for him to contact first?

    • Total Posts: 133

    Would it be a good idea to send my ex a friend request on facebook? Or too soon?

    • Total Posts: 114

    Oh gosh, no. i would not! But that’s just me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 51

    Maybe you should ask her sometime this week to go out for a coffee or something, you could be like ” hey im heading to starbucks to go study and grab a cup of joe, want to come along?” or something like that lol as when i studied in uni, i use to live at starbucks lol it’ll be a nice. In my heart i think she truely misses you. But like what i said earlier just try to not think too much of it , as i know you want to be ahead and make sure you arent messing up but heck what am i to say lol easier said than done. I am sure I i ever get in your position ill be the same lol.

    i never deleted my ex off my FB. so this is hard for me to give an answer to. I would say too soon.. maybe give it another few days (if you guys continue talking daily)

    • Total Posts: 114

    Ironblood: my ex knows how much I miss and love him. I already reached out one time last week and he gave me a very casual-just-being-polite text. Didn’t even say hello.

    I am sad, but for once in my life, I would like an ex-bf to come back for me and realize my worth…I know I am worth it. But if I am not to him, so be it.

    A lot of people have said I am one of the strongest persons they have met, however my biggest weakness is men/ relationships. I can’t seem to keep a long term relationship. i’m always broke up within less than a year. I have not been with a lot of guys though. Just 2 other guys after my divorce. It would be nice to be in a long term relationship so I can experience a chance to grow. But it has never come to that point. I have yet to experience a milestone with someone, celebrate a birthday or xmas.

    You are probably wondering, she must be really crazy that she can’t keep a man. I question that too. But I know i have no serious flaws. I hardly even get into arguments. And I am always calm. I gotta say though, I think the reason why I succeed in everything else except for a relationship is because I am always afraid and panicking that it is not going to work out. Also, what my friend told me, my problem is I keep giving but never recieve with an open heart. I started becoming this way because I was always criticized as a kid for being spoiled and dependent. I wanted people to change their opinion about me, so going on with life, I refused help most of the time. When I went through a divorce, i faced it all on my own. I had no one to talk to about it. I was in a foreign country and my ex abandoned me to fend for myself, but my relatives took me in so I can get my life back on track. I just barely recovered and am resting from all the stress I had in the last 11 years. And having 2 break ups in 4 years… I’m just like….

    I apologize for this long rant. I will go back on focusing on you guys. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t think my ex will contact me. It has been 8 weeks, and if he truly wanted me in his life despite his insecurities, he would have been back already. I find it a bit insulting that he underestimated my love for him. Being a couple means helping and supporting each other. But he is truly selfish and he only thinks about his own feelings.

    Yup,cthe bitterness just came out there.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Ironblood: my friend is trying to help me improve myself. I am insecure.

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