Boards Reconciliation Can i get her back?

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  • #27748
    • Total Posts: 411

    I think she will text that but testing the waters to see how you feel about everything! The fact that she hasn’t respected your text about time and space she really wants the lines of communications to be open.

    Do get excited because this is all so positive but play it cool.

    I’d say you where if I’m honest 🙂

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    So you are saying that she is testing to see what is going on? Sort of beginning to Panic?
    I don’t mind about the time and space. I hounded her for a Long time. I’m just not looking Forward to angry texts or her saying right that’s it, get out of my life for good.
    I wouldn’t know what to do then

    • Total Posts: 411

    Exactly she is panicking! She’s wondering what the hell is going on.

    Do not worry if she says that she will be trying to get a reaction out of you.

    You have asked for the space and time because you are not mentally ready to see her and just be friends, the ball is in your court.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Ha. I like the way you used that. “the ball is in your court”. Ok. I won’t fall for the efforts to get a reaction.
    I have to say that without you here I would have buckled by now.

    I really have a good Feeling about you and your ex. I had an Image of us Meeting. Can’t really remember where or what we looked like.

    • Total Posts: 411

    It is you have the power not in a cocky way but you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, she will react badly but that’s because she cares and your not responding in seconds to her texts, see your getting stronger.

    I’ll always make sure I won’t let you buckle and I’m happy that I can help in anyway.

    I hope so because he is all I want but I want me first to be the caz he knows and loves and I’m getting there day by day.

    Who met? Me and you?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Yeah. Me you and the other halves. Although explaining how we know eachother would be tricky. We could never tell them about this, could we?

    • Total Posts: 411

    Haha! I would be tricky, no we couldn’t tell them as they would probably be a bit weirded out.

    How you feeling now?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Feeling better. I think you are right. She is getting a bit worried. If it was just friendly then she would have respected the space Thing.

    But she shared that with me. I am so happy for her. Really. I just wish that she could know that someway. But it’s not time yet. Not for me. I don’t want to get friendzoned. And I don’t know about the other guy. He might be still around.

    Still confused. Still wondering. Still hoping. But Feeling now like i am ignoring her. That’s a big turn around.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Exactly if it was friends and she was moving on with the other bloke you wouldn’t have got a text.

    If you don’t feel it’s time keep doing what your doing.

    Don’t be confused or worried it won’t get you anywhere, look at it this way she’s reaching out after you have not contacted. Your doing brill and she will somehow know this because your not hounding her.

    It a massive turn around!

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Thanks again. I will Keep doing what I am doing. She is still testing the Waters though. 10 days isn’t a Long time. Lets see what she is like in a week.
    But it is turning i think.
    And you are a woman so you should know.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    I get you now with the reaching out. If it was friendly then she would have said on wednesday well fuck him the ignoramus. I’m not texting him again.
    I see

    • Total Posts: 411

    She will be back, she just seeing what way you are and if she feels you are moving on she will keep texting! She does not want to let you go.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Ok. I think i am understanding. The more she thinks i am letting go the more she gets scared (if she wants me). And if she didn’t want me then there would definitely be nothing.
    So she might start the chase now. It’s cruel actually. It’s playing mind games. It doesn’t sit fully right with me. But this is for me too. If she wants me then she has to give me time.

    • Total Posts: 411

    Yes the more your not around it makes her miss you more! For example if someone was constantly texting you and then all of a sudden stops you do question that!

    It’s not mind games because your not responding and working on a better you, she’s playing mind games by not respecting your space and time…

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Work is over for now. I’ll Keep in touch as the day goes on.

    Stay strong

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