Boards Reconciliation How can I show him I've changed and is it too late?

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  • #41037
    • Total Posts: 40

    It’s been six months since we broke up and its been crazy. I hated him for a while and then wanted him to apologize cause he was a jerk after we broke up but now that it’s been six months I’m finally realizing I tore our relationship apart. I was too overbearing, I was winy and emotional (maybe because I felt like I was losing him, but reading old texts makes me disgusted I was so annoying), I never trusted him fully and I don’t understand why he was such a good guy, I would get upset if he didn’t text me while he was out partying which is 100% understandable why he wouldn’t text me he’s having fun I shouldn’t have been like that and ever since we’ve broke up I’ve grown up a lot as a person and I’m more confident with myself and I would never do those things ever again I know that now. The thing is I still love him very very much and would love to be together again someday but I’m scared because of how crazy I was and how long it took me to realize it I’ve ruined any chance of that. About a month ago we hung out and we ended things on really good terms as friends and we talk every now and then and after that meeting I didn’t think I wanted him back but I do so bad now and I feel bad for ever acting so crazy in our relationship before. I know I would never be like that again if we were to get back together and I don’t know if I should apologize to him for acting that way or what? Also do you guys think it’s too late to ever make it work again? We dated for three and a half years and it’s almost six months since we broke up. If I want to show him I’ve changed and grown up and wanna get back together how should I do it? Advice please!!!!!

    • Total Posts: 711

    Definitly not late! I would say try to get closer to him again as friends, go out as friends, go out with mutual friends. Try to build attraction again. And also by getting closer and spending time as friends that is how you can show him you have changed. Take note of the things you did wrong and think how you can show him you have changed.

    A very good example, I wwas always very controlling. So in the beginning I would try to not ask, ever, what he was doing or who he was doing it with. Things like that 🙂

    • Total Posts: 40

    How should I try to do that I don’t want him to be like annoyed if I try to talk to him all the time we only talk briefly like once week since we met up about a month ago. He’s texted me once and I texted him twice but I don’t wanna annoy him if I do how would you advise I go about it?

    • Total Posts: 40

    Also should I wait until his birthday next week to text him or should I try to start talking to him again now? Answers please

    • Total Posts: 33

    When you texted last did he reply – who ended the messages first? Have you read up on text your ex back advise in more depth? Have a look at this website – I found it quite interesting
    I ask this because he if didnt reply to your text last you need to leave it about 10 days or so before you do re text and I would follow the texting rules – don’t buy into the ‘buy this product today’ just read the free advise.
    You should wish him a happy birthday but keep it light its never a bad thing to be friendly just dont be over friendly straight a way as you have only been back in contact for a month.
    Ask to meet for a quick coffee when you’ve exchanged a few more texts ‘I’ll be at such and such next week if you fancy a quick coffee’? And take it from there……

    • Total Posts: 40

    Yeah he always responds just last time all he texted back was with the monkey emoji and it was Thursday night so I knew both of us were going to be going to parties and drinking so I just didn’t respond but usually if I get a text that’s kind of like a conversation ender I won’t reply because I don’t wanna feel like I’m annoying him, but were both on really good terms with one another we’ve already gone through all the drama part and now I realized now that things are calm I still love him and always will and would love to give it another shot, I just don’t know how since we’ve been broken up for 6 months

    • Total Posts: 33

    I think you need to view it as a new relationship. Carry on in the same way as if you had just met the guy so playing it cool and you gotta go for it and start to attempt some flirty texts!! Its got to be done because you can see how he responds then and if it was quite the response you wanted – play it cool for a couple of weeks and try again. Texts are a good way to start the ball rolling. Thats’ really great that you are back on good terms – that should give you a real boost – I havent spoken to my ex in 2 months he just wont respond at all – we’d been together 14 years.

    • Total Posts: 262

    So did you break up with him or did he break up with you? Have you dated other guys? Has he dated other girls?

    • Total Posts: 40

    It was kind of mutual I guess were both in college I’m a sophomore and he’s a freshman and I was being too clingy and as a freshman boy in college it obviously chased him away but yeah I’ve dated other guys not like seriously I’ve just like hooked up with other people and I’m sure he has too but I’m not 100% sure I don’t really ask our friends cause I don’t wanna know but he’s very attractive so I’m sure he has, I mean it’s college and we both party a lot. We both go to school in Boston and are from the same town so I could ask to hang whenever, we go on summer break in like 3 weeks as well. Do you guys think I should start trying to send flirty texts after his birthday next Friday? Like start then? Or wait until were both home from school?

    • Total Posts: 40

    Also I’m awful at talking to new guys haha so trying to approach this as a new guy will be difficult I always get really awkward when I’m hit on

    • Total Posts: 33

    Hey @bmob7795 have you taken the plunge and started the texts? Is his birthday this Friday – I hope it goes well. I think you’ve just got to go for it because he is not going to make a move first. I admit I wouldnt really know how to go about it my self! I was with my ex for 14 years and I dont go to ‘bars’ etc anymore we just loved eating out together, going to the casino or watching films at home – Ive forgotten how to socialise! Most of my friends are older or with kids and I dont drink now so I find it all awkward.I even avoide situations so friends have stopped asking me (but thats a different story) But you do know what makes your ex tick – you know his likes and dislikes and you flirted with him when you first met him and it worked so it’s got to work again surely?!

    If you get chance to help with my situation Ive just written a new post:

    • Total Posts: 40

    I ended up just sending a quick text to him on his birthday just saying “hey happy birthday I hope you have a great day!” And he responded “thanks bridge” (bridge is my nickname that everyone calls me, which he knows I love when people call me it). I just didn’t respond cause I got nervous and we haven’t talked since Friday now. I don’t know if he’s with this other girl though they seem like good friends who hook up but it’s not like an official thing, which is fine that doesn’t bother me I have one of those too it’s just not like I have feelings for him though like I do for my ex. Should I text him soon and ask how is birthday was?

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