Boards No Contact Rule Snail Mail Letter

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  • #34211
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    Hi! I didn’t know about the NC rule but I just decided to not/stop contacting my ex-boyfriend. And today is my second day of nc. Then i cam across this article about the nc rule. This is a great idea!

    Thing is, Last sunday night( March 01, 2015) he suddenly decided that it would be best for us not to see each other again. Blocked me on fb, viber, whatsapp. So i tried to send him an email apologizing for my ‘clingy’ behaviour to him that led him to telling me not to contact him again and blocked me. He said he is firm with his decision not contact me again. I decided to reply/write him a snail mail that night. I actually received a letter from him Saturday night. In my letter, I asked for forgiveness and of course responded to the content of his letter to me.
    I sent the letter last Monday, March 02,2015). He will receive the letter between March 11-15. Should I re-start again from doing the NC rule when he eceives the letter or just continue with my nc countdown?

    • Total Posts: 59

    You have to restart NC any time you talk about the relationship with him. If you keep sending letters, you’ll never complete NC, and he will almost certainly get tired of getting letters very quickly.

    • Total Posts: 58

    Do NC as long as needed for you and then send him a snail mail following Kevin’s advice on how to write it. I did that with my ex, who had also blocked me and told me to leave him alone for good after I acted like a crazy bitch for months. The magic letter totally works! I wrote mine exactly how Kevin says we should and I received an email from my ex today, in which he says how he appreciates my letter, thinks of me sometimes and is always there for me! A complete 180 from the last time we spoke! I intend to go all the way now with Kevin’s plan and see where it takes me:) Even if we don’t reconcile at least now I know that my ex doesn’t hate me cuz honestly it was really bothering me…

    • Total Posts: 11

    Yes, as I understand it, NC is broken every time you have “serious” conversations with your ex, even if it’s just “how are you doing” etc. I would also recommend to stop writing letters and get some distance between the two of you. It is best for the relationship, but more important, it is important for YOU to sort things out with yourself.

    I am on the 8th day of NC and I am already doing better. Still horribly, but better!

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    @DivineGirl: How does that letter work? I couldn’t find it on the website. :/

    • Total Posts: 58

    At this link, you can read about Kevin’s five step plan, including writing the letter. Also he dedicates one of his emails to writing it. I copied his sample letter from the email almost verbatim and it actually worked. For the first time in 6 months I got a positive response. More thatn just that, I’m sure my ex is ready to continue the conversation and I got him thinking about me:)

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    Thank you divinegirl 🙂 …I am already anxious for Kevin’s next Mail (I just got the one yesterday). I started out NC 8 days ago…

    • Total Posts: 58

    The one about writing the letter comes after 2 weeks or so. Good luck!
    I did 30 days of NC, then wrote the letter and mailed it a month ago. He lives in another country so it took forever for the letter to get there. He emailed me that he just got it yesterday. I mean it’s not a panacea but at least elicits a response, which is better than nothing.

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