Boards No Contact Rule 90 days…havent heard from him…feeling so low

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  • #52291
    • Total Posts: 3

    It has been about 90 days no contact….85 since I stopped trying. I am so depressed….my ex hasn’t once tried to contact me. After being together for so long, how could he just abandon this….we were long distance for the last two years and I think he was slowly getting over me during it….now I am just so lost and heartbroken. I have periods of hope, and feeling strong, but realizing, as time goes on, he has probably moved on. I don’t know what to do. I think it is time to send my letter…let him know, that I do accept the breakup…because I do, even though it makes me horribly sad….I hurt him so much in the past…I just wish to make it all go away. I want to let him know of the good things that have happened since we broke up. I was diagnosed with a hearing disorder at 25 and just got my hearing aids put in…I also just finished school. Now though, I feel so empty. I miss him so much but I think he is completely over me. Our last conversation he said, “I’m sorry erin, it is just time to say good bye, I just don’t feel the same way anymore….” I don’t feel like there is any hope after that….can anyone give me advice?

    • Total Posts: 4

    Erin! I am new to this site and am just starting to learn about this “get your ex back” technique, so I’m afraid I don’t have any advice…. yet.

    I just wanted to send you a hug because I know that pain. While you decide what to do and maybe while you wait for better advice, why don’t you continue to take it one day at a time and try to work on your happiness and your life goals.

    I’m in the same position. 3 months no contact and no word from my ex. I’m so sad so when I can, I try to remind myself to grow as a person. Work on my job, my health, my passions. So, that when I do get a chance — AND I KNOW YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TOO — I will be feeling good and at my best and most attractive.

    For me that means working like a maniac on my career and myself. Exercise. meditation. fun stuff — all these things make me feel good and make me more confident.

    Stay positive. Stay strong. I just know he will have a change of heart soon.

    • Total Posts: 7

    i am pretty sure YOU HAD to contact him by 30 days or at most 60 days! 85 might be a bit too long and also that 2 years apart can do some bad things! in my case i was gone 2 days when she started the break up talks slowly but surly!!1
    EXes are bygones sometimes and let bygones be bygones!

    anyways! i hope something comes out of this for you but i think you should reach out but make sure you follow the steps and no look/sound needy! good luck

    • Total Posts: 3

    i dont think it had to be exactly 30 days galaxy2…that was the minimum. and after 7 years, i don’t think one month was honestly long enough. Does anyone else agree with the more than 30 day thing…because now i am scared…

    • Total Posts: 7

    i am going to have to do like 45 days! but i still think 90 a bit too long but don’t be SCARED! there is a time that you have to reach out! he probably thinks if he contact you, you wont respond!

    • Total Posts: 15

    90 days is entirely too long for your situation. Send the letter. Be very careful what you say, don’t beg for him back. Don’t sound needy. Let him know you have moved on but would like to remain friends and stay in contact. At least that is what you tell him even if it’s not true. He may be in another relationship. That’s ok, you still need to try keeping the lines of communication open.

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