Boards Reconciliation 30 days no contact and sent out my letter

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  • #38501
    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi guys!

    I’ve just finished my no contact period and sent out my letter. She should have got it yesterday but no reply as of yet.
    We were together for 5 years and towards the end things got sour. She’s liked a few of my things on Instagram since our split and txt me only twice about bills etc. we will need to meet up soon to sort them out, so I asked her to meet up over coffee but she said it was a nice idea but she couldn’t do that. I’ve been doing well but since I sent the letter ive been a bit low. Any advice is welcome

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Good luck to you. Just try and keep busy. Time will tell. Whether they give a darn about you. SO live your life. I highly advise u to go on a date in the mean time just for something to do. Its helped me out a bit. Not that I’m ready for another Serious relationship but there’s life after that person. I couldn’t see that at the time cuz I needed the time kevin mentions and it helps you not to really care whether u get back with them or not. You’ll know at the end of the day you’re really OK WITHOUT THIS IDIOT IN YOUR LIFE IF THEY CAN’T APPRECIATE how FABULOUS YOU ARE. So its their loss if its over. I wrote my letter too. Sent a pic too.No response. Told him I was in a car wreck which was true. The az hole owes me money and its been about 3 weeks and nothing. So I know now I was dealing with a coldhearted piece of crap and I’m better off.:-)

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Good luck in getting the clarity you need.

    • Total Posts: 463

    Thank you. It’s only been 6/7 weeks since our split I’m trying hard to better myself and will continue to do so. I appreciate your reply

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