Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #12938
    • Total Posts: 536

    Well, he texted me this morning. I didn’t reply to him. But then I got the news from his friend that his father met with an accident. I didn’t want to give him any trouble from my side so I replied in a very normal way. He told me his dad had an accident. I asked him if his dad was okay. He then asked me “why are you so tensed?:p”
    I said that I am not tensed. He then replied “sure?” I didnt reply after that. I just wanted not to cause any other trouble from my side.
    I dont know if I did right thing or not πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    its good that he text you. πŸ™‚ it means he still cares and may still be confused and may need more time and space then he thought. I think you did good. let him come to you but of course chase him sometimes as well. Im not sure if he felt pressured again and if thats what made him break it of again. I suggest taking it really slow and working your way up from there. πŸ™‚ keep us posted. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey @aamls,
    I don’t know if he cares or loves or hates me. I can’t believe he texted me after that horrible text. I dont know if he’s confused. He didn’t text me again this night. I rarely feel he wants to talk to me. If he wanted to talk to me or wanted everything to be perfect, he would have have a talk with me or apologised for his behavious or whatever. But he isn’t interested.

    • Total Posts: 894

    divjun you sound depress. he sounds very confused. if anything give him time and space. stay strong, you can do this. he may need more time then usual. keep focusing on yourself for now. dont give up hope. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    I have lost all my hope. He didn’t text me after that. He used to say that he doesn’t like to talk to anyone but he’s online from past 1 hour and talking to my ex friend who tried to create misunderstanding between us. This is so hurting that he chose her over me. I am broken. He has been treating me like shit for no reason. I was thinking of texting him for one last time saying that I am moving on with my life and changing my phone number as he chose her over me. He was treating me in a way I didn’t deserve and it was only me who was trying to work things out and he didn’t even care.!!!!

    I dont know if I should send this or not. But surely, I can’t go on like this!

    • Total Posts: 894

    sorry to hear this divjun. πŸ™ it sucks when you really want them and wanna work it out and they treat us like crap. you should change your number without telling him anything. I bet it’ll catch his attention but dont do it for that reason do it for yourself. he’s being a prick to you right now but sooner or later he will know what he had and what he lost and then I’d be too late because then you’ll be stronger then now. stay strong you can do this. πŸ™‚ so are you gonna move on? I think about now that you should and put all your focus on your studies and everything else. also keep your self busy so you dont think of him. it will be a roller coaster ride but you can do this. I really want to say fight for him but you know whats better for you. πŸ™‚ keep us posted. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey aamls, well I just talked to his friend and asked for his advice. He told me to send the text but not to change number as it would look like I am weak and its affecting me so much. So, I texted him and blocked him. My text was like this:

    “Hey, I just want to take your 2 minutes. This is my last msg to u. I m moving on with my life without u. I hv understood that its never going to be the same wid u as before. I have been fooling myself for a long time now. I was the only one trying to work things out when you didn’t even give a shit about me or dis relationship. I feel like you chose her over me after all what she did and knowing that it would hurt me. You told me you didn’t like to talk to anyone but now I feel you were just ignoring me and avoiding me. I’m done this time for real. I am changing my number. I cant do this anymore. I’m tired now!! You treated me like shit for no reason. I cnt hurt myself anymore. This is not what I wanted or needed so I m leaving for good. I dont want you to give me any explanation. I know u wouldn’t even give me one. I dont expect anything from u now. Live your life and I ll live mine. Good bye tc. “

    • Total Posts: 536

    I am just concentrating on my studies. His friend told me that my bf/ex would give me a cold response but he’ll come back after some time. I have blocked him on that app and from calls as well. He wouldn’t text me now, but if he does I wouldn’t reply.

    • Total Posts: 894

    good for you divjun your becoming stronger. πŸ™‚ dont be surprised if he came looking for you but do what you gotta do fuck everything else. πŸ™‚ be careful with your studies though those are important its not worth you failing because of him or any other reason. stay strong you can do this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Thanks @aamls πŸ™‚
    I am just letting it go. I dont want to hold anything because its hurting me so much. If he would need me he’ll make an effort. But as for now, I am not going to contact him. I don’t have any hope left. I don’t think it would get better with him. I feel like I lost him a long time back.

    • Total Posts: 894

    divjun im sorry your hurting. πŸ™ I hope you feel better. πŸ™‚ this sucks. :-/ I think your doing the best thing for yourself. πŸ™‚ dont contact him and if he does come back and you still want him back make him work for it. stay strong you can do this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah I hope so he comes back but I have lost all my hope.
    He didn’t contact me even though I have blocked him from everywhere.
    After sending me the hate you text he sent me a text with a heart. I dont know what he wants. I know he was angry when he sent me the hate you text amd blocked me. All I know is that he’s treating me like shit so I am not going to be his doormat. I dont want him like this. I want him back only if he respects me and my feelings the way I deserve.

    • Total Posts: 536

    He is still talking to that bitch even after I mentioned about her. Still he is talking to her. This makes it clear that I am never getting him back. She might be only his friend but the fact is I hate her to the core and he knows about that.

    • Total Posts: 536

    Now I am not sure if he’s talking to her or not. May be he is talking to her but very less. Idk m confused because he is online but she is not. Idk what does that mean. But I hate him >.<

    • Total Posts: 272

    I think you did the right thing with sending him that text! This other girl, he might not be speaking to her to upset you so it could all be just a misunderstanding so maybe for this one, give him the benefit of the doubt. I do however understand that you hate him for the other shit that he has put you through because lately he sure hasnt been treating you kind or with the repsect that you deserve. Even though he was angry, he shouldnt have told you he hates you. I honestly think that he is just super confused. You are becomming very strong and indepependent. Do you still want him back or do you just want him out of your life?

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