Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #64594
    • Total Posts: 50

    Oh no its ok! I love hearing everything it helps me i just have been super busy with work to write too much…lets see if i can catch up ..ok amy111 i know you you feel my ex is moving completely and i worry i wont ever see himagain..but in a way him leaving might be good for you only because it might give you a actual chance to heal..and possibly pick up something you have an interest in

    • Total Posts: 132

    We can create a new thread and just talk on there if it’s a problem. I always thought that us 4 were helping each other out by talking about our problems and giving each other advice. I never thought of this as hijacking but if anything we can create another thread it’s not a big deal.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s what I thought! ? as long as it’s okay to carry on chatting on here, I’ve found it really useful venting all the crazy to you guys-I feel I can’t at home! :/

    • Total Posts: 425

    And it’s lovely to speak to other people who are understanding as they are going through the same thing ❤️

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Well, I just thought that a person creates a thread and then many other people try to help that person on that same thread by trying to give helpful advice or ideas and comments. Like each person has a thread of their own to state their particular situation, and then others reply. Yes, this site is great for sharing and hearing about other people’s problems too which might give us a different perspective on our own. Wishing you all the best:)

    • Total Posts: 2868

    My apologies to all of you, especially amy111

    • Total Posts: 425

    No noooo it’s okay! I just felt bad as I didn’t know whether it was hijacking ? I just like hearing other people’s stories and then usually it sparks conversation in the thread and I get carried away ?

    • Total Posts: 50

    Like i said you are all fine! I feel like i know your stories so its. Like to see how we all are doing its great for us.. i would love for you all to continue because I need help with my stuff also so i hope yall don’t leave.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Noooo definately won’t leave! This is a great little support group! What’s up kiya92? 🙂

    • Total Posts: 132

    Yeah I would never leave unless we all thought it was a good choice. Talking on here is such a really good way to make yourself feel better I think. I would really love to talk to my family and friends about this but they all just tell me to move on. But everyone on here has the same goal and it’s to get theur exes back and get advice.

    It’s really good to vent on here to people that understand and are going through the same situation. Giving advice, receiving advice and just venting all makes me feel better.

    • Total Posts: 50

    You both are so right but ok so my issue is my ex is moving in September and im worried that will be the end of ever getting back together..we slowly started texting again nothing to big just a couple of heys so i asked him to meet up so we can see each other before he moves..he agreed to meet me at Starbucks on Sunday but then later on he said he might have to reschedule since something came up..and idk how to take it.a part of me feels he doesnt want to and i dont want to sound to needy…i think i already did because i text him saying “aww ok well when can we” and he said honestly idk…:(

    • Total Posts: 425

    Kiya92 I don’t think moving should be an issue – my ex and I lived 3 hours apart and we got back together when we were still living apart. How far away is he living? Ok, well you need to make sure you get the control back! Have you replied to him since he said “honestly I don’t know?”? If not, reply and say Okay, well I am free monday, tuesday or thursday, let me know which you can do”. I think at the moment you are leaving it too open. Thats just my opinion though 🙂 But don’t worry about the distance or him moving away – mine is moving an hour and a half away from me in October when he gets back from travelling! :'(

    • Total Posts: 120

    Hey guys. I totally agree – it’s so good to have this safe space to talk without being judged.

    he may just genuinely be busy. When you have a lot on it can be hard to fit the time in for a conversation that you guys will probably have. He probably doesn’t want to meet you for a quick 20 minutes when you probably need a few hours to discuss your relationship. He may just want to make sure you’re both in the right place and will have enough time together. Him moving is probably taking up a lot of his time, with sorting everything out!

    Where is he moving to?

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true- when I met up with my ex last year for th first time, we spoke for about 3/4 hours!! It was a bit mad.

    Ypur doing so well though kiya92! Don’t give up.

    I’ve actually agreed to go on a double date in 2 weeks time with my best friend and her boyfriend. I wasn’t going to, but I read on here that it was good to date in the NC time-I didn’t do it last time so will be interesting :/

    I’m also seeing one of our mutual friends Tuesday in London, and I know he is seeing my ex 2 days later-not sure if I should ask him to tell my ex anything or not?

    • Total Posts: 50

    Lin91. I didnt think of it that way i was just thinking he could find time but your right i told him another day and he said we can try but he doesn’t want to promise so im like geez man!.. oh and hes moving to TEXAS!! Im freaking out its so far

    Amy i think you should but if your friend does, make sure they don’t sound super rehearsed and look amazing so he can tell your ex you looked amazing. Also im not sure if you like this place but I really like nandos! I had one across from my UNI and it was great. Also dating might get your mind off of him

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