Boards Reconciliation He found out I went on a date, and is furious! HELP

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    So my ex and I have been together for 2 years. We broke up about 2 weeks ago. He still loves me and has started acting friendlier towards me since the breakup. Things were looking good UNTIL

    He went through my phone last night while I was sleeping (We live together). He saw that I was taking the “No Contact” advice of dating other people during the waiting period. I was talking to another guy about going on a date with him. It would’ve been completely harmless and just for fun because I still want my ex. But after he went through my phone he was so mad.

    Of course he didn’t SAY he was mad, it was his actions that spoke to me. But basically he is making it seem that whatever chance there WAS, i ruined it or something.

    IS THIS A GOOD SIGN?? I never intended on making him jealous, I wasn’t even gunna tell him about the date. I didnt think he’d go through my phone. But now he knows. Is this jealousy a good sign? Can I play this to my advantage? Is he only jealous like this because he still cares? Or do you think he really hates me now and is gunna try and get back at me? I didn’t do anything wrong, HE dumped me. WHAT DO I DO

    • Total Posts: 10

    The problem I see is, we don’t have too much information. Did you talk to him about fixing everything? And did he tell you to move on? If not then that’s probably why he is upset at the moment.
    He probably just thought you guys were taking a break, and it might have upset him. I don’t know what vibe to sense here. If it was me and we broke up and you had a date only 2 weeks after, I’d be pretty upset too. But seeing as you didn’t actually go on the date I wouldn’t be too upset.
    It’s all about communication, my girl left me about 5 weeks ago, it was sorta mutual, I knew things were falling doing and she did too, partially it was my fault but I asked to talk it out and she said no. But a couple days later I texted her asked “look, I need to know am I giving you space and not moving on? Or are we both deciding to move on” she texted me “I don’t know, but I won’t be moving on soon and if you want to you can”
    This told me she is telling me to move on but she doesn’t want me to. I trusted she wouldnt, but if she ever did have a date I wouldn’t snap on her or be mad , that’s because we tasked about it. Two weeks to me is alittle to early to be going on dates but alot of people think different on the subject. If I were you, I’d try and communicate don’t seem needy but just be honest and ask him “am I giving you space to think? Or are you moving on?”

    • Total Posts: 2

    Of course I did, after he broke up with me I tried to talk to him about it. I told him I wanted to fix things and that’s not what he wants right now so it’s definitely a break up and not just a break. I have tried to communicate with him, but he’s not at a point where he WANTS to communicate about things. Which is why I’m trying the No Contact.

    I also feel 2 weeks is too early, the only reason I considered it was because it was in the “No Contact” guide I was reading about. The whole point of NC is to do things to better yourself and not be a doormat to your ex during the “wait” period. I figured going on a harmless date would help boost my confidence and give me somewhere else to put my attention besides him. I honestly would not pursue the guy, I just thought it would be a beneficial thing for me to do while I’m waiting for the 1 month of No Contact to be over.

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