Boards Reconciliation Could I get him back after I dumped him…twice?

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  • #62023
    • Total Posts: 4

    So here’s the whole story.

    About a year and a half ago I joined this club and that where I met Aaron. He and I started talking around Christmas of 2014. We really hit it off. We became more than friends shortly after. After about two months of just “talking” I decided that what we had wasn’t going anywhere so I decided to break it off. I still had feelings for him. We remained really good friends. Towards the end of the summer of 2015 once again we became more than friends. This time we actually started dating. I was really happy but then I said those 3 words…”I love you” and he couldn’t say it back. I kinda just let it go as that he just wasn’t ready to say it yet. A month past and he still hadn’t. I was a manager for the wrestling team at this time and this guy started showing interest in me at a tournament. I decided to leave Aaron for this guy(mark) believing he could show me the affection I seeked. Aaron and I remained friends. Two months later. Aaron and I Humg out a few times and all those feelings I had for him came back. We started texting everyday and hanging out a lot. I became distant from Mark. Mark recently broke up with me. Now those feelings I had for Aaron have grown stronger. Aaron and I hung out and all I wanted to do was kiss him. We’ve talked every day. I guess I just want to figure out if I have another chance with him?

    Not their real names for privacy purposes.

    • Total Posts: 4

    Also just to clarify Mark and I broke up last Wednesday. So it hasn’t been long. I had these feelings for Aarong before the relationship with Mark and I ended so I don’t think he’s a rebound but I don’t know. Also I’m leaving for college in August but I think he and I could make it work. He and I share the same career path so it’s not like we are going to be leaving eachother a lives anytime soon. I don’t want to rush things with Aaron just in case I’m rebounding.

    • Total Posts: 4

    Aaron keeps asking to hangout and stuff and he’s kinda flirty but he just has a flirty personality. I just don’t know and I’m really confused.

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