Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #64779
    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s very true about he dating-very nerve racking! ThS what I’m worried about thoug the most- that he’ll meet someone nicer! ?

    I think we should all have personal “aims” for a few months time though πŸ™‚ either lose weight, achieve something new-something that will make us feel good about ourselves!
    Also I e found I write on this whenever I want to text my ex which is so useful haha

    • Total Posts: 73

    It’s great to see such a supporting thread. Considering everyone is here for the same reasons. I seem to relate to each of u a bit, A few comments if I may….

    Amy111, I too have stewed over reasoning for my break up and wondered. I don’t think u will get anymore of a straight answer now as u did then. I was able to question my ex, and well she seemed as confused 2 months later as she did when we broke up (long back storey) ….. And unfortunately just fed me a lot more weak excuses to dwell on that had no real plausible reasoning in the end. So it didn’t help me or our situation to question her about it, and put her on the spot. I should have just let it be, since it just created more questions. But it is hard not to dwell on reasons that just don’t add up, I know.

    Kiya, I can tell u he is not happy. Sure he seems like it at times, but u guys spent too much time together to just forget and move on to instant happiness. My ex has a pattern of apparently having to see me when she thinks she is happy and over everything(about a month of NC). She comes and is all happy go lucky and we visit, she is inquisitive and very talkative and it’s like we’re good friends as she leaves. I act the same as I always do. And then she changes after and avoids me, starts acting weird and closed of once again (I don’t push or initate much contact after, so I’m not pushing her). I believe my ex gets to a point where she convinced herself she is happy, has moved on and then seeing and talking to me just blows that notion up. So in your case I am a firm believer if he is avoiding seeing u, it’s not because he has moved on and is happy. It wouldn’t be an issue for any one if they have moved on and didn’t care anymore. But rather the opposite. I think u going n/c would be beneficial to both of u.

    Just a few thoughts.

    • Total Posts: 73

    I just noticed I missed a thread page or two of msg before I responded. So I may be a tad bit behind the convo, in regards to my responses.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Soupy – thanks, that is very true! If you don’t mind me asking, from a boys point of view, my ex told me he needed to grow up and the only way to do that was without me ad to experience other people – he is also going travelling for 8 weeks, and doesn’t want to speak to me for at least 3 months – i was going t wait 4 and a half months, but do you think in that time plus him travelling, he would still remember me? its my biggest fear that he will be able to move on really easily – apparently he spoke to a friend the day after he broke up with me and said how “its a shame, but its better for us in the long run, I’m going to let it cool off for a while and then hopefully we can be good friends” – the good friends part got me really worried! :'(

    • Total Posts: 50

    Welcome to the group soupy and thanks for that advice it kind of makes me have hope..i stopped texting him after i asked the girls for help and surprisingly he asked to see me tomorrow..he said can he stop by my house after work, not for long though. I told hom yes but im not sure if that’s the best thing..
    Also if you dont mind me asking what is your story?

    Amy i think thats a great idea we should all definitely set a goal and tell each othet about it..its almost august so new month new start..for me i want to lose weight i got this dress i want to wear for my bday but i got it a little smaller so that i can lose weight to fit in it…wbu? And definitely write us! I wish i could respond quicker but i dont get every notification so im usually always behind..

    • Total Posts: 120

    Hi soupy and welcome πŸ™‚ Thanks for your insight, that’s really interesting to hear from a guy’s point of view.

    Great idea about the goals. Not sure what mine could be… I wanted to start kickboxing again so maybe I’ll look for a class near work and sign up!

    Kiya – hope that goes okay… why does he want to stop by? Hope you get some answers!

    Amy – of course he will remember you! he will never forget about you. Also, it is unlikely that he would admit to a mutual friend of yours that he wants you to wait around for him! That would make him look like a dick. He’s saying that he wants to be friends because he doesn’t want to be seen as someone who wants his cake and eats it too.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Kiya that sounds like a fab idea! I think I might do the same thing with clothes/a dress! I think you should definitely play it VERY cool with him. don’t be needy, act as cool as possible!! you will be great. make sure you look good too – but not like you’ve tried too hard πŸ˜‰ Im sure you will be great πŸ™‚

    Im a little annoyed actually – I’m going away with a friend next week and since the break up I’ve put on a little bit of weight πŸ™ wanted to look good in a bikini for pics on Facebook bt don’t think thats going to happen! :/

    • Total Posts: 157

    I am not going to lie to you, he is probably going to be very distracted and having a lot of fun over the next eight weeks. However, when he gets back I have a feeling that your absence is going to hit him like a ton of bricks. While traveling is a helpful way to feel good about yourself it also takes you away from reality and when you get back and something is off… The feeling is not great. However, I urge you not to be read it available upon his return– as difficult as that is.


    Glad to hear he has changed things up; I’m sure that encourages everyone else as well. Funny how after you get pur through so much crap you’re not even sure you still want the things you used to… In past break ups I’ve been the same. My last ex proposed at one point ?? keep us posted on what you decide

    • Total Posts: 425

    Palmtrees22 that’s a good point-I guess I’m just worried that he’s had 2 weeks to get over me before he goes on holiday and by the time he gets back he would have forgotten all about me πŸ™ he starts his new job a week after he gets back, so basically he’s kept himself super busy for 3 months after the break up-very convenient for him. I guess looking at all of that makes me worried that he’ll manage to get over me super quick πŸ™ but never know hey haha!

    • Total Posts: 157

    That feeling is totally understandable but I think it’s unlikely. I have a theory that break ups take a little while longer to affect guys; and maybe Soupy can speak to this. But at first breaking up seems bright and shiny and then after the first few weeks on their own, they realize they miss the companionship and the grass isn’t really greener. My question for you (and myself honestly) is if he comes back, do you really want someone who had to abandon you to figure out your worth?

    • Total Posts: 73

    I have to admit it has been hard to read up and keep everyone’s details/storeys straight. So bare with me, as I’m going to try and base my comments on direct points recently made.

    Amy, I can see why your having a hard time accepting his reasoning. Unfortunately I’ve been in your shoes and have had Friends do the same before a they go traveling for an extended period. It may be because he doesn’t think it’s fair to hold u back For that period of time? Or it may be to have the freedom to do what he pleases while he is gone, guilt free. Especially for the age you guys are at. Palmtree22 said it best….don’t read into his trip too much. It will be distracting and he will have fun. But reality always sets back in when u get home. So no he won’t forget about u at all. Keep working on yourself and u never know how u will feel in a couple months.

    Kiya, I’m happy to hear u were able to stop the msg. I’m sure it made him think, especially with wanting to meet up now. I hope it goes well for u. And as Amy said, try to be as relaxed and in control as u can be. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s true guys! I will forget about it and work on myself πŸ™‚ I’m still worrying about whether there was a “real” reason for breaking up with me that he’s not telling me but I guess I’ll find that out in time.

    soupy what is your story?

    • Total Posts: 73

    Palmtree22, I think it does take most men longer for things to hit them emotionally. We live in the moment more, and think less about further into the future. so that is probably a safe theory for most male dumper and dumpee. But I do think the dumper of any sex does take awhile for them to come around, because they have to work past the reasons they decided to call it quits in the first place. And unfortunately the dumpees actions and words play a big part in that timeline. That is why I think N/C for awhile is the best solution in most situations.

    • Total Posts: 120

    I think you’re right Soupy, it takes a while for them to see what’s happened and to really process everything. My ex still has a hell of a lot of negative emotions around our breakup. I did NC for just over 30 days and sent him a message apologising and saying that we need space etc (everything that Kevin suggests you put in the letter), and his response was pretty nasty. He basically took it as another opportunity to attack me even though it was probably the most diplomatic message I’ve sent in my life! So I think the amount of time NC should be varies greatly.

    I think Amy and I are in the same boat in that we don’t really know the real reasons behind the break up and its so frustrating. It’s just something you have to let go, which is super hard! If you enter into a new relationship with them eventually, you cannot dwell on the past. Gotta let it go yourself for your own sanity.

    • Total Posts: 50

    Amy and lin just curious my brother asked me this last night and i surprisingly wasnt sure..but ok his question was you say you want to know the real reason he left you right, but are you ready for the real answer? And will that change the fact that he still left?..i was like mhmm i never thought about it i just wanted closure but maybe I should find my own…excuse me WE should find our own.

    Also Amy! I’m not sure when your leaving but look up this thing called jj smiths green smoothie cleanse! It was great and tasty and i lost like 10 lbs

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