Boards No Contact Rule Will she come back after NC?

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  • #42347
    • Total Posts: 75

    So my girlfriend broke up with me roughly 2 1/2 weeks ago and during the first week, I tried getting her back. I never tried to persuade her or convince her, but merely explain my feelings and hoped she would feel that her decision was rash.

    About a week an a half ago, she stated that she just wanted to be friends and that was it (to sum up a long conversation). The next day, I texted her to see when I could drop off some of her stuff that I found. She stated that she was busy and that maybe the next day would work. She never texted me back.

    Fast forward a week and that’s the first time I see her (at an event we both go to that I’m required to be at and while still on NC). I see her, say hi in a friendly manner and keep walking past her. Later on that day, she texted me asking if I could bring her stuff by that day and apologized for waiting so long to talk to me. Two days later, I texted her back saying I had some time to give her the stuff back and she said later on that day would work and that she would let me know when. She texted saying when she got home, so I went home, picked up her stuff and headed to her place.

    I walk to the door give her the stuff and just say “Hey, here’s the stuff, I’ll see you around”. As I’m walking away, she has this disappointed looking face on and starts saying something with the door open. I turn around to ask what she was saying and I follow her back into her place to hear her say she has my cup that she put some flowers in one time. I say “Oh, thanks for getting it back to me, and start to turn around to leave”. she then asks me if I was okay because usually I would try to talk to her, but this time I didn’t. I said that I was tired from a practice I had earlier in the day (which was true) and that I had more practice later that night. I said thanks for the cup again and walked myself out and shut the door behind me.

    I tried maintaining NC even though I really wanted to see her, but my question is: since she didn’t try to talk to me or try to at least do anything to keep me there, will she ever contact me? I’ve done all I can do and I can’t contact her for now and I really want her back, but I feel like she won’t reach back out to me. She’s about to leave for the summer while I’m in my NC period, which will ultimately increase that period by 3 months, but she will be back and I know I’ll see her in late August.

    • Total Posts: 58

    If you go no contact now, I’m sure she will.

    When she does contact you, you NEED to follow this guide

    LEVEL UP To Win Her Back: Game Plan in 5 Stages

    He’s a great, straight to the point relationship coach that I’ve been following since my ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago.

    My ex contacted me after 2 weeks, and it already feels like the ball is in my court, not hers.

    • Total Posts: 75

    I know there’s no real answer to this question as it depends entirely on a person, but how long do you think it might take for her to reach out to me? I may see her tomorrow evening at an event we both might be at, but that’s the last time I’ll physically see her and I don’t think she’ll try to talk to me then.

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