Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #65068
    • Total Posts: 425

    Yes, that is ver true. Im sorry for my sudden rant! I think the final shock of it finally hit and I was like awwww man πŸ™ and it just made me super duper sad πŸ™

    Noooo, I won’t freak out aboutit. I will keep my head high and my confidence growing. And that is very true! I will definitely stay strong and all is not ‘final’.

    I decided as well to get ‘tinder’…awkward, I know. But I thought that it would at least boost my confidence a bit (hopefully!) and maybe I’ll go on some fun dates. Its weird that the ex is going away tomorrow for his travels, but I’m remaining calm and collective about it now. I think when he gets back (september 14th!) I will be more ooer…but will see I guess.

    How long are you guys going to do NC for?

    • Total Posts: 157

    I’m thinking I won’t imitate contact at all. We will probably run into each other sooner or later and I will let things progress naturally from there. If that doesn’t happen and I still feel this way in a few months, I’ll reach out. We’ve been so on and off I’m afraid any contact from me will look like I’m begging for another go-around; no matter how cool I play it. What about you?

    • Total Posts: 73

    I’m in a quagmire over my situation to do with that. With her daughter leaving and that extra stress on her I don’t know if I even should break N/C. She leaves in ten days, the ex is gone an extra additional 2 weeks on top of that and then she is home. And then unfortunately I think that’s when the reality of her daughter is gone sets in. So I don’t want to cause anymore stress. So around then I will see if she calls me or wether I will reach out to her. Maybe she will continue to follow her pattern of 4 weeks ….. We shall see.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah- that’s a good idea. I reckon with extra stress you know she’ll be having let her be.

    Palmtrees2 I too reckon that you should wait and see what happens. i am also scared that mine will look like desperate attempts, especially as he said to wait longer than 3 months to contact. It’s a painful process, but think you should wait it out πŸ™‚

    The thing That’s crossing my mind at the moments are all the “what ifs” that I can’t stop. One of my exes friends (who I now know) had a fling with my ex before I wS with him and that was short lived, but didn’t progress because he didn’t ” communicate his feelings”. Now, I’m scared that as they are both single again sparks might reignite! The mind plays horrible tricks :'(

    • Total Posts: 157

    During our last break my ex went on two dates with an ex of his; I think that ultimately made him decide to come back to me. I hope that comforts you some.

    You are smart to keep your distance, I think when a relationship goes sour and one partner is having other issues simultaneously, the other partner gets subconsciously blamed for those issues. I’m sorry she’s going through duh a hard time but maybe she will realize it was easier with your support and reach out.

    • Total Posts: 73

    You are right pAlmtree, but it is hard. Ive been really good for awhile, bust as Amy said, your mind can toy with u. And the “what ifs” are the worst. My ex posted about her daughters birthday and how she was leaving and she was going to miss her so much(I only seen it because she tagged her sister in it. I unfriended her after the break up to heal). Well the emotions and the “what ifs” just hit me hard. It’s hard not to reach out, try to help, comment on the status or even not to like it. When u love someone. πŸ™

    But I know what I need to do, and I think she will reach out for those reason eventually pAlmtree. It’s just amazing how the mind can push aside reason so quickly. I thank all of u for accepting me into this group. As much as one knows what he must do, a little assurance and advice sure goes a long way to keep the course. And I really do appreciate it.

    • Total Posts: 157

    I completely understand! Having a hard day myself and any help I can give helps me too.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true πŸ™‚ and i agree with both of you – we have done very well.

    I know that he’s set off on his flight now, so I woke up particularly sad πŸ™ but I’m realising this is PRIME opportunity to focus on me. NNC is horrible ATM-almost broke it to say have a good trip. But 3 weeks have gone by so shouldn’t be too bad….until November ??

    Let’s hope they will reach out!! Apart from ny very stubborn ex/the fact he’s travelling I reckon you guys all have a great chance!

    • Total Posts: 157

    So my former roommate ran into him at dinner last night. I was actually going to meet up with her until I found out he was there. He sent a nice text wishing well and apologizing for not helping me move (he was supposed to store a space bed I have at his place). It was nice, I replied telling him not to worry about it but refrained from asking how he is or anything… But now I’m kind of disappointed in myself because I am kind of waiting to see if he responds with more.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Palm trees 22 have you heard anything since?

    • Total Posts: 157

    No and I doubt I will unless I run into him

    • Total Posts: 425

    So guys-my ex has NEVER put smapchat stories up-ever. All of a sudden he is putting them up of
    His trip! Do you think this is to show he is really happy?! Note he has never done this before….ever ??

    • Total Posts: 157

    In my opinion, irregular social media activity points to signs that he is trying to get to you, but I cannot read his mind and have no idea why he is doing this. Please stop viewing them; it’s going to make you sad if you see him with a group of girls at some point on this trip and your might jump to conclusions. Plus, he can see that you are viewing— I’d block him to cut temptation

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeh – I didn’t actually mean to look/see it annoyingly. I was watching my friends and then his popped up- I was like oh my gAwd you actual POo-4 years together and he never put one of us up and now 2 since we broke up! ?

    I’ve been putting a few up, so maybe he’s seeing it as a “I’m busy too” type thing? Yeah I definately will. Will he know?

    • Total Posts: 73

    Amy, u need to delete or block him for your sanity. Even if u didn’t mean to u would have eventually looked. Trust me I know, and unfortunately it always gets the mind running. In this situation maybe a small chance it’s towards u. But I think mostly it’s just a generalized thing, to show everyone he knows. He is on a trip right, so that’s different and exciting from his daily norm. I wouldn’t be too concerned if he can tell u blocked him or not …. U need to worry about yourself in this situation first. Ive learnt this the hard way myself.

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