Boards Reconciliation 4 years…ended

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  • #64380
    • Total Posts: 425

    just read yours!

    I would say NC is your best option at the moment, make her miss you a bit and realise life without you!

    Mine still hasn’t removed his Facebook status/relationship with me….still!

    • Total Posts: 129

    Amy, I originally did NC for a month (it was before that other post and I didn’t after I made that post), I think it was 28 days to be exact. She didn’t contact me at all during that time. It made me feel awful, I thought she had moved. It took her another couple of months after NC for her to open up to me again and share her true feelings about me again. We’ve still only seen each other once since our breakup. So did it work? The short answer is yes. I improved myself, and truly got rid of some of my flaws. Did she just come jumping back in my arms after NC? No, but we seem to be heading down the right path.

    NC is great if you actually take the time to improve yourself. If you do it as some magically cute to get your ex back, that’s not good. I would suggest NC for at least a month. Improve yourself, gain confidence! Know that you are a good person and that you deserve better treatment than what you got!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah! That’s very true. I’ve decided to hide the relationship status and forget about it-if he wants to change it he can, but I’m not going to contact him πŸ™ I have to do it for at least 5 months I think though-he asked for longer than 3 months this time πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 129

    I wouldn’t necessarily put a time frame on the NC. You just need to do it for as long as it takes for you to self-improve and to recover. It may be 6 weeks, it may be 6 months. You’ll know when you are ready. Stay positive!

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s true πŸ™ I guess I’m scared if I wait too long he will meet and fall in love with someone else! He’s going travelling next week and it’s making me so sad thinking about it, I’m going to miss him so much knowing that he’s not in the country, and he doesn’t want to speak to me πŸ™

    He does, howeber, still have our relationship up on Facebook. I have hidden it on my profile. But now I think it is because he has simply forgotten to change it as he would have mentioned something if he’d have changed his mind by now πŸ™

    Do you think If you’ve got back together once before after a break up you can get back together a second time? That is my biggest fear πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 129

    That’s a natural fear but I highly doubt after 4 years he would move onto something so quick, especially when he’s in q different country and a new environment.

    Again I wouldn’t think to much about the relationship status, it’ll only drive you crazy. The fact of the matter is you don’t know what he’s thinking and trying to figure that out can be very harmful to yourself! You don’t deserve to feel bad so just let it be for the time being!

    I believe it can happen. He has to mature and figure things out which is very possible. Reconciliation is always possible, the tricky part is that it takes two, not just one. You will make it through this! Just give it time!

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