Boards Reconciliation Break Up

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  • #31474
    • Total Posts: 463

    Doubt she’s forgotten you mate. If your not sure why don’t u reach out? I’m thinking of reaching out but not sure what to do!

    • Total Posts: 262

    I’ve tried reaching out but she ssys she don’t feel that way for me! I’m just gonna stick to the NC and better myself and then see where it is from there! Same should you!

    • Total Posts: 463

    I txt and rang my ex today. I had to speak to her about bits she left in our old flat. In the txt she never replied with an x at the end this has my worried. And when we spoke on the phone she wasn’t her warm self towards me. I’m so upset by this

    • Total Posts: 262

    Don’t get so upset by it! If it was true love then it will find its way back! Trust me I’ve been doing a little bit better and I’ve tried to keep my mind off things! Follow through with the NC and try not to look needy and if you do talk to her just play it smooth and don’t bring up the relationship!

    • Total Posts: 463

    She asked me how I was and insted of saying I was good I broke down and said I was struggling I couldn’t lie to her. Then I stupidly said I love u at the end of the call damm I’m stupid and weak!

    • Total Posts: 262

    It’s all good man it shows that you truly love her! You just need to work on it! Girls hold things in too right? What’s the difference?

    • Total Posts: 463

    Now I feel broken again, I was doing so well. I’m starting to think I’ll never win her back after today’s call

    • Total Posts: 463

    I seen a post on here where he brought up the subject of facebook pictures and profile pictures.

    My girlfriend has not deleted any pics of us nor has she deleated her profile pictures of us together yes she has changed her profile picture a few times but where there together more down the list. My question is would you delete them straight away if u had broken up or because you still feel something you can’t get rid of them.

    I know I’m clutching at straws here but I’m looking for any positives.

    • Total Posts: 262

    Man idk that’s a tough one! My ex deleted most of the pictures we had together on Facebook!

    • Total Posts: 262


    • Total Posts: 262

    okay she just called me and said she was sorry for acting like a b when we broke up but she wanted to get the point across and she said she really does love me and cares for me. she also said she just wants to be friends and all this stuff. now im really confused? I really love her and want to work on things but she said that’s why she always told me from Octobr through now that we act more like bestfriends rather than a couple? any advice @rustyred or anybody else

    • Total Posts: 463

    Not sure how to play this one mate, i think if u be friends and have a good laugh fod a while maybe you could win her round and she might realise what she’s missing. Or you could start no contact and hope she starts missing u in her life and wants you back, how do u feel about being friends?

    • Total Posts: 262

    I feel like being friends would be really awkward and I would always want to bring up the relationship and it would hurt me more

    • Total Posts: 262

    I am having doubts about the no contact! I feel as if I’m losing her and she’s becoming happier without me and forgetting about me and moving on! What do I do??

    • Total Posts: 262

    @kevin any advice on this one?

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