Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #10643
    • Total Posts: 536

    Today he is not talking to me like last night.
    He is not coming online much rather playing games and watching movies. :/
    Its not like he is ignoring me but I feel like he is not much interested in talking. I am not gonna complaint about it. He is not talking to anyone else though.

    • Total Posts: 227

    Take it veryyyy slow. Give him lots of time and space to breathe and not feel tied down. Men hate that.

    Keep yourself busy. You are one of the lucky ones.

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah thanks travelbug ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am not pushing him into anything right now. Its 4.30 am here and we are still talking but he just went to play a game half an hour ago and I am studying for exam and waiting for him to come back :/

    Well I was thinking to ask him for a meet up..what do u think? Should I ask him or wait for him to ask ?

    I am confused !!

    • Total Posts: 894

    stay calm your doing very well, your already there for the moment wait to see how he acts so you can know what to do next. if he doesnt mention anything to you then you could then ask him for a meet up. like travelbug said take it really slow. your doing very well and should be very proud of yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚ keep it up.

    • Total Posts: 536

    Today he asked me to come to the gym. He came and picked me up. He kissed me when he came. Then we worked out together. He told me about some stuff going on in his college. After the gym, he dropped me off at my place and kissed me goodbye.
    Then we talked a little on an app. Right now he is talking to someone else and not me. I dont want to take his space away but its really bothering me to know who is he talking to. But I don’t wanna ask that because we used to fight on these topics only. But I really want him to tell me everything without even being asked. ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 536

    Its been half an hour and he hasn’t replied me back and is still online. Idk if he left his phone like that. But he didn’t do such things. Is he dating someone else ๐Ÿ˜ฎ idk. I feel like he is ignoring me or is less interested in talking to me ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 10

    Eh. in this case of scenario you don’t want him leave you and think you don’t care.Hes waiting for you to contact him. You should send a simple hey. Start the convo off without and sorrows or anything just normal like nothing has happened. then gradually ask if he’s still mad at you from the other day. if you want to get back your just pushing him away. you could’ve already had him back the moment he said I can’t live without you. in my opinion you were taking the him saying sorrows too far! wait until you get him back and then get together cuddle spend a good time don’t bring up fighting or nothing then ask him whole your cuddling and happy if he missed you and if he actually did feel a little bit of guilt im sure he’ll come out to it then and you guys can move on and be happy. you need to ask him to hang out though and do not fight even if your right something’s just aren’t important enough to lose the one you love for good. you need to learn to trust and love unconditionally. don’t make someone feel guilt for there mistakes because we all make them. you can fix this but not by being broken up by getting back! good luck my dear

    • Total Posts: 10

    I know this seems really difficult, but asking him these questions would probably just diminish what you’ve already achieved. Don’t give in, try to distract yourself somehow.

    Has he not replied to a question you texted? Or just a simple text that wouldn’t necessary call for a reply? If the latter it probably doesn’t mean a lot.

    • Total Posts: 536

    @hopelessromantic hey I got him back, your probably reading my previous posts.

    I didnt ask anything though. But he replied to my texts but it was a short reply and went offline without seeing my reply.
    Idk if he is really not that interested in talking to me?

    • Total Posts: 536

    I texted him again saying ” text me when you get free then we’ll talk properly. Till then play games or watch movies. We will talk after that if he won’t be feeling sleepy”
    Did I do the right think texting him that?

    • Total Posts: 536

    Oh yes he is ignoring me now.
    He is online. He saw my texts but didn’t reply.
    I just texted him “good night and I love you”
    No reply so far.

    • Total Posts: 10

    Hmmm, I’d say you should wait if he doesn’t text you back. Just try to keep calm, I know it’s difficult.

    If I’m right you texted three messages and he didn’t reply to neither one?

    • Total Posts: 536

    He replied to none and he is online and maybe talking to someone else and completely ignoring me. Can’t believe we just got back 2 days ago and he is acting like this.

    • Total Posts: 10

    Hmm, are you sure that he managed to overcome the break-up emotionally? I guess that often – even if you want the other person back like nothing else in the world – chances are that you are emotionally not yet ready for it.
    All the bad stuff that happened during the break-up, all the pain, the power-games, the anger all that might not have been digested yet and might then block him from fully coming back to you.
    He (and you) have to overcome the break-up first and also your former relationship. Because after all you don’t just re-enter some old lifestyle that’s gone bad once already, you have to start afresh – something new.

    *This however could just be my subjective POV, as my situation is a little similar now.

    • Total Posts: 536

    I just dont know. He was acting normal. There is nothing like depression or anything. He replied with just a smiley.

    Me: hmmm

    Again I texted: aren’t you interested in talking right now?

    And again I texted: its okay. Bye :*

    He replied after 10 mins: I was playing a game. You’re again assuming things. Now I see why we have fights.

    Me: you didn’t reply to my texts even when you were online.

    Him: app is online. I didnt close it. I am playing on laptop.

    I said: close the app when you’re playing your games.

    Him: how would I talk?

    Me: close it when you’re playing the game.

    Me again: still playing the game

    No reply so far. I even doubt if its true or not.
    He came online. He saw my texts. Didn’t reply. I had to text him again and again.

    Oh wait he replied: closing it in 5 minutes.

    I said okay :*

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