Boards Reconciliation my ex broke up with me over the summer break

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    Hey everybody, my ex and i meet in collage and we been together for 5 months. while we were in school, we augured about the the same simple things quite often about 3 times a week. We woke up together everyday, basically lived together, we did every single thing together everyday. We had each other 24/7. but we did have our arguments. they were mostly started by me telling her what she was doing something wrong. Then summer started and she went back home. and I felt like she wasn’t giving me as much attention. And basically, i augured with her about it everyday for 5 five weeks since she went back home. I got to the point that i was threatening to leave her. I know it was stupid. I had no intentions though. then the last straw was when she was trying to tell me that her time of the month was a good days late and had a pregnancy scare for the past days and I was being hard and brushed it off as nothing, with the hopes that she would just tell me. And I refused to entertain her. So she went to her parents and told them everything. They hated me after that, they never liked me to begin with even thou they never meet me. And that’s when it was settled between them that I wasn’t good enough and they agreed that we shouldn’t be together then she broke up wit me the next day. I begged and pleaded for about 3 days, she told me out right that she didn’t love me anymore. and were never getting back together. I know her, she is the most stubborn, strong willed person I ever meet. Shes not like other girls, once she makes up her mind, nothing can change that, no matter how she feels. She made a promise to never be with me again to her dad, I don’t think she will have it in her to go against a promise to him. Their extremely close, and they talk about everything. i know i brought all of this on myself, and I convinced her that I didn’t care about her. I never wanted to break up, and never thought that she would with me, I took her feelings for granted. I’m in the NC period. I texted her my last beg and plea, “ill change”, “i need you”, yesterday and she hasn’t responded. What I want to know from people with experience is that, does it seem like there is still a chance when school starts? Or should i just accept that i fucked up for good,and it’ll never happen again?

    • Total Posts: 20

    Go to college. Have fun. Live your life. You’ll be in pain for some time, but eventually things will sort themselves out. The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” applies here, I believe. When the next semester starts, and you have the chance to start seeing each other once again, her promise to her dad may not hold up for very long.

    Furthermore, ultimatums like that (especially when you haven’t done anything VERY wrong, like cheating) imply a degree of immaturity. Either, her parents still exert a strong degree of influence over her (and it was actually THEIR decision for you two to break up), or she’s not old enough yet to understand how dramatically things can change over relatively long periods of time (A promise never to date you again really should hold no water in 5 years, if you catch my drift).

    I know it’s hard to go from waking up next to someone, every day, to essentially being alone, but just surround yourself with good friends, get some hobbies, start working out, etc. You’ll feel better; and when you feel better, you’re more appealing.

    • Total Posts: 2

    well hey ill try. thats all i can do. shes pretty firm on not getting back with me.

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