Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #65772
    • Total Posts: 425

    So I’ve just seen a message on my exes wall saying “how’s life on the other side of the world? Plenty of lovely ladies I hope ;)”….

    I’ve blocked him now πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 157

    I think you are smart to block him because even if there aren’t any lovely ladies (besides you, duh) he’s not going to say that online.

    Having him out of site will be really helpful to your healing process. Also, what a weird thing to write on someone’s wall! Haha

    • Total Posts: 157


    First, thank you for your encouragement. I feel a lot better now! Second, I’m sorry this is so difficult, I know what it’s like to want to be there for someone and being unable to; but it sounds like your ex is taking care of herself, which will be the best thing for you both if you ultimately decide to work it out. It sounds like you’ve been extremely supportive and maybe she is a little depressed? Once she comes through the fog I think she’ll be more able to appreciate how much you care about her.

    • Total Posts: 120

    That is a very strange thing to write on someone’s wall… Do you know the person? Sounds fake to be honest haha. Well done for blocking. It gets easier every day not seeing them all over your feed. It’s actually a really important part of the process I think, as Palmtrees said.

    I also agree that your ex is going through a personal journey Soupy. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to understand any of it while she’s pushed you away, but she may come back to you when she’s worked it all out.

    How’s things going for everyone this weekend? It’s my birthday tomorrow, so it’ll be interesting to see whether my ex says hi or not. I doubt it to be honest, he can be fairly heartless, so let’s wait and see.

    • Total Posts: 176

    I agree that post sounds fake and also pretty lame lol, and this is coming from a fellow guy.
    I am not checking my ex’s social networks profiles to avoid useless pain and confusion.
    I have even unfollowed her from Spotify, not to see what music she listens to (a week ago she was all over these songs about moving on).

    This weekend I was in the mountains with my friends to distract, it partially worked, but at night, when we were around the firepit to tell stories I was about to break down in front of my friends. It didn’t happen though, just kept quiet.
    I am on 7th day of No Contact, and only now I am starting to feel a little resentful about how my ex treated me, I guess it will go away.

    Happy Birthday in advance lin91, enjoy your day and try to have fun. Don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t write you. My ex’s birthday is on next weekend I frankly don’t know if to send wishes, my ex was rather careless for mine last month, I had to ask why she was not calling me yet that day, but she sent a cold text at least.
    What do you girls think if your ex boyfriend sends you wishes even if you are mad at him? Seems an obvious answer but it’s not.

    • Total Posts: 157


    What do you have planned for your bday? Who knows if he will remember to say hi, but if he doesn’t it’s no big deal– Even though it’s easy to feel like you have a right to a birthday wish, in the big picture of your relationship, it’s just a day like any other; but hopefully you are still celebrating with friends and doing something fun!


    I don’t know your girl but I think It can go one of three ways: 1. She’ll appreciate the thought and won’t want to talk much further than a pilot thanks, 2. She’ll be annoyed by you because she already is annoyed and here you are reaching out again 3. She’s been secretly waiting to talk to you and will be so excited to hear from you when the day comes. Unfortunately I think scenario number 3 is unlikely because it’s only been a week since you went NC and she was angry. Because of that is say not to reach out. You can text if you want but just one message and then you have to let it go. When a girl feels like a guy is trying too hard, the slightest thing can be blown out of proportion, better to keep to yourself.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true-I unfortunately heard this morning that he has got a bit of a “thing” going with one of the girls on his group tour. Apparently she looks completely the opposite to me-long blonde hair, big bum/curves…I felt so poo. I think the guy who told me thought it would help me to move on – he’s someone that I came to regularly for advice. but now I feel a little poo, and am worried I won’t be able to get my ex back now because of it? πŸ™

    Lin91 it all depends on how he’s feeling towards you I guess-if he is confident he will say happy birthday, but if he still holds strong feelings linked to ego he won’t…boys egos get in the way a lot it seems!

    Fishing, I agree with palm trees, your NC hasn’t been very long at all…In which case there is a worry she might ignore you/not appreciate it.

    • Total Posts: 120

    Amy and Palmtrees you’re both right! I’m not going to read into it either way.
    I went out on Saturday with friends and I’m taking the afternoon off work today to do something fun with my mum πŸ™‚

    Ah Amy, I know it’s not much comfort, but it is just a “thing”! And there’s a reason it’s just a thing. There’s no way it’ll be anything other than a rebound and your ex will probably be fully aware of that. He’s just feeling lonely and wanting to fill the space of intimacy and closeness that you left behind.

    To be honest, if someone had truly truly moved on, they wouldn’t have a thing with anyone so soon. They would be working on themselves and not focusing on rebounds. That’s my theory anyway.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah, thats what my mum has said to – she was like well he’s having his ‘cake’ that he wanted…and it’ll turn bitter sweet in the end. In a way, its actually closed me off to him a little more, which is good. I think I kept kidding myself that he was constantly thinking about me and feeling the same way that i did, and now that I know he is ‘distracting’ himself, it makes me more determined to show myself how capable and strong I am on my own, and that I don’t need him! (and hopefully he will realise this!)

    I hope you had a lovely birthday! I have just done a 9 mile run in training for my marathon in october! Strong independent woman vibes today haha!

    • Total Posts: 120

    Yes, exactly right! And that’s really good that you’re seeing it as negative and are thinking about him in a more negative way. That means you’ve made a lot of progress and you’re clearly not the same needy person from a few weeks ago. If we were all in the same mind-set, we would want our ex back even more if we knew they were with someone
    else. But that’s not how you feel anymore and that’s great.

    Thank you! And yeesssss nice one! Survivor by Destiny’s Child πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 157


    Lin is totally right. Also, I’ve said it before but- rebound relationships tend to get people missing their exes MORE when they fizzle out, which usually happens pretty quickly. There’s the rare time these relationships work out, but it’s very, very rare. I’m so glad you’re taking care of yourself


    Have a great bday!Enjoy your time with your mom and put your phone away when you’re together πŸ˜‰

    On my end things are still a little weird. He was really busy this weekend with people in town and such and the one time he asked me to hang out I had plans with friends (which felt good at the time but now I’m a little worried things will fizzle out). My attitude when I start dating someone is usually very “if you’re into me then you’ll work for it” right now, I feel like he’s not that into it and I’ve got to try to adopt that attitude. I’m not enjoying feeling like last priority or the last person he wants to talk to; if he wants to work things out, wouldn’t he come to me a little bit more? Maybe I’m being too impatient– what do y’all think?

    • Total Posts: 132

    Palmtrees, are you the one that is making the plans or is he asking to hang out sometimes too?

    Lately I haven’t really thought much about my ex, but it really is because recently a close friend of mine was in a relationship and her boyfriend verbally abused her. After so many months of her family and I trying to get her to realize how he was treating her wasn’t good at all, she finally left him.

    Right now I have been giving her a lot of advice since she still loves him aside from how he was with her. I will never understand her situation because my ex never treated me like that, but it feels great to help her get through this.

    I know this has nothing to do with this website but the other day I saw a post from an old friend of mine, and it said “today will be a great day to be petty, but I won’t(:” and the date was the day of my birthday. It hurt me because my ex hangs out with her and her friends now and always goes to their parties. I know it was directed to me and it really hurt me, I don’t know how to explain it but I needed to vent about it.

    It was really childish to say and it would’ve been really immature if she did say something to me, especially since my ex has probably told her everything and she would be rude to me about that too.

    • Total Posts: 157

    Another bizarre thing to put on Facebook. What is with these people?!

    I think helping friends is a GREAT distraction although I’m very sad to hear about the way she has been treated. Love and addiction are so similar it can be hard to tell what’s what.

    He asked me to hang out on Saturday but I had plans, I asked him to hang out on Sunday and he said he would like to but he had plans (a friend in town). It’s just that communication since then has been not great–I’m probably reading into things too much, I think he was a little hungover today, which probably put him in a less than talkative mood. But I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking

    • Total Posts: 132

    I would say to hold off a couple days before you ask him again to hang out, unless he asks you and you are completely free, then go for it.

    • Total Posts: 157

    Oh yeah I’m not asking him to hang out again; I guess I’m wondering if it’s time to just walk away… It may be some premature frustration, I’m not sure. I just don’t know if I have the patience for this, it’s pretty painful to hold back from someone you used to be close with, no contact at all was easier for me

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