Boards No Contact Rule Can't belive I'm back here again…

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  • #67919
    • Total Posts: 114

    I’m kinda jealous in a way though because i’m getting nothing from him.

    • Total Posts: 133

    I’m so sorry about that. I’m sure he will eventually break and text you. It is clear he still cares for you so it’s only a matter of time MrsWB.

    And yet again thank you.

    What would you recommend i reply to that? You are right in my mind I’m freaking out but I can’t show it. I don’t want her to feel like she has an emotional grip on me but at the same time i don’t want to drive her away. :(. Im really confused in what to do/say.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Would it be ok if i just reply “well you know i miss you too” and leave it until she replies or for a while? Or ?

    • Total Posts: 114

    Yeah. I will be honest with you here. I am kind of stumped how to respond to something like that because we now clearly know she did that on purpose to get your attention. And you know for sure you miss her and want to say that to her too. I don’t have any suggestions what to say, but you are right waiting it out. Think what you need to say. You are the one who knows her best, what sets her off. Based on my situation with my ex, if he said that to me, I would definitely tell him I miss him too and no mention of anything else. If he wants to talk about it more, he will need to see me in person.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you MrsWB I just messaged her back saying “well you know i miss you too” and left it at that. I need to go to bed as it’s 9:15pm here but i have to wake up at 6am. So if she does reply i will wait till tomorrow is that a good idea? Thanks again this means alot!

    • Total Posts: 133

    I’ve replied and she immediately asked me how i was. This is the conversation so far.

    Ex: I miss you
    Me: Well you know i miss you too
    Ex: How have you been what you been doing
    Me: I’m good driving instructor is pleased with my progress. What about you how’s work

    Would you say keeping it casual is the good thing to do? What does this show? It’s weird she has never been like this after a breakup.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Ok. That looks good. Keep it that way. No talk of relationship and breakups, alright? 🙂

    • Total Posts: 16

    Hello all, Not quite sure where we are in the post as I have not commented in a few days. I wanted to share a little different perspective that echoes some of what I am reading. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! The only reason any of us are in pain is because we gave into the unknown. We gave up our self respect and dignity for what we want so much out of life or what we thought we couldn’t be without. Truth is we traded the reality that we had for this shit! Our ego’s have taken a massive blow! But what I am telling you is it doesn’t have to be this way. I can tell you a little about myself, I am in my 40’s and can do everything I could in my 20’s. I am 6 ft. tall 225 lbs. of man! I refuse to waist anymore time worrying about what i don’t have but instead have started to recognize that i really didn’t lose anything. Anything that can’t be replaced that is. So we were done wrong or we screwed up, so what!! We are left only with our memories of what was lost or the shattered reality of what might have been F**K that!! I am through waiting for something to happen. I am about to make it happen. If nothing more than to just prove that she can be replaced.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Hi Paul,

    I agree. We did cause this to ourselves. We have a choice to focus on ourselves and other things. But we are all human to feel these hurt emotions. I wish it was easy to numb ourseleves, or what those people did in “Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind”. I’ve made mistakes too by pinning on someone for so long that did not exist anymore. That was entirely my fault because I was insecure. I did move on but I am broken up once more.

    I only wish the best for each and everyone on this board and hope that everything works out for all whether it’s them reuniting with exes or finding someone else.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Yes definitely not yet MrsWB.

    This is how it’s been going so far.
    Ex: I miss you
    Me: Well you know i miss you too
    Ex: How have you been what you been doing
    Me: I’m good driving instructor is pleased with my progress. What about you how’s work
    Ex:Good that’s really good I’m really pleased for you. Urm it’s ok. Have you started uni yet
    Me: I start tomorrow. I’ll know how you feel waking up at 6am now. Did you do you your first aid training if so how was it
    Ex: oh really you looking forward to it
    Well I wake up at 5 now and it would of been this week but they cancelled it for me because Sally said she didn’t want me out of the office for that long
    Me:Yeah I’m looking forward to it hopefully it will be a change from college. How long was the course meant to be for then?
    Ex: Yeah course it will be I think you’ll really enjoy it. Monday to Thursday how’s your mom
    Me: Moms fine really enjoying her job. How’s your mom and dad I’m sure it was your moms birthday
    Ex : Good I’m glad. Yeah their fine and it was yesterday
    Me : Did you celebrate it. I went out last week for a meal for my aunts 60th

    She didn’t reply after about 15 mins so i assumed she was asleep so i said.

    Me: You’ve probably fallen asleep we can talk tomorrow if that’s ok with you night

    I’ve kept it as short and casual as possible. Sorry if i keep spamming this board here just want to I’m not doing or saying something i shouldn’t be or if you had some suggestions to keep it interesting that would be great. She was replying quite fast around 1-4mins i took around 4-10mins. I guess that is a good sign right? Is it? From what you can see is this a good sign or is she just trying to be nice? Thanks.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Sorry i didn’t see the latest replies. Paul you are right. But as you say if you really want something to happen then make it happen. Don’t wait around for her that as you no is not what nc is for. It’s for improving yourself and proving you can live and be happy without your ex but if you want her back don’t quit so easily.

    Can’t stress it enough but thank you all once more … again!

    • Total Posts: 114

    Ironblood: Dude, this is your board/ thread. Spam all you want. Go to bed. It’s late in the UK. lol! (Mom mode here) 🙂 I’m just so glad you are smiling again. That convo was good!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Hahaha that is right! Haha. I’m about to go to bed. I’m definitely alot happier but still unsure it will work out but time and positivity will tell.

    Hope you all a have a good night sleep and remain strong and positive no matter what you encounter.

    You can do this! We are here for eachother throughout this!

    Good night MrsWB , Paul@33 and all!

    • Total Posts: 51

    youre making me jealous ironblood lol. Maybe this was meant to be. As she was on your mind like crazy and she magically came when you needed it. Must be MrsWB’s magic powers cause she casted something on us lol no luck for me so far.

    Ironblood you are probably around the same age as me, and we both have been in a relationbship for long time but for me we have never broken up until now. But from reading what you said earlier, i think might be best to delete her from social media so you are able to just focus on yourself more. I am sure once you start school also you should be able to keep your mind off. When talking to her, i think you should keep it cool, maybe overtime she will open up a little more and you can too but for now like what MRsWB said you both need time to heal. I myself have deleted IG, snapchat, but i kept FB as there are some funny videos that keeps me sane lol. When my ex contacted me before, saying she missed me and what we had but i cant really rmr what i said but it was along time lines of we need some time apart to appreicate each other more, as sometimes i may not contact you for a while but this is something we need. And she said like if this waht we have to do to love eachother more than it is what it is. Can’t rmr exactly how the conversation went as i always delete her messages since i hurts to see her name in my text messages lol. Not sure if what i said may have drove her off? but after that we did text little until now.

    I checked my ex’s FB as a curiosity and noticed that shes still in a relationship with me. Strange but idunno how to go on from there lol. But honestly if she removes me, it’s fine but i dont wanna do anything but to leave things the way they are. My emotions been driving me nuts as i keep thinking about what she texted me last about not calling her anymore. Some hours i am so strong and ill say ” psh, i can do this, dont need her”, and than others im just dying LOL But in the end ill be fine. Lke what Paul said, this is something we have done to ourselves. It is going to be a tough start for me again cause we will most likely wont be making ANY contact now. All i can hope for now is her to realize how much she misses me and what this new guy doenst have that i do.

    MrsWB you are a very wise woman with so much expierence that us youngings dont have and we certainly appreciate everything you say. As for your ex, i think he will come around as i know he is just playing hard as most men are. In our hearts we definately want to open up, but it will make us seem very inferior, as when my ex messaged saying she missed me, i wanted to open up like crazy but it would make me seem so needy and stupid and less of a man. My ex always wanted me to be more stern and take charge (as to why i told her we needed some space to heal, me taking charge?) in my relationship, i always wanted to give her whatever she wanted but sometimes she wanted me to take charge. But sometimes maybe i kept giving too much? idunno lol its weird but if we do ever get back, i will obviously be more in charge and stand my ground more.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Pingpong: Right?!! I was going to say the same thing to you in the line of “oh, look! Ironblood made some major progress. But poor us!” Haha! Seriously, we are very happy for you, Ironblood just continue to keep cool. And no! She is not doing that just because she is being nice. She reached out to you first. And since I’m like your mother here, I understand that what she did on Snapchat was her only way of getting your attention back. I have to expect that from an 18 year old. I for one, would not do that at 41. Plus, I have no idea what the heck Snapchat is. I have 1 social media accout, which is FB, and even that I deactivated. I don’t want to see my ex’s activities. He’s also a musician so it makes me sad I can’t be his groupie anymore at his gigs. Haha. Just kidding.

    Pingpong: it gives me so much hope that her status on FB is still in a relationship. For sure the guy she is with now knows for sure she wants nothing serious. I do not think what you said pushed her away. From what I have been reading fron your stories, that was just it, a setback, kind of drifted apart. This is why some say that when you get into a relationship, you propose after a year, then marry a year later. That it is not advisable to stay bf and gf for so long. That being said, every situation is different.and you were in HS wheb you got together. There was no way you were marrying at 20! Mid to late 20s seems like a good starting point nowadays.

    Welp, I will talk to you guys later. Going out for some Korean BBQ!

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