Boards Reconciliation Break Up

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  • #30956
    • Total Posts: 262

    Okay so me and my ex broke up about two weeks ago. We were together for three years and lived together. I don’t really know how to handle the situation and need help. She told me that she stopped loving me in October but I don’t believe that because why did she stay with me? Also she said she broke up with me because she was unhappy and I never really showed her affection. I just had a different way of showing affection. I really love this girl and was going to ask her to marry me this year. She told me that she wants to text me all the time to tell me she misses me but she don’t because she don’t want to lead me on. What should I do?

    • Total Posts: 19

    Hey theeere.
    I think you should definitely try the nc rule first.
    You asked why she stayed with you. I don’t think I’m right okay? But I’m a girl and I was guilty of that before.
    I stayed with this guy even when I knew I didn’t love him anymore beacuse I couldn’t hurt him.
    But she could be different, you know?
    You have to do the nc period.
    I strongly suggest that.

    • Total Posts: 262

    but when we first broke up she was kissing me and telling me she loved me and we even cuddled around like the fourth day. I just don’t understand and she is sending me mixed signals

    • Total Posts: 262

    also a big reason why I changed was because my mom passed away about a year and a half ago and it changed me and I have never gotten over it and I just took it out on other people

    • Total Posts: 19

    Oh nooo we’re the same :/
    That’s what happened when my ex broke up with me.
    I think you should read my story.
    But seriously. Do the NC. It worked wonders for me but we’re still in a confusing stage.
    Help me out will you? Hahaha.
    Because I really think we’re in the same boat, except that I’m just a few feet ahead of you since I’m done with the NC and all that.
    I really think you can learn a lot from my story.

    • Total Posts: 262

    It’s really confusing but it’s good hearing from a girls mind! In my mind with your story I feel like he is scared to go back to you? Did you ever do anything to hurt him? Emotionally or physically?

    • Total Posts: 19

    My mindset is that everything was my fault. I was too much of this and less of that.
    I was everything wrong in our relationship.
    That’s what I’m thinking but he doesn’t know that.
    Did you really read my story? I’ll admit it is a bit long hahaha.

    And I know what you’re saying, hearing from a girl and all that.
    It is refreshing to hear your opinions since all the advice I’ve been getting were from my girlfriends who I know don’t have a single clue as to what goes on in a boy’s mind.

    • Total Posts: 262

    See and you can’t think that everything is your fault either. A relationship is two people not one. And yeah I read your story. But what should I do with my ex? She said she stopped losing feelings four months ago?

    • Total Posts: 463

    This sound very like what I’m going through. Me and my girlfriend broke up a few weeks back but due to us living together she still hadn’t moved out. During that time, to start we tried to stay away from one and other but found it hard. Next thing we were cuddling I was giving her massages. She said she didn’t want to gime me the wrong impression. But one day after she had been out she asked if I would be in. When I replied yes she said good because she missed me. We spent that whole day cuddling and being close. Make told me she missed me and I was her world. We meven slept in each other’s arms again. The next day she was back to being cold. Now she’s moved out Ive seen her once when I dropped off some of her things and she she semed upset. When I was about to leave she hugged and kissed me a few times. We haven’t been in contact since because I’m doing the no contact period and working on myself before she she’s me again. im planning on sending the letter and seeing where it goes from there. Try the no contact period first. It’s hard but it might help. All the best

    • Total Posts: 19

    NC period. Seriously. But I don’t think she totally lost all her feelings for you.
    I think she just felt cold. Like somehow the two of you were drifting apart or something like that.

    • Total Posts: 262

    Yeah I’m gonna have to do that! I mean we did kind of start drifting apart because I always wanted to go out and do something fun with her but she just wanted to stay home. Then I was out hanging with my friends and I told her to hangout with her friends but she never did. And it was hard because she works and goes to college so we didn’t really have much time together

    • Total Posts: 262

    And she tells me that she cries to her mom and says she misses me but just can’t go back? I don’t understand why she don’t want to come back if she misses me and everything

    • Total Posts: 19

    You should be happy if she just wants to stay home and doesn’t want to spend time with her friends.
    That means she wants to spend all her time alone with YOU.
    I really want to pinch you right now hahaha.
    I mean I know friends are important too, but if what you said was true, that you didn’t really have much time to spend together because she’s always busy, then that means I really have to punch you.
    I mean every free time she had it seemed like she wanted to spend it with you!
    She really does love you!

    • Total Posts: 262

    But it wasn’t like that! She told me that she wanted to hangout with her friend but she knew I didn’t like her friend so she didn’t want to and she said I always kept her inside and never wanted to do anything! She told me she wants to just be good friends now and wants me to tell her about my life with other girls and stuff? I can’t do that! I love her and her only and am willing to wait a lifetime for her! To me her spot would never be replaced!

    • Total Posts: 262

    She’s really confusing and I think a lot of what she’s doing is because her friends are telling her what to do

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