Boards Reconciliation Day 26 of no contact. No sign of her wanting me back, advice?

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  • #43142
    • Total Posts: 9

    So long story short me and my ex were together for 3 years. We lived together at one point and were head over heals for eachother. About a year ago I broke up with her because I didn’t love her as much anymore, but sure enough we still talked and got back together about a month later. We really haven’t been super official since then but we have been with each other as we were before and we loved eachother once more.

    Come December I could tell things were going downhill. She started becoming distant and didn’t want to hang out with me as much “didn’t have time for me” even though she was doing many other things. She just got more and more distant the next few months until finally in March she told me that she had little feelings for me anymore. This broke my heart but i thought i could respark something because she had done the same for me a year earlier. But about 3 weeks later (April 1st, 2 days after my birthday) She told me she didnt love me anymore and doesnt think she’ll ever feel the same again and dumped me and blocked me on all social media. Luckily i knew about NC before, so i started immediately.

    My original thought was that she found someone else, but that was proven wrong when a mutual friend of ours asked her and she said no. Its been 26 days of Nc and i see no signs of her missing me, and she hasn’t reached out to me in any way. I love her more than anything but I’m beginning to dread that I’ll never see or talk to her ever again. Her last tweet was a song lyric “She don’t love you she’s just lonely” and that made me lose hope. Is there any way that I can re ignite the flame in her to make her fall in love with me again? How much longer should I do no contact?

    • Total Posts: 151

    Wait for another 2 weeks or so,sometimes it takes more time.After I started NC on jan 13 my ex g/f emailed me on Feb 20th.
    Its been a year next month but I still have hope and doing very low contact on emails,no text or calls from Jan 13th but my ex reply my emails and came twice to see me,it is 4 year of relationship.

    So I would say do more NC and it will surely help.Good Luck.

    • Total Posts: 73

    I agree. Another 2-3 weeks may help. Since she came to see u twice, it means she is still thinking of u…
    Dont lose hope yet !

    • Total Posts: 58

    You guys need to stop doing this “30 day No Contact” shit … it’s useless and makes you look weak.

    You need to move on. If your ex contacts you, good, you just need to organise a date …. if they don’t, they won’t ever.

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