Boards No Contact Rule Can't belive I'm back here again…

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  • #67898
    • Total Posts: 133

    I need to add aswell lately i have been very tired with late nights diet being really bad i almost feel very tired. Sometimes when she use to.come round I’d be that tired I’d have to say hey I’m sorry but im really tired and we would end jp just sleeling straight away. I need to be that energetic spontaneous guy she fell in love with. That’s another thing to add.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Ironblood: I’m at work now. I will respond to you tonight. 🙂 Yes, I figured you were in the UK by the way you described things, and the words you use and spell. I’m in the US.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thanks MrsWB, it’s really hitting me hard at the moment as i start university tomorrow and I’m very nervous aswell as missing my ex like crazy. I just want to talk to her. We were good at comforting each other during nervous times. I just want to reach out but I know i must not and I wont.

    • Total Posts: 133

    My ex just posted a picture of her tattoo near her chest on her snapchat story saying it was fading and i accidentally clicked on it to watch it. Now she knows I’ve seen it and she only posted it like 18minutes ago. Is this bad? Does it look like I’m creeping? Did she post it to provoke me? As she was showing some skin? She knew when we got back together I didn’t like her showing off that tat as it was so close to her boob. She didn’t show any cleavage just her tat and belly. Was it to make me jelous? Or was she just posting it?

    • Total Posts: 133

    Should I delete her off snapchat? Or use it to my advantage ? I hate this.

    • Total Posts: 133

    So when we last broke up she got a new tattoo and if was underneath her boob. She doesn’t ever show cleavage in her photos and when she took a picture of her tat she showed her hand just covering her boob and you could see the outline of her boob. When we got back together i didnt maker her remove i but i told her you know.. she was showing alot. So she removed it. Now i deleted her on facebook and whatsapp and she blocked me on twitter. But kept me on instagram and snapchat. Now she is posting snapchat story of her tattoo but not showing cleavage but alot of skin. I can still tell with the smerking emoji that she still has me as one or the best friend on snapchat. Is she posting that to provoke me. It’s really making me want to contact her.

    • Total Posts: 114

    Hi Ironblood: I am on break now, so I will make this quick. At this point she is the one in control of the situation. Be strong. Take your power back and do not respond. I know it’s soooo hard to do, but you need self control. I would say it is up to you if you want to delete her on Snapchat or IG. Personally, I deleted my ex on FB. And I told him immediately why I did that, and it’s not to spite him but because I can’t be a part of his life anymore and it will just cause me pain and I can’t put myself through that. And I am sure he understood or probably does not care, really.

    I know it is hard and you want to talk to her so bad, and whatever she is doing, what my ex is doing… Is really not out business anymore. That is the hard cold truth. I love my ex so much and I want him back soooo bad! But I know I have to let him be. After 7 weeks of no text, I initiated so I can make my presence felt, he responded with not much enthusiasm… And that was it. He knows I am still here. And I have to leave it at that. I hope you leave her to be too. But do say a quick happy bday on the 12th.

    • Total Posts: 114

    I can almost guarantee that if you responded back, this will cause another fight between you both and it will just get worse. Don’t do it.

    • Total Posts: 133

    I don’t want to respond in a fight just want to know how’s she’s been doing etc. I know it’s not the right thing to do. I just want to talk to her cause it’s killing me but I won’t.

    In your opinion would it make her miss me more if I deleted her? If she even does miss me? This is litterally destroying me. I’m in a sensitive position with so many changed happening in my life. I really needed her to be here supporting me … supporting each other but at this point I almost want to crumble. But i wont allow it. Im fighting the urges but sometimes it can get too much.

    • Total Posts: 176

    Quit playing these mind games, I have already told you this (the passive aggressive behavior), it only makes things worse. I am very straightforward and I don’t wanna sound rude but I feel you need someone who tells you to draw the line here because you are very young. You need to divert your attention on other things in life because you don’t seem to have much else going on except obsessing about this. Your youth days can’t be filled with thinking over and over what she’s gonna do, why she does this and that, time is slipping away from your fingers. Put this aside for a while and really, REALLY concentrate on other stuff to do. With cold mind trust me, you will have a new perspective.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Thank you fishingthesky! You’re right! This is why i vent here. You guys all keep me strong. I wasn’t playing mind games i just know how she thinks.

    You’re right though my mind is so occupied with what ifs that it’s clouding my thoughts. I’m going to university 9-5 this whole week so my mind should be occupied else where hopefully.

    P.s she pretty much removed the snapchat about 30mins after i viewed it. I have a feeling she did it to see if we still had each other as friends. But enough of me over thinking. If i even want a slight chance with this girl i have to concentrate on my self. I may vent here fron time to time but i will do nothing drastic or stupid. I come here to my note pad to write as a form as therapy. I’m sticking to the plan. Thank you yet again.

    • Total Posts: 133

    WHAT THE HELL! SHE JUST MESSAGED ME “I MISS YOU”. I was right! She did snap to get my attention. Should I ignore and carry on nc? Should I reply?

    • Total Posts: 114

    I need a drink. Hahaha!! Oh dear Lord. I don’t know what else to say, the other person is right, this is the typical young love that we normally see. Here is the thing, now that you know for sure she misses you, concentrate on yourself and try not to play so many games. This is why the NC rule was important. It gives you both time to fix yourselves first before you talk to each other. Now is not that time. Both of you are not thinking rationally. After this, I won’t be surprised if you get into arguments again. You haven’t had time to heal yet and gather your thoughts.

    • Total Posts: 133

    I understand we haven’t had any time to heal yet. You’re right I don’t want to be the typical young love couple. I don’t want this where we split get together split etc. I’m still unsure she’s thinking straight. All I was trying to say was should i ignore this as I’m doing nc? Or keep it casual? It’s only been 10 days.

    Although i want her back i am no where near ready to get back together straight away and i dont think she was imitating that. I’m trying not to play games.i don’t want the arguments i can’t deal with them and we don’t argue alot anyway. Only after we broke up.

    A family member tells me to stop playing games and not to ignore her. She told me to keep it casual say ” i know how you feel i miss you to ” or something casual. From your opinions what would you recommend i do?

    I don’t want to fall into the category of the typical young couple either. I understand i was immature but i want to learn from my mistakes. I don’t want to drive you all away by seeming like its a typical young couple. I class you all as friends here. I just need advice as i clearly need it lol? I don’t want to act on impulse and i dont want to ignore it completely to the point it seems like i dont want anything to do with her. Thanks

    • Total Posts: 114

    Lol. It’s ok. It just reminded me when I was young. No. You are not driving us away (me at least). If my ex texted me (which i not happening), I would not ignore him either. I’d just keep it simple even if in my head and heart I am freaking out. 🙂

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