Boards Reconciliation At last :)

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  • #18168
    • Total Posts: 395


    Im not sure its a rebound. She is his bestfriend for 3 years and same college with him. A week after we broke up, he changed his profile picture with her. Now its been a month they been together. Its very soon indeed but she is his besfriend and not new perspn. Hence, im not sure whether its a rebound or not.

    Right now i didnt update anything about me in public and i didnt text him either. So i guess he doesnt know any new update about me. But he seems like he is happy without me and rhats why he doesnt text me at all? I dont know what guys think

    • Total Posts: 55

    How would you describe your relationship with him when you guys were still ok?

    • Total Posts: 395

    We were in relationship for 8 months and we were love each other, mutual, closed and we shared everything. Everyday we text and we ensure that we will send selfie each other. We were so closed but during my relationship, there are few girls obsessed with him including his bestfriend. I used to ask him anout them and he said i shouldnt be worried because they are his friends and he treat me different from others.

    We did have big fight twice. One during july and another one was end of october (before breakup). He said he cant stand anymore with these fighting and he said he felt numb and his feeling was empty so he said he wanted to remain friends. Of course i was begging him and all but he said dont force him. He really hurt.

    After that less than a month, he with his bestfriend till now as a couple

    • Total Posts: 1218

    @krista27 @Tee-roy What do you two think I should do? I read your other posts (krista27) and it gave me hope and makes me want to try harder. I feel like him snapchatting me everyday if pretty good. Other people have said my situation looks more promising than I think.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i was wondereng if any of you can give me some advice on how to proceed. my boyfriend and i broke up 2.5 months ago. we had dated for 7 years. I’m 22 and he’s 23 so we met when we were really young which is why he broke up with me. he said we can’t know for sure if each other is “the one” unless we explore what else is out there and he wants to be 100% confident and sure its right. we have been in LC always initiated by me but he does always respond. i saw him this weekend for brunch and he told me he isn’t ready to resume our relationship because he feels its too soon and the reason for our break up was to explore other options and we haven’t given ourselves enough time. he told me he does one day and eventually want to recreate our relationship, but he isn’t ready now and doesnt want a relationship with anyone else. he just wants to be single for now. when i asked him when he thought he would be ready he said its impossible to say if it will be months, years etc. but his gut is telling him in some months. he still wants to talk occasionally and hang out and catch up until he feels ready but i think its too hard for me πŸ™ should try NC? for how long? its hard for me to move on knowing he said he wants to recreate this one day but it could be years for now and i can’t wait around either. i love him so much. what do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 146


    i know its hard, but let him space and time… meanwhile u try to enoy , go out, meet new people.write him a text every now and then or if he does first- answer him, without asking him if he has made up his mind.let him know you havent moved on,but let him know you dont have a problem by spending some time apart.. eventually he will realize what he is missing and will want you back. my oppinion

    • Total Posts: 944

    thinks for the reply πŸ™ @tami420. how long do you think it will take him to realize what he is missing? he seems very sure of needing some real significant time apart..

    • Total Posts: 32

    Hey guys,

    Just remember, if your ex contacts you first or if you are the breaker upee, take it slow and see where it goes. Also remember to not act clingy, needy, desperate, etc. You get the picture lol but most importantly, have faith, stay strong and things will come your way when it is at least expected. Also thank you all for the comments on my post, I am so glad everybody has come to me for advice πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 146

    @atea1234 :

    it might take him few months. But meanwhile you shouldnt be devastated, asking him and pushing him about his decision. He needs to see you are capable of being single, but not that you moved on without him.. just to be ok with u being seperate it will make him want you back more. Would you be so nice and look at my post about recent break up, and give me ur oppinion,since u had a long relationship and know how they go ?

    my last post was about me seeing my bf today. could you check it out please and let me some advice please?

    • Total Posts: 944

    @tami420 i think everything you said made a lot of sense. i would not contact him until his birthday. it will show him that you are independent and are trying to make positive changes but if you contact him in 3-4 weeks it will still show him you’re interested. text him and say happy birthday and try to engage in friendly conversation. if he seems interested, ask him to meet for coffee. if he doesn’t, end the conversation and wait another few weeks before trying again.

    • Total Posts: 32

    I agree with @atea1234 do not contact him until his birthday comes up and make some positive changes in your life. It will make you feel better! Best of luck to you @tami420

    • Total Posts: 944

    @krista27 can you give me any other insight on my situation?

    • Total Posts: 32

    @atea1234 do NC, even though you mentioned that one day he will want to recreate the relationship so for now work on yourself and have faith and it will all work out in the end. Believe me my boyfriend said the same thing to me and look what happened! I have him back, so like I said work on yourself and make yourself happy in the meantime.

    • Total Posts: 146

    @atea1234: good luck to you & me :p

    : thank you for wishing me luck, i apreciate it
    thank you both so so much ! i was planning on contacting him today to wish him to get better since he’s sick… but its best if i dont. so i will definetly contact him on his birthday wishing him wishes and ask him if he is doing okay. hopefully he’ll respond and with the next text i will try to make him curious about me and my life,hoping he will want to meet up soon for a coffee . Doing positive changes already! πŸ™‚ Going back to school everyday, walking 15 minutes two times a day, starting to hang out with friends again (tho same friends as he has) and already making plans for the upcoming weekends . Also started meditation to chill my thoughts and head which was bothering him kinda of the most…

    again thank you both for support and help

    • Total Posts: 55


    Ok so during this limit contact she was always the first one who would text me, things like that. It’s been 10 days since our break- up.

    Initally, I would see signs that she still has feelings for me, but would never bring up any topic about our relationship. Why do you think that is? And when she talks to me, she would do it like she does to her friends. Should I be worried?

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