Boards Reconciliation breaking down..pls help

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    Nope. I dont even know about all his friends. I dont know they even know about me that much. BecAuse when we were together i have to go to another town due to my works but i will see him once a month and we will hang out the whole day till late night cuddling chilling hugging and all. We dont like to go to movies or having like drinks shopping like normal couple. We like to chill and just talking and hugging. Its very close compared to normal couple activities. So i dont talk or know his friends at all but he knows my friends and siblings. He seems not finding then to ask about me. He just text me directly. I dont know why he didnt text them about me. But i do believed his gf knows about me which is rude for me to take him away right after we broke up. She knows every his friends and his siblings because she is his bestfriend for long time. Its really sad and sometimes i think most of the time i feel like i cant have him at all. Its been 7 weeks they been together. All their friends always supprt them of course he feel happy. He got everyone around him even after he broke up with me. Good for him but very painful to me

    Thats the thing. Thats why he dont text u or anytjing because he got news for u and the news is not so good. U need to clear his negative thought on u. U have to. When u meet him make sure u look fresh simple but better

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yes she is. She keeps posting, tagging and update about him even that things dont need to tell the world. At first it will be like so sweet but when its too many update about him i feel like, u r so annoying. I mean, dont they (her friends) feel annoyed by it? She always tag him and update about him. How he treat her. How sweet he is. Of course she is so proud. She is not that pretty im sorry but its true. She act like a boy. So boyish. I feel like i wonder how you date with her? He likes cuddling kissing hugging talking teasing and i dont know how he with her. But they dte quite frequently so it makes ne so pissed off

    Tah i wish i cab tell her that her bf text me at late night asking me where an i. But im not like that. I dont want to be cruel like her. I dont want to bitch. I have my own way to how him that i do improve and i dont have to tell the world. She is famous becUse she has so many boy friends who like to hang out with her and he famous because he is gorgeous and a lot of girls obsessed with him. They might be very confortable each ither and understanding better than we were but they completly opposite. I just hope he is rebound. I dont know whether he really miss me like i did but cross in his mind, i feel shocking and grateful even he has her

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: now i heard that my cousin told me that my ex said he will not get the card from me, no way…. and i surely wont give his card to my cousin so he takes it to him. not going to happen. if he is so okay being without me and all this, why wouldnt he want to come? probably he doensnt want to see me, or he is scared i will beg him to be together and that i cant be without him and cry and… which is not going to happen- ever again…. ohmy god idk who to believe. one said he has no problem to come blah blah, the other said he is not going to come to get it… all i can tell out of this that he just doesnt want any contact with me, just not sure why…his feelings for me might come up, or he hates me(which he said he doesnt), or he thinks of me as an annoying person he doesnt wanna be around… Yah i will not show any weakness or sadness while being near those people who see him, never again and i will make them believe i am doing fine and got over him. but ofc they wont tell him that , just the things they want him to hear. he knows everything ya thats is the problem. i will give him more time to get his negative thoughts out and all and then he will remember also the good things, which will make him feel and not just think.I got scared that i will not even have the opportunity to meet him omg… or talk to him ever again otr just hang out with him…as a friend.

    now to your part πŸ™‚ well that is somehow good about his friends… but its even better he isnt asking ur friends/siblings about you… but he asks you directly.. which means its not just about him being interested about how you’re doing and things, but also he wants a contact with you, which might mean that he misses you in his life.. that might be a good sign ! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: oh so, she is more like boyish?(i used to be to, hanging only with boys)… it makes it easier for him to have a gf like that, she knows how boys think and all,but those girls are usually only friends with boys and not more… well i agree, you shouldnt do this and tell her that he wrote to you.. also he will feel like u wanna rin his relatonship with her, and he might never forgive you for that, which will destroy any chances you might have getting him back..

    • Total Posts: 395


    I think your cousin or your friends need to stop contacting him. They can contact him but if he asked about u, it means he still interested to know about u whether u r miserable still or not. Right he knows how miserable and not well u r. Yes it takes time to improve urself but u have to. U dont need to tell everybody. U need to show them. Indirectly or directly its up to u. But let them realized by themselve. U just need to keep strong and do it.

    Hurm. But one thing that i curious is he doesnt tell me that he is officially relationship with her. He just remain silence with me but he post it and shows it in public. Thats what i dont understand. Maybe he text me to tell that he is in relationship now or he really need to talk to ne because we used to talk everyday even we broke up. So im not sure about it. I feel so hurt to see then together. Urgh!

    • Total Posts: 395


    Well she has a looot of guy friends but she wants him. Of course. He is so gorgeous. Now she has him. Its like dream comes true. -.-” urgh she is sooo…phewww im fine im fine.

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: jah they contact him if he wants to come and hang out with him, and drink and talk and have fun etc etc… last week he was sick so they called me. now he is better cause he bring positive energy and vibes, which i dont, not so much at this moment. But the thing is, he doesnt ask how i am etc, they just start talking about me. how i act, how im sad, miserable… and he if he starts talking about me its more in a way how others have chance with me or smthn like that.. never about HOW HE FEELS about me just the facts. he maybe needs to have a few words about me from his chest so it doesnt stress him out… he thinks about me, but wont show or tell. maybe. hopefully. I need to stop showing others im devastaed and miserable without him and they need to believe even if its not true. those kids man ruinning my chances.. i need to let it be and chill i guess and when im ready not to cry around him, i will contact him for sure and ask him to b friends and go on a coffee or smthn…

    XDD it seems like you really hate that boysih girl who ha ur ex, while u want him back… its normal , its ok you can be mad at her… just dont let her/ur ex know about it. it will make her feel even better, that she as a boyish girl has ur ex while u’re not so boyish as her, and she gets to have him and you dont… I felt like my ex was waaaaaaaaay to beautiful for me, i used to dress like a boy, no make up etc etc… every girl looked at him like he is golden and then saw me like omg what is he doing with this boyish farmer girl… BUT, then i have changed my style, he said he’d be happy if he can see me dressed nice for him. so i did and he was happy about it πŸ™‚ i feel like if such an beautful boy as he could fall in love with me, looking like i did… idk he had to really love me, he was always dressed nice and all beautiful.. while i.. i was like girl who gave up on her looks. idk if in this case it will help getting him back if i always look nice, he fell in love with me always being dressed bad…

    • Total Posts: 146

    and also, he feel for my personality and not look, i can say the same for him.. he wasnt the kind of a boy i was attracted to..we connected on a mental level, feel in love in what the other is and now how the other looks like. that is more deep and real than physical attraction.. as far as i know… but I just need to get my bad habbits and things off and fix them… Its ok if he wont want me to be his girl and love me again as he used to, and wont want to receive any love from me, i will survive . But i want us to be friends, hes done soo much good for me, he made me a normal person again. He is like a soulmate, not necessary in a love bond, but we indeed need to stay in contact. we do good for eachother, tho he ay not realize it. we make eachother question our beliefs and so… but im more of a thinker and he is not, im more of a dreamer and he is a realist. instead of making our differences into a +, he turned everything into – and break up with me.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yah right now she is doing some work out because my ex bf he is gym person so right now he is doing with her. I used to be his first girl to bring to his gym. Right now, she is doing for him of course. She tried to wear some girlish attire to impress him. Im seriously dont get it. I know he is very comfortable with her. I dont know whether that gurl will completely change for him or not but for me… Its unfair. Totally unfair. Because i dont cheat and i dont lue to him. I do really love him. Its just about honesty unintentionally fight and he choose her instead of giving me another chance to fix it? And now she has him. She even tell the world. I know she knows about me. How rude is she! It hurts me so much to see her update everything about my ex bf. If he wants to have her thats fine but its too soon! Like a week after we broke up and he is with her for 7 weeks now. I was like… Oh man. I dont have a chance at all. I feel like i can compete with her. He is more happy with her right jow. I just… I dont know. It hurts me. I cried because of them. Because of her. And she is proudly to tell every one. How cruel is that?
    Oh my. Yah. He is very different but i do believe she attracted to him so long because seriously he is very gorgeous and lovely and helpful person. Who doesnt want him? Yah they are very close and very understand each other. They fight they tease and they share a lot. Maybe because of that. Oh my. He is! He is realistic person. And that girl even tho she is boyish but she has like things so sweet to do with him and she hang out a lot with boys at late night. And yah they have a lot of difference like he is so romantic and fun and happy and sometimes indecisive. And that girl is very independent and she doesnt like everybody tell her what to do and all. I dont know how they will make it work but right now they are in honeymoon stage its killing me so bad. Im not boyish and im not very feminist either. He used to say im very cute, expressive, open and crazy. But…sigh… How to attract him back if he with that boyish girl like everything is so percect for then. Sigh

    Yah i do feel the same way about ur ex. He hides so much about his feelings. I think right now u dont have to think about him. Just to improve urself and make others think how good u r first. Later if they want to tell him, they will tell good things. Do interesting things. Make them wow about u. They cant believe u do it so well. It takes time. Slowly improve. Right now i believed ur ex just forcing himself to be ok and confused since he is doing it alone. He wants to be manly and not weak i guess huhu

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: i think that them being best friends, is not such a + for you, ,, they know eachother SO WELL, so he might thought it out before being with her, he knows her + and her -, he sees she is trying to change for him…. BUT that doesnt mean he wont realize they are better a friends than a couple. Im sure u are really mad he just switched from you to her. while she is opposite from you… she is trying to do all to please him atm… and he seems to like it. but how long will it take that he maybe sees she isnt herself anymore, the girl he asked to be his, when she will change everything about her for him, and he may not like it….?

    He hides his feelings so much. even when we were together something was wrong he left saying “i love you” and kiss me and hug me and then he ignored me for two days, cause there wasnt something ok, and i was too stupid to realize it… so he hides really good things like that. and those kids there the dont know him deeper, i do, if i saw him for 10minutes I’d know the whole story… thats why he maybe wont see me, if its true what my cousin said… eh… he never was willing to show any weakness, it wouldnt suit him either xD but i remember him being so sexy,atractive, his muscles and his hands and arms yaah mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…… i wanna ask him if we maybe can be friends with benefits haha.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I dont have any chance to attract him anymore dont i? πŸ™ yah. After he broke up with me, he met me to take his things that i should give it to him long time and he said he wish he knows me once again but he wont allow me to! And he seems like look at me. So soft that night. I hug him to comfort him and he didnt even push me away. He hug me back. He said its been a long time we didnt hang out till late night and he said he sorry because everything is change and will be different but i try to calm myself and i said its ok. And we hug really tight. But after that, he treat me like only friends. So i was like…i dont know. Sometimes i feel like i dont understand him. Whats wrong with him? Is it because he has her thats why he cant be with me? Or he really dont love me anymore and he jus want to be friend after that? And today he text me where have u been? I dont understand. He seems very happy. Maybe because we used to text and no argument at all and suddenly im gone it will be weird for him? Or maybe he miss me? I dont know

    Hahaha! Naughty girl. Is he willing to allow u to do that with him? Lol

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: idk… boys are even more hard to understand than girls… we at least talk and say whats bothering us or show that something isnt ok… they just.. hide it and so… idk him :/ i wish i could tell you what you ask yourself about ur ex, but i cant even tell myself about my ex. like i dont know him …i know him but i have no idea whats going on inside his head and heart.. if he is even remembering he has a heart that was filled with love … for me… </3 it probably is weird for him that you just disappeared from his life,no text, no nothing. maybe he misses to talk to you… maybe he misses you being with him… maybe he wants to make sure you are okay… lots of reasons why he texted but. but badly u cant know which one is the right..and him having a gf isnt any easier for you.. :/

    Idk if he is lool. when we had a pause and when we were back together i told him i was thinking about meeting up to do it… and he laughed so hard xD like omg would you still wanna do it with me xD… i was like yah, you? he said ya probably :DD but im thinking. if we would do it… idk he would be able to totally shut off his emotions, and have me only for pleasure. Or it may awaken his emotions while doing it and make him think about me… idk if he would be actually able to do me and look at me and my green eyes without feeling bad that he broke my heart and the last time we were doing it everything was fine,and now im just someone he has *** with.god idk no idea i just… wish to talk to hi about everything else, just not about our relatonship fail and us not being as one anymore. i do feel like texting him now. like if we can be friends normally and not talk about last three months and… just to hang out together. in some time

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yah. There are a lot of possibilities and reasons about what he think about me. I wish he miss me rather than just checking me whether im ok or not. I know he still with her. His gf keep posting about him and tagging him. Totally he is fine πŸ™ even without me. Of course. Sigh. I wish their honeymoon stage end up soon huhu. I really hurt and dont like to see their happiness. Its really stress me out. I really want him back. Want to attract him back. Maybe if i cant have him, i want to be close with him. Can cuddle and all lol its like friends with benefits but he has someone else. I dont know what to do. I try to inprove myself but i dont update anything. So of course he doesnt know anything

    Hahaha. Wow. You guys are so cool with it? Dont text hin first. U need to improve urself first. U need to make him feel that u r more interesting than before. So that he will feel that u r such attractive and his negatuve thoughts will disappear

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: ya i know, right when you know he is having the time of his life without you, as much as he used to – just WITH YOU… But his gf is making it so much easier for him… she keeps him occupied, all happy in love he thinks about her and you cross his mind ever know and then… it must be hard to know this… Its good that he doesnt know anything.. he WILL /DID actually get curious about you…just keep the NC going, work on urself and so… and it will be better. if not with hi, at least with you.! we need to realize that we are our own creators of our own happines..pain is good sometimes. it changes you, it makes you realize what you had if you dont know how to appreciate it… I believe i took my boyfriend for granted and that was my mistake… i saw he is willing to put up everything i was doing, even the things that were bad for our relationship but i was too blind to see it.. and guys..they dont talk about it.

    haha yah well idk i guess we are cool with it.. anyways we never had *** before we were a couple, we never kissed , we never hugged nothing.. tho we did talk about (when we were together we told eachother this): we both were thinking about getting in the back of his car and do it, tho we weren’t together,but no one ever said it.if we would do it before being together, we wouldnt end up being together i think – it would be just pleasure.. he said so sweet the day he asked me to be his gf :” I realized i fell in love with you…would you be my girlfriend?” AWWWWWWWWH and those blue eyes shinning soooo hard, totally lovely look and scared and nervous at the same time… bwah never ever i will forget that look… and when i remember his look the last day he looked at me. all cold. full of shatternes and biterness inside. how did i managae to screw up the relatinship i had with him. to make him leave – how did i manage to screw up so hard… and now i cry over my mistakes and hate myself for them..ughm siggggggggggggggggggh man…

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yah. Just now i woke up and i just want to see my twitter and his gf update the status late night and said “always talking to you everynight. Always good” i was like…. Urgh! It supposed to be me! Supposed that im the one he would say good morning and good night. It really hurts to see they are still happy and always talking and i dont know maybe sweet in text. Sigh. Yah. I hope so he will or maybe he did curious with me. Its really grateful to know that he was text me yesterday. Even once. But its not “hi” text. Its a question and its about where have i been and why i didnt reply anything. Its shocked but i feel like he think of me and deep down i feel luke he miss me but he has her so pf course he will forget about me when he is happy with her. I really want him to see my new me. Im still me but improve. Maybe he will think im lazy and all before this and that girl follows he said or whatso ever. I want to show to him im getting better and im fine or dont care he has someone else. Im not going to be miserable even im now but i have to take it slow because im in nc. 1 week plus more. Phewww i have to be strong! Hopefully πŸ™

    Oh my. I feel very sorry for you. But thats the thing. He dont want to contact u to care about u and come back with u because all i see about u is empty. Sadness. Miserable. Weak. He doesnt want to be like that. Its very great he is not finding someone else right away. He with himself which is you still have chance to be his friend or close friend or even get him back. But you need to clear your negative side in his eyes in his mind. It will tales time a bit because guys always remember negtive side of us and that negative side will push away the positive side in his head even rhat positive tries to enter in his mind but he is not allowing it.

    Well you have to take step by step. Because he is totally see you like torally not good. So u have to look good! Reverse. You dont have to tell hum. Or friends. Just do it and let them realized. You do have chance in any ways because he is all alone. He is forcing himself actually to be good. Believe me. Its not going to be last long. No matter how strong we are but when they push something really hard and forcing it, they will get very tired and weak after that. Thats why u just take it slowly. Good things will happen if u wair, hard work, hope and believe.

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