Boards No Contact Rule NC period ending soon need help asap!!!

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  • #35076
    • Total Posts: 21

    So my boyfriend and I of two and a half years broke up four months ago, but I found this website late after. I’m on day 28 of no contact. unfortunately, he comes back for spring break next week, 37 days into no contact. he has something of mine I desperately want back, and I want to see him for a little bit. he has a girlfriend of a little less than a month that I’m very very sure is a rebound, and I know he must miss me at least a little bit, because he had always looked at my snapchat story, but hasn’t since I put up pictures of me out with friends and I looked my best, also wearing the shirt of mine that was his favorite, so I know no contact has been making progress. So after this long ramble, how should I contact him to meet up? and if he agrees, how should I act when I’m with him? I really would love for us to have a second chance sometime in the future, and I don’t want to mess up whatever chance I might have by doing something wrong next week. and after the meet up, should I initiate another mint act period? I’m lost with this and need advice fast!

    • Total Posts: 64

    With the hang out, maybe suggest lunch at a place you both liked, or coffee or something super casual like that. Dinner, a movie, basically anything at night will feel too date-like for him. When you hang out, catch up about things, don’t mention his new gf, don’t mention your breakup, keep it upbeat and positive, nothing kills the attraction more than talking about all your past issues.

    As to after this week, assess it after you meet up. If it goes well, it’s fine to text him every once in a while, maybe once every week or 2, but always make sure it’s interestig, like “hey theres this new show I bet you’d like” or “did you see the new trailer for this movie I know you want to see?” Never ever say “hey” or “what’s up”. If it doesn’t go too well, well then go back to no contact for a while and try another meet up next time he is home. The bright side is if you did well on NC and you do hangout and keep it positive it shouldn’t go badly.

    • Total Posts: 21

    that makes sense and makes me a little less nervous about this whole thing, thank you! but another big worry I have is what if he brings up his new girlfriend or our breakup? how should I handle it?

    • Total Posts: 21

    like what if he tries to bring up his new girlfriend to make me jealous or something? how should I respond?

    • Total Posts: 40

    Oh, from my experience and a guy’s prospective I would suggest you to remain calm completely and be friendly with him whatever happens. Do not show your emotion and he would be curious about you at same time. I would also suggest to further let him reach out to you and just be friendly and happy about whatever going on. Surely you have great chances but don’t screw by showing any sign of being needy.

    Even I messed up actually and right now on NC. Would love to hear you and other’s suggestion about my story –

    • Total Posts: 21

    That makes sense, thank you! So showing that his new girlfriend doesn’t phase me will probably catch him off guard? I’ve also improved my physical appearance a lot since we last saw each other two months ago, working out and eating a lot healthier, so I look 10x better than when he last saw me. Since our breakup I had been updating my social media accounts a bit more frequently (always happy, never showing any signs of missing him at all), my favorite one being my snapchat story, because you can see who looks at it. He had looked at mine every single day, until one day I went to the city with a really close guy friend of mine. My friend is like a brother to me, we would never see each other romantically, but in my snapchat story it showed we were out to eat, shopping, and just walking around enjoying the city. After my ex looked at those snapchats, he hasn’t looked at them since. I’m guessing it made him jealous and he misses me? Or am I being hopeful? I mean, we dated for two and a half years, and he’s been with his new girlfriend for about a month, and he started hooking up with her only a few weeks after our breakup. it seemed to me that the entire relationship was built on physical pleasure last I talked to him (a month ago), but they’re still together, which has me a little worried and upset understandably. So i guess in a nutshell what I’m asking is, is his new relationship a rebound, and does he probably miss me? is NC working?

    • Total Posts: 40

    Yes, it will show confident version of you and that is damn attractive. And the way you have worked on yourself, I wish to do same about me as earlier little changes in me was noticeable to her. So in your case his looking into snapchat and then ignoring shows his confusion, surely NC is working perfectly, he is feeling something important is missing and to fill this void he is into rebound relationship which would get over as soon as you just be the happier you. Yes, important not to stalk or make him sense that you are insecure about his relationship, be funny and yourself. Hope this help and you are doing great. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 151

    1) How long you were together ?
    2) Who did break off ?
    3) Did you begged,cried,needy ?
    4) How come he got g/f so quick and started hanging out ?
    5) Why are you showing off so much on social media ?

    • Total Posts: 21

    1. 2 and a half years.
    2. He brought it up and we kind of agreed it would be best to break it off for a while.
    3. I didn’t beg or cry for him to come back, but I probably texted him a little too much.
    4. I wish I knew. I truly do. I don’t understand how you could move on so quickly after such a long and loving relationship. Even after the breakup he said he’d love if later on down the road we could work it out again because he loved me. Then days later he’s with her and trying to tell me he never missed me, although to me it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of that more than me.
    5. I’m not so much showing off as much as I’m just trying to enjoy my life, even if the one I love isn’t in it. if I’m out with friends, I’ll snapchat it. if I take a good selfie, or make a good meal, or have a good picture of my pets or my friends and I, I’ll instagram it. if something made me laugh, I’ll Facebook it.

    • Total Posts: 151

    OK…Just do NC and don’t contact him, especially I didn’t like the idea that he has this new girl so quick and he started dating her.

    I am a guy its been a approx. a year but I never thought of g/f or dating someone yet, even though I have been dumped by ex g/f and she doesn’t want to come back and told me numerous times to move on as she has moved on,we were together for 4 years.

    Just behave normal on social media OR disconnect everything for atleast 45/60 days and see results.It is very hard but that is the only resort left for you.I guess if his current relationship gets over or if they fight that is the only time he will come back.But if the current girl make him feel good,comfortable or he see more better future with her than you,the chances are slim.

    Are you middle eastern ? and what time zone are you in ?

    • Total Posts: 21

    I know the “Hlad” makes me sound middle eastern lol I’m Slovakian actually, but I live next to New York, so EST. and yea, with his girlfriend, I’m hoping it’s just a rebound. although he did enjoy the physical aspect of our relationship, which was hard now because we were long distance for a bit, he’s also a really deep and sensitive person, and she doesn’t seem to be. I just hope it’s a rebound and when we talk he realizes you shouldn’t just hide your feelings so deeply and use another person. again, this is me just really hoping she’s a rebound, and I’m pretty sure she is.

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